25 Polite Ways to Say, “Just to Be Clear”

English is a language full of nuances. Its richness allows for countless ways to express the same thought, yet each variant comes with its own subtleties in terms of formality, politeness, and appropriateness to the context.

Understanding these nuances can greatly enhance our communication skills. This article delves into 25 polite ways to say, “Just to be clear.”

25 Polite Ways to Say, “Just to Be Clear”

polite ways to say just to be clear

1. For Clarification

“For clarification” is a polite way of expressing the need for further understanding or additional explanation about a certain topic.

Example: “For clarification, are you suggesting that we move the meeting to next week?”

2. If I Understand You Correctly

The phrase “If I understand you correctly” is a non-confrontational way of checking your understanding of what the other person has just said.

Example: “If I understand you correctly, you’re saying we should postpone the project launch?”

3. Just to Make Sure I’m Following

The phrase “Just to make sure I’m following” communicates a sincere effort to understand the speaker’s point, thus creating an environment of open dialogue.

Example: “Just to make sure I’m following, you’d prefer that we finalize the budget before proceeding?”

4. Let Me See If I’ve Got This Right

“Let me see if I’ve got this right” is a polite way of summarizing or paraphrasing what has been said to verify your understanding.

Example: “Let me see if I’ve got this right, the deadline for the project has been moved to Friday?”

5. So, What You’re Saying Is

“So, what you’re saying is” allows you to confirm your understanding of what has been said and gives the other person the chance to correct any misunderstandings.

Example: “So, what you’re saying is, we need to complete the report by tomorrow?”

6. If I May Summarize

The phrase “If I may summarize” is a polite and formal way to ensure clarity. This phrase is often used in business or professional settings.

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Example: “If I may summarize, you’d like me to revise the proposal and resubmit it by Wednesday?”

7. To Ensure I’m on the Same Page

“To ensure I’m on the same page” is a cooperative expression that indicates your desire to fully understand and align with the speaker’s thoughts or plans.

Example: “To ensure I’m on the same page, the team meeting has been rescheduled to Monday?”

8. Could You Please Confirm

“Could you please confirm” is a polite and direct way of asking for clarification. This phrase is often used in email communication.

Example: “Could you please confirm that the presentation will take place in the main conference room?”

9. So, to Recap

“So, to recap” is a polite phrase used to summarize a conversation or points discussed. It allows you to confirm your understanding of the information.

Example: “So, to recap, the client would like us to incorporate these changes into the design?”

10. I Just Want to Verify

“I just want to verify” is a polite way to reiterate the information received and confirm that your understanding is correct.

Example: “I just want to verify, we’re meeting at 10 a.m. at the office tomorrow, correct?”

11. In Other Words

“In other words” is a useful phrase for rephrasing or paraphrasing what someone else has said to ensure that you understand their point.

Example: “In other words, we won’t proceed with the project until we secure additional funding?”

12. To Make Sure I Understand Correctly

“To make sure I understand correctly” is a respectful way of asking for clarification, showing the speaker that you are actively trying to understand their point.

Example: “To make sure I understand correctly, you’re proposing that we delay the product launch until the third quarter?”

13. Are You Suggesting That

“Are you suggesting that” is a polite way to ask for clarification about a suggestion or proposal someone else has made.

Example: “Are you suggesting that we change our marketing strategy?”

14. So, You’re Saying

“So, you’re saying” is a conversational way to clarify what the speaker is trying to convey. It can be used both in casual and professional contexts.

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Example: “So, you’re saying, we need to focus more on our online presence?”

15. Just to Be Sure I Grasp Your Point

The phrase “Just to be sure I grasp your point” shows that you are actively trying to understand the speaker’s point of view or argument.

Example: “Just to be sure I grasp your point, are you advocating for a complete overhaul of our existing system?”

16. For My Understanding

The phrase “For my understanding” is a humble way to ask for clarification, indicating that the responsibility for misunderstanding lies with you, not the speaker.

Example: “For my understanding, could you explain the new policy changes again?”

17. To Confirm What You’ve Just Said

“To confirm what you’ve just said” is a straightforward and polite way to ask for confirmation on the information you have received.

Example: “To confirm what you’ve just said, all employees will now be working from home on Fridays?”

18. I Want to Make Sure I Have This Right

“I want to make sure I have this right” is a respectful way of saying you want to ensure you have understood the information correctly.

Example: “I want to make sure I have this right, you’re recommending a 10% increase in our advertising budget?”

19. So, to Understand You Correctly

“So, to understand you correctly” is a polite phrase that shows you are actively trying to comprehend the speaker’s point.

Example: “So, to understand you correctly, our team is responsible for completing the project by the end of the month?”

20. To Be Certain I’ve Understood You

“To be certain I’ve understood you” is a courteous way of asking for clarity on a point, highlighting your intention to understand the speaker’s message correctly.

Example: “To be certain I’ve understood you, the quarterly review has been moved forward by a week?”

21. Could You Please Clarify

“Could you please clarify” is a direct but polite way of asking for more information or a better explanation of something that was not clear.

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Example: “Could you please clarify the steps involved in the new process?”

22. So, What I’m Hearing Is

“So, what I’m hearing is” is a respectful way to paraphrase or summarize what the speaker has said, giving them an opportunity to correct you if you have misunderstood.

Example: “So, what I’m hearing is, you’d like to change the focus of our campaign to target a younger demographic?”

23. Just to Double Check

“Just to double check” is a casual yet polite way of confirming or clarifying information that has been presented.

Example: “Just to double check, we are still on for lunch tomorrow at noon?”

24. Just to Make Sure I Have It Clear

The phrase “Just to make sure I have it clear” is a polite way of reiterating what has been said to ensure understanding.

Example: “Just to make sure I have it clear, the client wants to change the contract terms?”

25. Let Me Repeat That Back to You

“Let me repeat that back to you” allows you to express your understanding of the situation or instructions in your own words. It gives the speaker the chance to correct any discrepancies and ensure you’re both on the same page.

Example: “Let me repeat that back to you, we’re changing our supplier due to cost and quality concerns, right?”

These 25 phrases provide a variety of ways to politely and effectively clarify information in conversations. They show respect for the speaker and help to ensure that communication is clear and misunderstandings are minimized.

Practice these phrases in your daily conversations, and you’ll find your communication skills improving and your relationships strengthening.