15 Sample Letters of Medical Clearance for Surgery

In the realm of surgical procedures, obtaining a medical clearance letter is a pivotal step. This letter, typically written by a physician, confirms that a patient is in a suitable state of health to undergo surgery. It takes into account the patient’s overall medical condition, potential risks, and the specific requirements of the surgical procedure.

The importance of a medical clearance letter cannot be overstated, as it ensures patient safety and aids in the surgical team’s preparation.

letters of medical clearance for surgery

Sample Letters of Medical Clearance for Surgery

Below are 15 sample letters of medical clearance for surgery, each catering to different patient scenarios and health conditions. These samples serve as a guide for healthcare professionals in crafting effective and comprehensive medical clearance letters.

Sample 1: General Surgery Clearance

Dear [Surgeon’s Name/Hospital Name],

I am writing to provide medical clearance for my patient, [Patient Name], for the upcoming [Type of Surgery]. After a thorough evaluation, I confirm that [Patient Name] is in suitable health to undergo this procedure. All necessary pre-operative tests have been conducted, and the results do not indicate any contraindications for surgery.

I am available for any further consultations regarding [Patient Name]’s health status.

[Physician’s Name]

Sample 2: Cardiac Surgery Clearance

To Whom It May Concern,

This letter serves as medical clearance for [Patient Name] to undergo cardiac surgery. As a cardiologist, I have assessed [Patient Name]’s cardiac function and deem them fit for the procedure. We have addressed all modifiable risk factors and optimized [Patient Name]’s condition for surgery.

Feel free to contact me for any additional cardiac-related inquiries.

Kind regards,
[Cardiologist’s Name]

Sample 3: Orthopedic Surgery Clearance

Dear [Orthopedic Surgeon’s Name],

I am providing medical clearance for [Patient Name] for the proposed orthopedic surgery. Based on my assessment, [Patient Name] exhibits no medical conditions that would increase the risks associated with anesthesia or the surgical procedure itself. Their recent physical examination results support this conclusion.

Please reach out to me if you require further medical information.

[Physician’s Name]

Sample 4: Bariatric Surgery Clearance

To [Surgeon’s Name/Bariatric Surgery Team],

As [Patient Name]’s primary care physician, I have conducted a comprehensive evaluation and hereby provide medical clearance for their upcoming bariatric surgery. [Patient Name] has met all the pre-surgical requirements and is mentally and physically prepared for the procedure.

Should you need any additional health information, please contact me.

Best regards,
[Primary Care Physician’s Name]

Sample 5: Dental Surgery Clearance

Dear [Dentist’s Name/Surgical Team],

This letter confirms that [Patient Name] is medically cleared for the planned dental surgery. Having reviewed their medical history and current health status, there are no known conditions that would pose undue risk during the dental procedure.

Feel free to reach out for any further clarification regarding [Patient Name]’s health.

[Physician’s Name]

Sample 6: Clearance for Cosmetic Surgery

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to provide medical clearance for [Patient Name] for cosmetic surgery. After thorough medical evaluations, I conclude that [Patient Name] is in good health, and there are no medical contraindications for undergoing this elective procedure.

Should you require more detailed medical information, please contact my office.

Kind regards,
[Physician’s Name]

Sample 7: Pediatric Surgery Clearance

Dear [Pediatric Surgeon’s Name],

As the pediatrician for [Child Patient Name], I hereby provide medical clearance for the proposed surgical procedure. All pediatric-specific pre-operative assessments have been satisfactorily completed, and [Child Patient Name] is fit for surgery.

Do not hesitate to contact me for additional pediatric health information.

[Pediatrician’s Name]

Sample 8: Gynecological Surgery Clearance

To [Gynecologist’s Name/Surgical Team],

I am providing medical clearance for [Patient Name] for her upcoming gynecological surgery. Based on her current health status and medical history, there are no identified risks or conditions that would contraindicate the surgical procedure.

Please feel free to reach out for any further details.

[Physician’s Name]

Sample 9: Urological Surgery Clearance

Dear [Urologist’s Name],

This letter is to confirm that [Patient Name] has been medically cleared for the scheduled urological surgery. I have reviewed their urological and overall health status, and they are adequately prepared for the procedure.

Contact me if you need more insights into [Patient Name]’s medical background.

Best regards,
[Physician’s Name]

Sample 10: ENT Surgery Clearance

To [ENT Surgeon’s Name],

As [Patient Name]’s healthcare provider, I have completed a full medical evaluation and provide clearance for their upcoming ENT surgery. There are no health concerns that would complicate the surgery or recovery process.

Feel free to contact me for any additional medical information.

Kind regards,
[Physician’s Name]

Sample 11: Neurosurgical Clearance

Dear [Neurosurgeon’s Name],

This letter serves as medical clearance for [Patient Name] for the neurosurgical procedure you have planned. After an extensive neurological evaluation, I can confirm that [Patient Name] is an appropriate candidate for surgery and is likely to tolerate the procedure well.

For any specific neurological inquiries, please get in touch with me.

[Neurologist’s Name]

Sample 12: Ophthalmic Surgery Clearance

To [Ophthalmologist’s Name],

Please accept this letter as medical clearance for [Patient Name] for the upcoming ophthalmic surgery. I have evaluated [Patient Name]’s overall health, and they are fit to undergo the procedure. There are no systemic illnesses that would increase the surgical or anesthetic risk.

Contact me for more detailed health information if needed.

[Physician’s Name]

Sample 13: Clearance for Spinal Surgery

Dear [Spine Surgeon’s Name],

I am providing medical clearance for [Patient Name] for the spinal surgery you have scheduled. My assessment concludes that [Patient Name] is in optimal health for the procedure, with no contraindications from a medical standpoint.

Should you require further information, please feel free to contact me.

Best regards,
[Physician’s Name]

Sample 14: Dermatological Surgery Clearance

To [Dermatologist’s Name],

As the primary care physician for [Patient Name], I hereby provide medical clearance for the dermatological surgery you plan to perform. [Patient Name]’s current health status is conducive to undergoing this procedure, and there are no dermatological or systemic issues that would pose a risk.

For any additional details, please reach out to my office.

Kind regards,
[Physician’s Name]

Sample 15: Vascular Surgery Clearance

Dear [Vascular Surgeon’s Name],

This letter confirms that [Patient Name] has been medically cleared for the vascular surgery you have proposed. Comprehensive cardiovascular evaluations indicate that [Patient Name] can safely undergo the surgery with minimal risk for complications.

Please contact me for any further cardiovascular health information.

[Cardiologist’s Name]


These sample letters provide a framework for healthcare professionals to formulate effective medical clearance letters for various types of surgeries. Each letter highlights the importance of a thorough medical evaluation prior to surgery and affirms the patient’s readiness from a health perspective.

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Personalizing these letters to the patient’s specific medical condition and the nature of the surgery is essential. A well-drafted medical clearance letter is a key component in the surgical preparation process, ensuring patient safety and optimal outcomes.