What To Say When Someone Calls You Fake: 20 Suggestions

Being labeled as “fake” can be a jarring and unpleasant experience. This term often implies a lack of authenticity or sincerity in one’s actions or personality. Such an accusation can strike at the core of how we perceive ourselves and wish to be perceived by others.

In many cases, the label “fake” is used as a means to undermine or criticize, and navigating this situation requires a combination of self-awareness, tact, and sometimes, firmness.

The way you respond to being called fake can significantly influence the nature of your relationships and the respect you command in both personal and professional settings.

what to say when someone calls you fake

20 Things To Say When Someone Calls You Fake

Below are 20 nuanced suggestions for responding to this accusation, each tailored to different contexts and relationships. The aim is to provide a guide that helps maintain dignity, encourages introspection, and, where possible, clarifies misunderstandings.

1. Seeking Clarity

“I’m surprised to hear you say that. Could you please explain what made you feel this way? I value authenticity and would like to understand your perspective.”

When you genuinely don’t understand why you’re being called fake, asking for clarification can be a constructive approach. It shows a willingness to understand and address any issues that may have led to this perception.

2. Reflecting on the Comment

“Hearing you call me fake makes me reflect on my actions. I always strive to be genuine, so I’ll take some time to consider your words and see if there’s any truth to them.”

If the accusation makes you introspective, expressing this can be an effective response. It demonstrates openness to self-improvement and a commitment to authenticity.

3. Asserting Your Self-Perception

“I understand that you might see me that way, but I disagree. I try to be true to myself and others in all my interactions.”

When you feel misunderstood, it’s important to assert your own self-perception. This response communicates your disagreement with the accusation while affirming your commitment to being genuine.

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4. Addressing Misunderstandings

“It sounds like there might be a misunderstanding here. I’d like to clear up any misconceptions you have about me.”

Sometimes, being called fake is the result of a misunderstanding. Offering to clear up any confusion shows a proactive approach to resolving potential conflicts.

5. Keeping the Peace

“I’m sorry you feel that way. Let’s try to move past this and focus on more positive aspects of our relationship.”

In situations where maintaining harmony is more important than delving into the accusation, a conciliatory response can be the best course of action.

6. Challenging the Accusation

“I’m curious about why you would say that. In what way do you find me to be fake?”

If you feel the accusation is unfounded, directly challenging it can sometimes lead to a more honest and open conversation about the other person’s perceptions.

7. Using Humor

“Fake? Well, I assure you, I’m a real human being – last time I checked, anyway!”

Humor can be a useful tool to diffuse tension. This light-hearted response can be effective in casual settings where the comment might not be meant too seriously.

8. Expressing Disappointment

“It’s disappointing to hear you say that. I’ve always valued sincerity and try to embody that in my actions.”

When the accusation hurts or surprises you, expressing your feelings can help the other person understand the impact of their words.

9. The Diplomatic Approach

“I appreciate your honesty. Let’s work together to improve our communication and understanding of each other.”

A diplomatic response is appropriate in professional settings or when you’re dealing with someone you don’t know well but need to maintain a positive relationship with.

10. The Direct Approach

“I don’t agree with you, but I respect your right to your opinion. Let’s agree to disagree on this.”

Sometimes, the best approach is to simply acknowledge the difference in perspectives and move on, particularly in situations where further discussion is unlikely to be productive.

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11. Offering Reassurance

“I’m sorry to hear you feel this way. I want to reassure you that my intentions and actions are sincere.”

If you sense that the accusation stems from insecurity or misunderstanding, offering reassurance can be a compassionate response.

12. Seeking Feedback

“I’m committed to personal growth. If there are specific actions that made you feel this way, I’d be grateful for your feedback.”

If you’re open to constructive criticism and see this as an opportunity for growth, asking for specific feedback can be beneficial.

13. Setting Boundaries

“I understand we may have different perspectives, but I expect our interactions to be respectful. Let’s focus on that moving forward.”

In professional or formal relationships, setting boundaries about respectful communication is crucial, especially when accusations like being fake are involved.

14. The Conciliatory Response

“I hear what you’re saying and I’m sorry you feel that way. Is there something I can do to change your perception?”

A conciliatory response can be effective if you value the relationship and want to make amends or address any issues that have led to this perception.

15. The Confident Rebuttal

“I’m confident in my authenticity and sorry you can’t see that. Hopefully, time will show you my true character.”

When you are secure in your authenticity, a confident rebuttal can reaffirm your self-belief while leaving the door open for the other person to reassess their opinion over time.

16. The Casual Dismissal

“That’s an interesting take. Anyway, let’s focus on what we were discussing.”

In situations where the accusation doesn’t merit a deep dive, a casual dismissal followed by a redirection of the conversation can be effective.

17. The Reflective Question

“Do you really believe that, or is there something else bothering you about our interaction?”

Sometimes, accusations of being fake are symptomatic of deeper issues in the relationship. Asking a reflective question can help uncover these underlying concerns.

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18. Emphasizing Common Ground

“We might have our differences, but I believe we both value honesty. Let’s focus on what we have in common.”

In a situation where maintaining a relationship is important, emphasizing common values can help bridge gaps and smooth over accusations.

19. The Philosophical Response

“Your perception of me as fake is interesting. It makes me wonder how we all navigate the complex social expectations of authenticity.”

A philosophical response can be fitting when you want to take the conversation to a deeper level, exploring the broader themes of authenticity and social expectations.

20. The Open-Ended Conclusion

“I’m sorry to hear you feel that way. If you ever want to discuss this further and understand my perspective, I’m open to that conversation.”

This response leaves the door open for future dialogue, showing a willingness to engage and clarify any misconceptions, should the other person be willing to do so.


Responding to being called fake is a nuanced and personal process. It requires a balance between self-reflection, assertiveness, and empathy.

The key is to choose a response that aligns with your values, the specific context, and the dynamics of your relationship with the person. By doing so, you can handle such accusations with grace and maturity, fostering healthier and more authentic interactions.