What To Say When Sharing a GoFundMe: 20 Ideas

In the digital age, crowdfunding platforms like GoFundMe have revolutionized the way individuals and communities gather support for various causes, whether it’s for medical expenses, educational opportunities, or community projects.

However, the success of a GoFundMe campaign often hinges not just on the worthiness of the cause, but also on how it is presented and communicated to potential donors. Crafting the right message when sharing your GoFundMe link can significantly influence the outcome of your fundraising efforts.

what to say when sharing a gofundme

20 Things To Say When Sharing a GoFundMe

A well-crafted message should be compelling, empathetic, and clear. It needs to resonate with your audience, invoking a sense of urgency and importance about the cause. But how do you find the right words?

Below are 20 different ideas for what to say when sharing a GoFundMe, analyzing the appropriateness of each approach and the situations they fit best.

1. Personal Connection

“As someone who has personally experienced the challenges we are raising funds for, I understand the profound impact your support can have. This cause is very close to my heart, and I believe we can make a significant difference together.”

Using a personal connection in your message is particularly effective when the cause directly affects you or someone close to you. It builds a personal bridge between the cause and the potential donor, making the situation more relatable and compelling.

2. Specific Impact

“Your contribution can make a real difference. Just $50 can provide a week’s worth of meals for a family in need, or $100 can cover a medical consultation. Every donation, no matter how small, adds up to a significant impact.”

Outlining the specific impact of donations helps potential donors understand exactly how their contribution will be used and the tangible difference it can make. This approach is ideal for campaigns where funds are allocated for specific, quantifiable needs.

3. Urgency

“Time is of the essence. We need to raise these funds urgently to ensure that life-saving treatment can be provided. Every moment counts, and your prompt support could be pivotal.”

Communicating urgency is crucial in situations where there is a time-sensitive goal, such as funding for medical treatments or disaster relief efforts. It encourages immediate action and underscores the importance of the cause.

4. Community Involvement

“This is more than a fundraiser; it’s a community effort to support one of our own in a time of need. Your involvement not only provides financial support but also shows a heartwarming community spirit that we value so much.”

Emphasizing community involvement is particularly effective for local causes or when the beneficiary is a well-known member of the community. It highlights the collective effort and the strength of community support.

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5. Gratitude

“We are incredibly grateful for any support you can provide. Every donation, big or small, brings us closer to our goal and makes a real difference in the lives of those affected.”

Expressing gratitude in your message fosters a positive and appreciative tone. It’s a respectful way to acknowledge the potential donor’s generosity, making them feel valued and important to the cause.

6. Progress Update

“We are halfway to our goal! Thanks to your amazing support, we’ve raised $5,000 in just one week. Let’s keep the momentum going and reach our target to make this dream a reality.”

Providing progress updates generates excitement and a sense of collective achievement. It’s effective for maintaining momentum in ongoing campaigns, encouraging more contributions to reach the goal.

7. Storytelling

“Let me share with you the story of Jane, a bright young student whose dream is to become a doctor. Despite her exceptional talent, financial constraints are a major hurdle. Your support can help her achieve her dreams and make a lasting difference.”

Storytelling creates a narrative around the cause, making it more relatable and emotionally engaging. This approach works well for causes with a strong personal or human interest angle.

8. Matching Donations

“Exciting news! Every dollar you donate will be matched by a local business, doubling the impact of your contribution. This is a unique opportunity to make your support go even further.”

Announcing matching donations is a powerful way to incentivize potential donors, as it amplifies the impact of their contribution. This tactic is particularly effective when there is a third-party sponsor involved.

9. Visuals and Updates

“Please take a moment to view the photos and updates we’ve posted on our GoFundMe page. They truly depict the difference your support is making and the progress we are achieving together.”

Including visuals and regular updates in your message provides transparency and keeps donors engaged and informed about the campaign’s progress. It’s effective for maintaining interest and trust in the campaign.

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10. Call to Action

“Join us in this crucial effort by donating and sharing our GoFundMe link with your network. Your active participation can help us reach a wider audience and bring us closer to our goal.”

A clear call to action is essential in any fundraising message. It guides potential donors on what steps to take next, whether it’s donating, sharing the campaign, or both.

11. Emotional Appeal

“Every day, children in our community go to bed hungry. It’s a heartbreaking reality that we have the power to change. Your donation can bring hope and nourishment to these innocent lives.”

An emotional appeal is effective for causes that have a strong emotional or humanitarian aspect. It connects with the donor on a deeper level, tapping into their empathy and compassion.

12. Incentives

“As a token of our appreciation, donors who contribute $100 or more will receive a personalized thank-you card from the beneficiaries. It’s a small gesture to express our immense gratitude for your generosity.”

Offering incentives can motivate potential donors, especially when the incentives have a personal or sentimental value. It’s a way to show appreciation and create a more tangible connection with the cause.

13. Sharing Personal Contribution

“I have personally contributed $200 to this cause because I believe in its importance and impact. I invite you to join me in this effort to make a real difference.”

Sharing your personal contribution demonstrates your commitment to the cause and can inspire others to follow suit. It shows that you are not just asking for donations but are actively participating in the fundraising efforts.

14. Highlighting Success Stories

“Thanks to your support, we’ve been able to provide scholarships to 10 deserving students last year. Let’s continue this amazing work and help even more students achieve their educational dreams this year.”

Highlighting past successes builds credibility and trust in the campaign. It shows potential donors the tangible outcomes of their support and encourages them to contribute to ongoing success.

15. Reiterating the Need

“Despite the progress we’ve made, the need is still great. Many families are struggling, and every bit of help counts. Your continued support is crucial in keeping this lifeline going.”

Reiterating the need is important, especially in long-term or ongoing campaigns. It reminds potential donors that despite past successes, the cause still requires support.

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16. Inviting Questions

“If you have any questions about our campaign or how the funds will be used, please feel free to reach out. We believe in transparency and are happy to provide any information you need to make an informed decision about donating.”

Inviting questions demonstrates transparency and openness. It’s an effective way to build trust and engage potential donors who might be hesitant or seeking more information before contributing.

17. Sharing Testimonials

“Hear from those who have been directly impacted by our campaign: ‘The support I received was life-changing and gave me hope during a difficult time.’ These testimonials highlight the profound difference your donation can make.”

Sharing testimonials from beneficiaries or previous donors adds a human element to the campaign. It provides real-life examples of the impact of donations, making the cause more relatable and compelling.

18. Collaboration Appeal

“By donating to our GoFundMe, you’re not just giving money; you’re collaborating with us in a mission to create positive change. It’s a partnership where every contributor plays a vital role.”

Framing the donation as a collaboration emphasizes the donor’s role as an active participant in the cause. It’s an empowering approach that values the donor’s contribution as part of a collective effort.

19. Reflecting on the Bigger Picture

“This campaign is about more than just meeting our financial goal. It’s about building a community of support, spreading awareness, and creating lasting change. Your contribution extends beyond the monetary value.”

Reflecting on the bigger picture of the campaign connects the individual contribution to a larger mission. It’s effective for causes that have broader social, environmental, or community implications.

20. Concluding with Hope

“Together, we have the power to make a difference. With every donation, we move closer to a brighter future for those we are helping. Thank you for considering to support this cause and for being a beacon of hope.”

Concluding with a message of hope leaves potential donors with a positive and inspiring impression. It reinforces the importance of their contribution and ends the appeal on an uplifting note.