25 Things to Say Instead of “For Example”

One of the most commonly used phrases in professional writing is “for example,” a phrase used to introduce an illustration or a specific case that clarifies a broader point.

However, relying too much on this phrase can make your writing seem repetitive and unimaginative. In this article, I’ll explore 25 alternative phrases to “for example,” each bringing its own unique flavor to your writing.

things to say instead of for example

25 Things to Say Instead of “For Example”

Understanding when and how to use these alternatives can greatly enhance the quality of your business correspondence, making it more engaging and precise.

1. To Illustrate

To illustrate, consider the success of our latest marketing campaign.

Using “to illustrate” is appropriate when you want to provide a clear example that sheds light on your previous statement. It’s particularly useful when the example is a defining case that exemplifies your point. This phrase is best used when the example is a straightforward demonstration of your main idea.

2. As an Illustration

As an illustration, the annual report demonstrates a significant increase in sales.

The phrase “as an illustration” serves a similar purpose as “to illustrate,” but it has a slightly more formal tone. It is ideal for instances where the example is meant to serve as a direct visual or conceptual aid in understanding the main topic.

3. Consider This

Consider this: our customer satisfaction ratings have improved by 30% since last year.

“Consider this” is a more direct and engaging way to present an example. It works well when you are trying to draw the reader’s attention to a particular fact or figure that strongly supports your argument. It’s best used in a context where the example is not just illustrative, but also somewhat surprising or particularly compelling.

4. For Instance

For instance, several of our competitors have adopted a similar approach.

“For instance” is a classic synonym for “for example” and is useful for introducing an example that is one of many possible illustrations. It implies that the example is randomly chosen from a broader set of possible examples.

5. Such As

Our products have several unique features, such as the advanced battery life.

“Such as” is ideal for introducing specific examples without preceding them with an explanation. It’s straightforward and is often used to list examples in a series. This phrase is best used when the examples are integral to understanding the main point.

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6. Namely

We need to focus on our key growth areas, namely, the Asian and European markets.

“Namely” is used to specify exact examples and is often followed by a more detailed explanation. It is best used when the examples are both illustrative and exhaustive of the category you’re discussing.

7. In Particular

Our team excels in many areas, in particular, in customer service.

“In particular” is a great way to highlight a specific example as especially important or noteworthy. It’s useful when the example you’re giving is not just one of many, but holds particular relevance to your argument.

8. Take, for Example

Take, for example, the case of our successful product launch in Japan.

“Take, for example” is a conversational and engaging way to introduce an example. It works well in more informal business communications and is effective in drawing the reader’s attention to a specific case or story.

9. As Evidenced By

Our strategy is effective, as evidenced by the 20% increase in sales.

“As evidenced by” is a phrase that links the example directly to proof of a broader claim. It’s most effective when the example serves as clear evidence or justification for a statement you’ve made.

10. As Demonstrated By

Our commitment to innovation is strong, as demonstrated by our substantial R&D budget.

Similar to “as evidenced by,” “as demonstrated by” provides an example that acts as proof. It’s best used when the example is a clear demonstration of a trend, policy, or value that you’ve previously mentioned.

11. Highlighted By

The need for change is highlighted by the recent dip in our market share.

“Highlighted by” is a useful phrase when the example is used to emphasize or draw attention to a problem, trend, or need. It suggests that the example underlines or accentuates the main point.

12. Exemplified By

Our approach to customer service is exemplified by our 24/7 helpline.

“Exemplified by” is perfect when the example is a perfect model or the epitome of the point you’re making. It’s most effective when the example is a best-case scenario or an ideal representation of your main idea.

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13. Particularly

We have seen success in many areas, particularly in our international sales.

“Particularly” is a simple and effective way to emphasize that the example is especially relevant or important. It’s a subtle way of highlighting the significance of the example in relation to the broader topic.

14. As Shown By

The effectiveness of our new strategy is as shown by the recent increase in market share.

“As shown by” is another way to link an example directly to evidence supporting your statement. It’s best used when the example is a direct representation or result of the point you’re discussing.

15. This Is Illustrated By

Our commitment to quality is unwavering. This is illustrated by our numerous industry awards.

“This is illustrated by” is a formal way to introduce an example that encapsulates or represents your main point. It’s most effective in formal reports or presentations where the example is a clear illustration of a broader concept.

16. An Example of This

An example of this is our recent expansion into the South American market.

“An example of this” is a straightforward and clear way to introduce an example. It’s useful when transitioning from a general statement to a specific instance or case.

17. As Exemplified By

Our innovative culture is as exemplified by our investment in cutting-edge technologies.

“As exemplified by” is similar to “exemplified by,” but it’s more formal and emphasizes that the example is a perfect representation of the main point. It’s best used when the example is a quintessential case that illustrates your broader argument.

18. Demonstrated By

The reliability of our products is demonstrated by our low return rates.

“Demonstrated by” is a phrase that indicates the example is proof or evidence of the preceding statement. It’s effective when the example is a straightforward demonstration of a claim or fact.

19. Illustrated By

The global reach of our company is illustrated by our presence in over 30 countries.

“Illustrated by” is a phrase that’s best used when the example provides a clear picture or representation of the broader topic. It’s effective in painting a vivid image of the point you’re trying to make.

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20. One Example Is

One example is our innovative approach to remote working.

“One example is” is a simple and direct way to introduce an example. It’s useful when the example is one of several that could be given, and you’re choosing to highlight this particular one.

21. A Case in Point

A case in point is our recent partnership with the leading technology firm.

“A case in point” is a phrase used to introduce an example that perfectly illustrates the argument or point you’re making. It implies that the example is a definitive or typical instance.

22. This Can Be Seen In

This can be seen in our record-breaking sales figures for the last quarter.

“This can be seen in” is a phrase that links the example directly to the visibility of a trend, result, or effect. It’s most effective when the example clearly demonstrates the point you’re discussing.

23. A Prime Example

A prime example is our groundbreaking environmental initiative.

“A prime example” is used to introduce an example that is the best or most significant illustration of your point. It’s effective when the example is the most noteworthy or impressive case.

24. Shown By

The popularity of our products is shown by the thousands of positive customer reviews.

“Shown by” is a straightforward way to link an example to proof or evidence. It’s a clear and direct way to connect the example to the main point.

25. Witnessed In

Our global influence is witnessed in our diverse customer base across continents.

“Witnessed in” is an evocative way to introduce an example, suggesting that it is something that can be observed or experienced. It’s effective when the example is something tangible or visible that supports your point.