15 Sample Letters of Approval for Unpaid Leave

Requesting unpaid leave can be a nerve-wracking experience.

You may be worried about how your manager will react or if your request will even be granted.

But sometimes, life happens – whether it’s a family emergency, personal health issue, or once-in-a-lifetime opportunity – and you need to take some time away from work.

The good news is that most reasonable employers understand this and are willing to work with you to find a solution that meets both your needs and the company’s.

Approving an unpaid leave request is usually just a matter of making sure your bases are covered at work while you’re gone.

To help put your mind at ease, we’ve compiled 15 sample letters from managers approving various unpaid leave requests from their employees.

Sample Letters of Approval for Unpaid Leave

Sample Letters of Approval for Unpaid Leave

Here are 15 examples of how your manager might respond to approve your request for unpaid leave:

Approving 2 Weeks for Family Emergency

Subject: RE: Unpaid Leave Request – Family Emergency

Dear [Your Name],

I’m so sorry to hear about your family emergency. Of course we approve your request to take the next two weeks off to be with your family during this difficult time. Your team will cover your essential projects and meetings while you’re out. Please don’t worry about work and just focus on taking care of yourself and your loved ones right now.

Let me know if you need anything else or if your leave needs to be extended. We’re here for you.


[Manager Name]

Approving 1 Month for Medical Treatment

Subject: RE: Leave of Absence for Medical Reasons

Hi [Your Name],

Thank you for letting me know about your upcoming medical treatment. I completely understand your need to take time off to focus on your health and recovery. Consider your request for a one-month unpaid leave approved, effective [start date] through [end date].

I’ve notified HR to process your leave paperwork and your team will redistribute your projects appropriately. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Wishing you a smooth treatment and speedy recovery!

Take care,

[Manager Name]

Approving 2 Months for Once-in-a-Lifetime Trip

Subject: RE: 2 Month Unpaid Leave for Dream Trip

Hey [Your Name],

Wow, a two-month trip through Southeast Asia sounds absolutely incredible! Experiences like that don’t come around often and I fully support you taking advantage of this chance to travel while you’re young and have the flexibility.

I’m happy to approve your unpaid leave request from [date] to [date]. I know it’s a significant amount of time, but we’ll make it work. Let’s meet to discuss transferring your projects and how to best set your team up for success while you’re away.

So excited for you! You’ll have to show me all your amazing photos when you’re back. Enjoy every minute of this adventure.


[Manager Name]

Approving 3 Months for Maternity Leave

Subject: Maternity Leave Approval

Dear [Your Name],

Congratulations on your pregnancy! I’m thrilled for you and your growing family. As per our company’s maternity leave policy, you are eligible for 12 weeks of unpaid leave. Based on your due date and leave request, I am approving your maternity leave from [date] through [date].

Let’s work on a transition plan in the coming months to ensure all your projects and responsibilities are covered while you’re out. Don’t hesitate to use your leave time before your due date if needed, and of course reach out anytime with questions.

Wishing you a smooth pregnancy, delivery, and recovery. Enjoy this precious bonding time with your new little one!

All the best,

[Manager Name]

Approving 4 Days for Mental Health Break

Subject: RE: Personal Days for Mental Health

Hi [Your Name],

I appreciate you being open about needing some time off to recharge and focus on your mental health. Taking a few personal days is absolutely warranted and I’m glad you’re prioritizing self-care.

Please consider your request for 4 unpaid days off from [date] to [date] approved. Let your team know your availability and we’ll make sure any timely matters are covered.

I hope this break provides the restoration you need. Remember, my door is always open if you need support.

Take care,

[Manager Name]

Approving 6 Weeks to Care for Sick Parent

Subject: RE: Family Medical Leave

Dear [Your Name],

Thank you for informing me about your mother’s serious health condition and your need to take time off to care for her. I’m so sorry you and your family are going through this challenging time.

Per the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), you are entitled to up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave to care for a sick parent. Based on your request, I am approving 6 weeks of leave at this time, from [date] to [date]. If you require additional time, just let me know.

Please work with HR to complete the necessary FMLA certification process. We’ll ensure your workload is covered while you’re out.

Your family is your top priority right now. I hope your mom has a full recovery with you by her side. Let me know how else I can support you.


[Manager Name]

Approving 1 Week for Funeral/Bereavement

Subject: Condolences & Bereavement Leave Approval

Dear [Your Name],

I was deeply saddened to hear about the loss of your [family member]. Please accept my heartfelt condolences on behalf of the entire team. Losing a loved one is incredibly painful and I want you to know we’re here for you.

I completely understand and approve your request for one week of bereavement leave to grieve this loss and be with your family. Please take off [dates] and don’t worry about work responsibilities right now.

Remember that the company offers free counseling services through our EAP if you need added support during this difficult time. Sending sympathy and strength to you and your family.

With deepest condolences,

[Manager Name]

Approving 3 Weeks for Jury Duty

Subject: RE: Jury Duty Summons & Leave Request

Hi [Your Name],

Thanks for sending over a copy of your jury duty summons. While I know jury service is a civic responsibility, I understand it will take you away from work for a few weeks, based on the estimated trial duration.

Of course we’ll approve the unpaid leave you need to fulfill your jury service, starting [date]. I realize there is some uncertainty around the exact trial length, so just keep me posted if it seems you’ll need additional time.

We’re required to keep your job available to you while you serve. I’ll work with the team to back-fill your responsibilities during your absence. Let me know if you have any other questions!


[Manager Name]

Approving 2 Weeks for Military Reserves Training

Subject: RE: Unpaid Military Leave for Annual Training

Hi [Your Name],

Thank you for letting me know about your upcoming military reserves annual training and providing your official orders. We’re grateful for your service and of course approve your unpaid military leave request from [dates].

As an FYI – under USERRA, you may be eligible for 14 days of paid military leave, so I’d encourage you to connect with HR to see if that applies in this case. Either way, we’ll ensure your job is protected while you complete training.

In the coming weeks, let’s touch base on your workload and any projects that will need to be covered. Thanks for the advance notice and let me know what else you need!


[Manager Name]

Approving 1 Week for Child’s School Event

Subject: RE: Unpaid Leave for Child’s Graduation

Hi [Your Name],

Thanks for your unpaid leave request to attend your daughter’s college graduation ceremony next month. What a proud moment for your family – you must be so excited to celebrate her achievement!

I’m happy to approve one week off from [date] to [date] so you can travel and enjoy this special milestone. I know how important it is to be there for these memorable events.

Let’s meet soon to ensure your essential projects remain on track while you’re out. Hope you and your family have a wonderful time at the graduation!


[Manager Name]

Approving 3 Days for Religious Observance

Subject: Religious Accommodation – Leave Approval

Dear [Your Name],

I received your request for 3 unpaid days off next month to observe [religious holiday]. ABC Company is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for our employees’ sincerely held religious beliefs, and I am pleased to approve your leave request for [dates].

Please work with your team to provide any necessary coverage for your responsibilities those days. Let me know if you require any additional accommodations to practice your faith. Enjoy your upcoming holiday celebrations!


[Manager Name]

Approving 2 Weeks for Volunteer Trip

Subject: RE: Unpaid Leave for International Volunteer Work

Hi [Your Name],

I read your leave request detailing your plans to use your vacation time to volunteer with [organization] on a clean water project in [location]. What an incredible way to give back and make a difference!

I fully support your desire to participate in this volunteer trip and approve your request for two weeks unpaid leave from [date] to [date]. I admire your commitment to social responsibility.

Let’s coordinate a plan with your team for handling your projects while you’re abroad. I’d love to hear more about the experience and see photos when you return!

Safe travels,

[Manager Name]

Approving 1 Month for Relocation

Subject: RE: Unpaid Leave for Cross-Country Move

Hi [Your Name],

Congratulations on your spouse’s new job opportunity! Moving cross-country is a big undertaking, so I completely understand your request for an unpaid leave of absence to get resettled in [new location].

I’m happy to approve one month off from [date] to [date] to give you time to pack up your current place, complete the move, and get your family adjusted. We’ll certainly miss you but are excited to have you stay with ABC Company remotely!

Let’s discuss the logistics of transferring your projects in the coming weeks. Wishing you and your family a smooth moving process and all the best in this new chapter!


[Manager Name]

Approving 1 Week for Wedding/Honeymoon

Subject: RE: Unpaid Leave for Wedding & Honeymoon

Dear [Your Name],

Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! I’m so happy for you and [partner’s name] and appreciate you letting me know about your leave needs around this exciting event.

I’m pleased to approve your request for one week of unpaid leave from [date] to [date] to give you time to finalize wedding preparations, enjoy your ceremony and reception, and have a wonderful honeymoon after.

I know there’s a lot to coordinate, so let’s chat soon about your pre-leave transition plan at work. Enjoy this special celebration of your love and the romantic getaway after!

Best wishes,

[Manager Name]

Approving 1 Week for Continuing Education

Subject: Professional Development Leave Approval

Hi [Your Name],

I’m thrilled to see you taking initiative in your professional development by enrolling in [certification/course/conference]. Expanding your knowledge and skills in [topic] will be hugely beneficial to both your own growth and our team’s capabilities.

I’m happy to approve your request for one week of unpaid professional development leave to complete this training from [date] to [date]. Thank you for giving advance notice so we can plan coverage accordingly.

The company may be able to assist with some of the costs, so let’s review our policies. I’m excited to hear your key takeaways and discuss how we can apply your learnings when you return!


[Manager Name]

Wrap-up on Approving Unpaid Leave Requests

As you can see from these examples, most managers are understanding and accommodating when it comes to legitimate requests for unpaid time off.

See also  15 Sample Letters of Approval for Vacation Leave

The common themes are:

  • Expressing empathy for the employee’s situation
  • Clarifying the approved dates and leave duration
  • Providing guidance on next steps for leave logistics/paperwork
  • Discussing a coverage plan for the employee’s job duties
  • Offering well wishes and ongoing support

Of course, every company and manager is different, with some being more flexible than others based on factors like company size, industry, workload, staffing levels, and applicable laws.

But generally, if you communicate openly, give sufficient notice when possible, and present a valid reason, your unpaid leave request is likely to be approved.

Life happens outside of work and good leaders recognize that supporting their employees as whole people is ultimately good for business too.

So don’t be afraid to ask for the time you need – unpaid leaves are a normal part of working life.