15 Sample Letters of Approval for Vacation Leave

Everyone needs a break from work now and then.

Time off allows you to recharge, spend quality time with loved ones, pursue hobbies, or explore new places.

But before you can kick back and relax on your well-deserved vacation, you’ll need to get your time off request approved by your manager or HR department.

A clear, professional vacation request email or letter can make all the difference in getting a swift “yes” to your time off appeal.

To help streamline the process, we’ve put together 15 sample letters you can use as templates when seeking sign-off on your next getaway from the daily grind.

Let’s dive in!

Sample Letters of Approval for Vacation Leave

Sample Letters of Approval for Vacation Leave

Here are 15 examples of vacation leave approval letters you can adapt for your use:

Basic Approval of Vacation Request

Subject: RE: Vacation Request – Rhonda Johnson, Customer Service Associate

Dear Rhonda,

I’m happy to approve your request for vacation leave from October 9-13, 2023. You currently have sufficient PTO accrued to cover this five-day vacation.

Please confirm your time off as approved in our HR system and share appropriate details with your team to ensure coverage during your absence. If you have any other questions, let me know.

I hope you enjoy your time away. You’ve earned it!

Best regards,

Jamal Davis

Customer Service Manager

Approval with Instructions for Handoff

Subject: RE: Vacation Request – Alex Novak, Accountant

Hi Alex,

You’re all set for your vacation from June 12-23, 2023. I’ve marked your time off as approved in our scheduling tool.

Before you head out, please complete a thorough handoff with Shawna, who will be covering your key accounts while you’re away. Update her on the status of any open items, share necessary files, and make sure she has access to systems or resources she may need.

If any urgent issues come up that require your input, we may need to touch base, but I’ll do my best to avoid disrupting your vacation. Otherwise, unplug and enjoy your break – you’ve earned it!

See you when you return,

Michael Thompson

Accounting Team Lead

Confirmation of Recurring Annual Leave

Subject: RE: Annual Summer Vacation – Sun Lee, Senior Engineer

Dear Sun,

Per your recurring request, I’m confirming your approval for three weeks of vacation leave from July 17 through August 4, 2023. As always, it’s yours to take as you see fit – whether that means a relaxing staycation, adventurous travel, or cherished family time.

I know the team will miss your presence and expertise, but we’re happy to cover your engineering duties to give you this well-deserved break. You work incredibly hard all year and have more than earned this annual leave.

If any mission-critical issues arise, we may need to reach out, but it would need to be a five-alarm fire for us to disturb your vacation. Go forth and enjoy your time in whatever way brings you happiness and renewal.

Recharge and refresh. See you in August!


Kira Nakamura

VP of Engineering

Deferred Approval to Ensure Business Continuity

Subject: RE: Vacation Request – Jen Patel, Product Manager

Hi Jen,

Thanks for your vacation request for December 18-29, 2023. I know how important this holiday time with your family is. You deserve this break, especially after your tireless work launching our new flagship product.

My only concern is the timing, given our final pre-launch review with the CEO and board is scheduled for December 20. With your critical product knowledge, we need you there to ensure we get the final sign-off.

Could you shift your vacation by a couple of days, perhaps to start on December 21 or 22 instead? That way you can be present for this key milestone but still get away to recharge during the holidays. Let me know if that tweak to the timing would work on your end.

I’m fully supportive of your vacation and want to make sure you can unplug. I’m just trying to balance that with this one unmovable commitment. Let me know your thoughts.

Thank you,

Kai Johnson

Director of Product

Rescinding Prior Approval Due to Project Needs

Subject: Vacation Approval Update – Adrian Martinez, Account Executive


I know we previously approved your vacation request for August 7-11, 2023 and you’ve likely made plans accordingly. Unfortunately, I’ve just been informed that our team needs “all hands on deck” that week for the onsite kick-off of Project Supernova with a VIP client.

I hate to have to do this, but I need to rescind your prior vacation approval and have you present for this critical client meeting and project launch. Your relationship with the client and knowledge of the project scope are essential.

I realize changing your vacation plans at this late stage is highly inconvenient. Please go ahead and reschedule your time off for dates shortly that work for you. I’m happy to approve extra days beyond your original request in light of this change. The company will also fully reimburse you for any cancellation fees or non-refundable reservation deposits you incur.

Let’s talk live so I can personally apologize for the short notice change and ensure your rescheduled vacation is locked in. I’m deeply sorry for the disruption and grateful for your understanding. We’ll make this right.


Priya Gupta

VP of Sales

Approval of Extended Leave for Dream Vacation

Subject: RE: 6-Week Sabbatical Request – Lila Ademola, Senior Editor

Dear Lila,

It’s my pleasure to approve your request for a 6-week sabbatical from September 4 through October 13, 2023, for your dream trip to hike Machu Picchu, the Inca Trail, and the Amazon rainforest. What an incredible adventure – truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience!

You have more than enough accrued PTO to cover this trip, and then some. More importantly, after your seven dedicated years with the company, you’ve earned every single minute of this extended break. Your consistently outstanding work and mentorship of junior editors allow us to confidently give you this well-deserved time to pursue your personal bucket list.

Let’s meet to discuss how we can set you up for success with all your editorial duties fully covered during your six weeks away. That will allow you to fully immerse yourself in the wonders of Peru without any worries about things back at the office. Enjoy every moment of this incredible journey!

With gratitude,

Olivia Moore


Partially Deferred Approval for Key Deadline

Subject: RE: Vacation Request – Javier Torres, Finance Manager

Hi Javier,

Thanks for sending your vacation request for April 3-14, 2023. I’m happy to approve the bulk of your requested dates, namely April 6-14. Getting away to Miami Beach sounds like an amazing way to relax and recharge in the sun!

My only hesitation is having you out for the first couple of days of April, as the Q1 board financial review is scheduled for April 5. Given your lead role in preparing the quarterly financials and presenting to the board, we need you here for that critical meeting.

Could you shift your vacation to begin on April 6, the day after the board meeting? That way you can successfully wrap up Q1 reporting, and then hand things off to the team before catching your flight that evening or the next morning.

If you’re able to make that small date adjustment, you’re fully approved for April 6-14. Let me know if you have any concerns with shifting the start of your trip by a couple of days. Happy to discuss this further to ensure we can get you this well-earned break!


Amir Patel


Approval with Request to Be Available for Emergencies

Subject: RE: Vacation Time – Emily Nakano, Marketing Manager


You’re all set for your vacation request from November 6-17, 2023. Taking a Cabo cruise with your friends sounds like a blast and a great way to unwind. Enjoy those margaritas and amazing sunsets!

I’ve looped in Rochelle, who will be covering your day-to-day marketing duties while you’re out. I know you’ll do a thorough handoff to get her up to speed before you head out.

The only thing I ask is that you be on call and available if any true marketing emergencies come up during your trip, like a major PR crisis or last-minute pivot needed for the holiday campaign. I don’t anticipate any major fires, but it would give me great peace of mind to know we can get in touch for any five-alarm situations, given your role.

Rochelle can be the first line of defense for any marketing issues that come up, then she’ll escalate to you if it’s a truly urgent, high-stakes situation that requires your involvement. We’ll avoid contacting you unless it’s a “red alert, all hands on deck” scenario.

Let me know if this arrangement works for you. I want you to be able to fully check out and enjoy your trip, while still being available for any unlikely but severe marketing emergencies. Appreciate your flexibility – now go have a fantastic cruise!


Miranda Jackson

VP of Marketing

Unconditional Approval for Employee’s Wedding & Honeymoon

Subject: RE: Honeymoon Leave – Jason Gupta, Software Developer


Congratulations again on your upcoming wedding! I’m thrilled to approve your request for three weeks off from May 8-26, 2023 to tie the knot and honeymoon in the Maldives. What an incredible way to celebrate this joyous milestone. Marriage and a tropical paradise await you!

Don’t give work a single thought during this special time. Be fully present and soak in every moment of your wedding festivities and stunning Indian Ocean beauty. We’ll handle all your projects and action items in your absence – consider it our wedding gift to you and Priya. Everything will be waiting for you, just as you left it when you return.

You’ve been a stellar member of our software team these past four years. We’re honored to give you this much-needed break to begin your married life together and celebrate with loved ones and each other.

If you need anything from me or the team, just say the word. Now, though, it’s time for you to go relax, rejoice, and revel in this once-in-a-lifetime experience. Bon voyage and best wishes to you and Priya for a truly magical wedding and honeymoon!


Leila Thompson

Chief Technology Officer

Approval for Employee’s Stress-Related Mental Health Leave

Subject: RE: Personal Leave Request – James Hernandez, Design Lead

Dear James,

First off, I want to thank you for your honesty and openness in sharing your mental health struggles with me. It takes a lot of courage to speak up and advocate for your well-being. I’m sorry to hear you’ve been dealing with severe burnout and are feeling deeply depleted. Please know that your health is the absolute top priority here and you have our full support.

I’m happy to approve your request for a 4-week mental health leave starting immediately and running through July 15, 2023. Take all the time you need to rest, decompress, and focus on your healing and renewal. I encourage you to fully unplug from work during this time to prioritize your self-care and get the support you need, whether that’s through counseling, time in nature, or just quiet stillness.

We’ll cover your design projects while you’re out – that’s the last thing I want you to worry about. Your well-being comes first. If there’s anything else I or the company can do to support you during this time, please let me know. We’re here for you.

I have so much respect for you taking this step to care for yourself. Wishing you a restorative, peaceful break. We’ll be thinking of you and pulling for your renewal. Take good care and let me know if you need anything at all.

With support,
Amaya Davis
Creative Director

Enthusiastic Approval for Professional Development Seminar

Subject: RE: Vacation Request for Leadership Retreat – Priya Singh, Sales Manager

Hi Priya,

I’m excited to approve your time off request from September 18-22, 2023 to attend the Emerging Leaders development program in Sedona! What an incredible opportunity for you to enhance your leadership skills and soak in the wisdom of world-class coaches in a gorgeous setting.

The company is happy to fully sponsor your attendance, including registration fees, travel costs, meals and accommodations. We know that investing in your growth and advancement is one of the best investments we can make as an organization. It’s well-deserved recognition of your outstanding performance and leadership potential.

I’m thrilled you’ll get this time for intensive professional development and personal reflection in such an inspiring environment. Enjoy the desert hikes, leadership workshops, and connecting with other high-potential talents. I can’t wait to hear your key takeaways and support you in implementing your learnings when you return.

Get ready for a transformative experience. And if you need any help with travel or seminar arrangements, just say the word. Your growth is our priority. Now go get ready to take your leadership to the next level in red rock country!


Aaron Gupta

Director of Sales

Paid Volunteer Leave Approval

Subject: RE: Time Off for Habitat for Humanity Build – Liam Johnson, Business Analyst

Hi Liam,

It’s my pleasure to approve your request for five days off from June 5-9, 2023 to volunteer for the Habitat for Humanity affordable housing build in our community. What an awesome way to give back and make a tangible difference for a local family.

As you know, our company is passionate about supporting employee volunteering and community engagement. We’re proud to offer up to 40 hours per year of paid volunteer time off, and I’m thrilled you’re taking advantage of this benefit in such a hands-on, high-impact way.

In addition to paying your salary during this volunteer time, the company will also make a $500 donation to our local Habitat chapter to further support its mission of expanding access to safe, affordable housing. We’re grateful for your leadership in spearheading our team’s involvement in this build.

Let me know if you need any tools, supplies, or other resources to help with the construction project. We’re behind you every step (and hammer swing!) of the way. Enjoy this meaningful time of service. You’re making our company and our community proud!

With gratitude,

Camila Mendes

HR Director

Leave Approval for Family Emergency

Subject: RE: Emergency Time Off Request – Kenji Nakamura, Operations Manager


I’m so very sorry to hear about your mother’s stroke. My heart goes out to you and your family during this incredibly difficult time. Please know we’re here for you and want to support you in any way we can.

Of course, I’m approving your request for emergency leave starting today and going as long as you need to be with your mother and family. Your PTO balance more than covers this time off, not that it matters in a situation like this. Caring for your mom and being together as a family is the only thing you need to focus on right now.

I’ve let the rest of the operations team know you’ll be out on leave indefinitely as you support your mother’s recovery. We’ll handle all your projects and commitments in your absence – don’t give them a second thought. Your family is your top priority now.

If there’s anything we can do to ease your load or help your family during this challenging time, please let us know. Whether it’s setting up a meal train, assisting with household needs, or just being a listening ear – we’re here for you. Sending strength, comfort, and healing wishes for your mom’s recovery.

Take all the time you need. We’ll be thinking of you and your family and pulling for your mom’s healing. Remember, your Vortex family is here for your family, whatever you need.

With deepest sympathy,

Marcus Brown

VP of Operations

Religious Pilgrimage Time Off Approval

Subject: RE: Pilgrimage Leave Request – Fatima Hussain, Customer Success Rep

Dear Fatima,

I’m happy to approve your time off request from April 5-21, 2023 for your Umrah pilgrimage to Mecca. What a profoundly meaningful and special spiritual journey. I’m so glad we can support you in honoring this sacred Muslim tradition.

Your three weeks of paid leave are confirmed in our system. I know this pilgrimage is a deeply significant act of worship, reflection, and renewal for you. We want you to be fully present and immersed in the religious rituals and rites, without any concern for work responsibilities.

I’ve informed the Customer Success team of your upcoming time off so we can ensure your accounts are covered and clients supported in your absence. If there’s anything else I can do to help you prepare for this consequential trip, please let me know.

I wish you a safe, enriching pilgrimage filled with many blessings and spiritual rejuvenation. May it be an unforgettable experience that brings you closer to your faith and fills your heart with peace. We’ll miss you but will be eagerly awaiting stories of the religious wisdom and meaning you glean from this sacred experience.

With warm wishes,

Samir Patel

Head of Customer Success

Parental Leave Approval for New Foster Child

Subject: RE: Family Leave for New Foster Placement – Leah Thompson, Project Manager


Congratulations on welcoming a new foster child into your family! I’m thrilled to approve your request for 12 weeks of parental leave, starting immediately and going through September 15, 2023, as you focus on bonding with your new 6-month-old son.

As an inclusive, family-friendly company, we provide equal paid parental leave for biological, adopted, and foster children. We know that having a new child enter your home and heart is a major life event, regardless of how they came to join your family. This time is critical to form secure attachments and settle into a new family rhythm together.

Please take this time to fully focus on your growing family’s needs. Soak up all those baby snuggles, establish new routines, and follow your son’s lead as you shower him with love and care. Your projects will be waiting for you when you return – your only job now is being the best foster mama to that lucky little boy.

Let me know if you need any additional support or resources as you navigate this new parenting chapter. I have such respect and appreciation for the love and stability you’re providing to a child in need. We’re cheering you on every step of the way.

Here’s to a leave filled with countless precious moments and milestones with your adorable new addition. Can’t wait to meet him when the time is right. Until then, sending all good wishes to your beautiful, growing family.

With love,

Olivia Davis

Senior Operations Officer

Wrapping Up

There you have it – 15 thoughtful, thorough examples of leave approval letters covering a range of employee situations.

See also  15 Sample Letters of Approval for Unpaid Leave

From bucket list adventures to major life events to mental health breaks, each message strikes a balance of enthusiastic support for the employee’s time off and practical planning for business continuity.

The most effective leave approval letters show genuine care for the employee’s wellbeing, clearly outline any action items or handoff needed, and provide warm encouragement to make the most of their time away.

A little empathy, specificity, and positivity go a long way when giving your employees the gift of time.

Use these sample approvals as a starting point, then personalize based on your company’s leave policies, team dynamics, and each employee’s unique circumstances.

With the right communication and coverage planning, you can set your people up for restorative, meaningful time off while keeping the business humming.

It’s a win-win in helping you cultivate a healthy, sustainable and high-performing workforce.