15 Ways to Explain to a Child about Periods

As an elementary teacher with extensive experience in breaking down complex subjects into understandable concepts for children, I recognize the importance of approaching the topic of menstruation (periods) with sensitivity and clarity.

Menstruation is a natural biological process, but it can be confusing and even alarming for children who don’t understand what it is. The key is to use age-appropriate language, ensure the child feels comfortable and safe, and provide factual information without overwhelming them.

how to explain to a child about periods

How to Explain to a Child about Periods: 15 Ideas

This article aims to offer 15 ways to explain periods to a child in a manner that is respectful, reassuring, and appropriate to their level of understanding.

1. Basic Explanation of Periods

“Periods are something that happens to most girls and women every month. It’s when a little bit of blood comes out from their private area, and it’s a normal part of growing up.”

This explanation is straightforward and uses simple terms. It introduces the concept without going into too much detail, which is ideal for younger children.

2. The Body’s Natural Process

“Just like our heart beats and our lungs help us breathe, a girl’s body has a special way of getting ready to be a grown-up. This is called a period, and it’s a normal and natural thing that happens.”

Relating periods to other bodily functions that a child is familiar with can help normalize the concept. It emphasizes that it’s a natural process, just like breathing or heartbeat.

3. Growth and Development

“Periods are a sign that a girl’s body is growing and changing. It means her body is working correctly and getting ready for when she’s much older, like a grown-up.”

This approach frames periods as a sign of growth and development, which can be a positive way to look at it. It’s suitable for children who are beginning to understand the changes that come with growing up.

4. Preparation for the Future

“Periods are the body’s way of preparing for when a woman might want to have a baby much later in life. It’s like the body practicing each month for being a mommy.”

For children who are slightly older, this explanation can provide a bit more context. It connects periods to the concept of future motherhood in a very basic way.

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5. The Science of Menstruation

“Every month, a girl’s body makes a tiny nest out of blood and tissue inside her womb, which is a place where a baby can grow. If there’s no baby, the body lets go of this nest, and that’s what a period is.”

This explanation provides a scientific perspective, appropriate for children who are curious about how the body works. It describes the menstrual cycle in terms of the body’s preparation for potential pregnancy.

6. Discussing Period Products

“When a girl has her period, she uses something called a pad or a tampon to catch the blood so she stays clean. It’s just like using a tissue when you have a runny nose.”

Introducing menstrual products helps demystify them and makes periods less scary. Comparing them to everyday items like tissues can make the concept more relatable.

7. Addressing Period Symptoms

“Sometimes when a girl has her period, she might feel a bit tired or have a tummy ache. It’s okay, and there are ways to feel better, like resting or a warm bath.”

This explanation is suitable for a child who has noticed someone experiencing period symptoms. It acknowledges that while there can be discomfort, there are ways to feel better.

8. Emphasizing Normalcy and Health

“Having a period is a healthy part of being a girl. It happens to every girl and woman, and it’s nothing to be worried or embarrassed about.”

It’s important to emphasize the normalcy and health aspect of menstruation, ensuring the child understands it’s a regular part of life.

9. Respect for Privacy

“Periods are private, and every girl deals with it in her own way. It’s something personal, and it’s important to respect everyone’s privacy about it.”

This is an important point to discuss, especially to foster a sense of respect and privacy around personal matters.

10. Openness to Questions

“If you have any questions about periods, you can always ask me. It’s good to be curious, and I’m here to help you understand.”

Encouraging questions and maintaining an open dialogue is crucial. It reassures the child that it’s okay to talk about periods and that they have a safe space to learn more.

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11. Explaining Period Timing

“Periods usually happen once a month and last for a few days. It’s like a monthly reminder from your body that everything is working as it should.”

This response helps a child understand the regularity and duration of the menstrual cycle. It’s a straightforward way to explain the frequency of periods without going into too much detail.

12. Discussing Discomfort and Care

“Just like how you sometimes get a scrape and need a bandage, a girl might feel uncomfortable during her period and might need to rest or take it easy.”

Relating period discomfort to a common experience like getting a scrape normalizes it and helps children understand why sometimes extra care or rest is needed.

13. Linking to Maturity and Growth

“When girls get their period, it’s a sign they are getting closer to being a grown-up. It’s one of the many changes that happen as kids grow up.”

This explanation places menstruation within the broader context of growing up, highlighting it as one of the many changes children experience as they mature.

14. The Importance of Hygiene

“Just like we brush our teeth or wash our hands to stay clean, girls need to take extra care of their hygiene during their period to stay healthy and comfortable.”

Discussing the importance of hygiene during menstruation can be framed in a way that relates to everyday habits, emphasizing personal care and health.

15. Emotional Changes

“Sometimes, when a girl is on her period, she might feel more emotional or moody. It’s just the body’s way of reacting to changes, and it’s completely normal.”

Addressing the emotional aspect of menstruation helps explain mood changes and reassures children that it’s a normal part of the cycle.


Explaining periods to a child requires sensitivity, honesty, and simplicity. The approach should be tailored to the child’s age, maturity level, and readiness to understand.

The goal is to impart knowledge without causing alarm, and to normalize menstruation as a part of life. As a teacher, I find that nurturing an environment of openness and respect around such topics is key to helping children navigate these important aspects of growing up.

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