20 Ways to Explain Culture to a Child

As an elementary teacher, I’ve found that one of the most enriching topics to explore with children is the concept of culture. Culture encompasses the ideas, customs, and social behavior of particular people or societies.

It’s like a colorful tapestry woven from the threads of history, traditions, languages, and beliefs. Explaining culture to children can be a delightful journey into the diversity and richness of human life.

how to explain culture to a child

How to Explain Culture to a Child: 20 Ideas

In this article, I’ll share 20 ways to explain culture to a child, each approach tailored to be engaging, understandable, and appropriate for young minds.

1. Culture as a Recipe Book

“Think of culture like a recipe book. Each family, city, or country has its own recipe book that tells them how to celebrate things, what food to cook, what clothes to wear, and how to speak.”

This analogy is great for young children as it relates culture to something tangible and familiar – a recipe book. It helps them understand that just as every recipe book is different, so is each culture.

2. The Language of Culture

“Culture is like a language. Just like people speak different languages, they also live their lives in different ways. These ways are part of their culture.”

Relating culture to language is effective because many children understand that different people speak different languages. This analogy extends that understanding to ways of life.

3. The Clothing Metaphor

“Imagine if you had a closet full of different outfits. Some you wear to parties, some to play, and some to special events. Culture is like these outfits, showing different styles and purposes.”

Using clothing as a metaphor makes the concept of culture relatable to children, who are familiar with wearing different types of clothing for different occasions.

4. Culture as a Celebration

“Culture is how people celebrate special days, like holidays or festivals. Different cultures have different celebrations based on what’s important to them.”

Explaining culture through celebrations is effective as children often experience cultural festivals and holidays. It helps them understand that these celebrations are part of a culture’s identity.

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5. The Food Example

“Just like we enjoy different foods at home, people from different cultures eat different foods. These foods tell a story about their history and what’s available in their part of the world.”

Food is a universal concept. Explaining culture through food helps children understand that different eating habits and dishes are significant to different cultures.

6. The Music and Dance Approach

“Music and dance are like the heartbeat of a culture. Every culture has its own music and dance that tell stories about its people and their feelings.”

Children can relate to music and dance, making this an effective way to explain how these elements express a culture’s unique spirit and emotions.

7. Storytelling and Myths

“Every culture has its own stories, legends, and myths. These stories are like seeds that were planted long ago and have grown to tell us about the people and their beliefs.”

Using stories, legends, and myths is a wonderful way to convey the essence of a culture, as children are naturally drawn to storytelling.

8. Art as a Cultural Mirror

“Art in a culture is like a mirror. It reflects the thoughts, history, and creativity of the people. Each culture’s art looks different because it shows what is special about them.”

Art is a tangible way to explain culture, as it encompasses everything from paintings and sculptures to handicrafts, allowing children to visualize cultural differences and expressions.

9. The Sports Metaphor

“Just like we play different sports, people in different cultures play and enjoy different games. These games are part of their culture and can tell us a lot about what they enjoy.”

Comparing sports and games across cultures is an engaging way to explain cultural differences to children.

10. Cultural Values and Beliefs

“Culture is also about what people think is important or right. These are called values and beliefs, and they guide how people in a culture live their lives.”

Discussing values and beliefs helps children understand the deeper aspects of culture that influence people’s behavior and choices.

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11. Traditions and Customs

“Traditions are like special family habits but for a whole culture. They are things that people do regularly to remember and celebrate their history and beliefs.”

Explaining traditions and customs in terms of family habits makes the concept more tangible and understandable for children.

12. Language Diversity

“In different cultures, people speak different languages. Language is a big part of culture because it’s how people communicate and express themselves.”

Discussing language diversity is a straightforward approach to introducing children to cultural differences.

13. Family Structures and Roles

“In some cultures, families live together with grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins, while in others, families might be smaller. This is part of what makes each culture unique.”

Explaining how family structures differ in various cultures can be an eye-opening concept for children.

14. Cultural Clothing

“The clothes people wear can tell us about their culture. In some cultures, traditional clothing is colorful and has lots of patterns, while in others, it might be more simple.”

Discussing cultural clothing is an easy and visual way for children to understand cultural differences.

15. Religious Practices

“Different cultures have different religions or ways of worshipping. These practices are a big part of many people’s lives and cultures.”

While a complex topic, explaining religious practices in simple terms can help children appreciate cultural diversity in beliefs.

16. Architecture and Living Spaces

“The types of houses people live in and their cities’ buildings can tell you about their culture, like what the weather is like there and what materials they have.”

Architecture is another tangible aspect of culture that children can see and understand.

17. Cultural Norms and Manners

“Every culture has its own rules about manners. What’s polite in one culture might be different in another. These are called cultural norms.”

Discussing manners and norms helps children understand that behaviors are not universal but are shaped by cultural backgrounds.

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18. Educational Systems

“Schools can be different in other cultures. Some kids go to school on Saturdays, or they might study different subjects. Education is a big part of a culture.”

Education is something children can directly relate to, making it an effective way to discuss cultural differences.

19. Work and Careers

“In different cultures, the kinds of jobs people have and how they work can be different. This is because of what each culture values and needs.”

Talking about work and careers can open children’s eyes to the different ways people live and work around the world.

20. Comparing Cultures

“Just like you and your friends are different but also have a lot in common, different cultures have things that are unique but also share many similarities.”

This explanation helps children understand that while cultures are different, there is also a common ground that connects all people.


In explaining culture to a child, the key is to focus on relatable and tangible aspects that spark curiosity and understanding. By simplifying complex ideas and using familiar analogies, we can help children appreciate the diversity of the world around them and develop respect for different ways of life. It’s a journey of discovery that broadens their horizons and fosters an inclusive worldview from a young age.