25 Funny Responses to “Knock, Knock!”

“Knock, knock!” jokes have been a staple of humor for years, with their simple structure and often corny punchlines. They’re a lighthearted way to break the ice, initiate a conversation, or simply to amuse and entertain.

The classic format starts with one person saying “Knock, knock!” and the other person asking “Who’s there?” This prompts the first person to give a name or a phrase, setting up a pun as a punchline.

While the format is quite straightforward, the responses can be incredibly diverse and creative, ranging from cheesy to clever, and sometimes even absurd.

funny responses to knock knock

Funny Responses to “Knock, Knock!”

Here are 25 funny responses to the “Knock, knock!” setup that diverge from the usual routine. Each response adds a unique twist and keeps the humor going, transforming the simple joke into a humorous exchange.

1. “Come back later, I’m trying to take a nap!”

One humorous response to “Knock, knock!” is “Come back later, I’m trying to take a nap!” This unexpected reply turns the joke on its head and leaves the joke-teller in a hilarious twist. The abrupt end to the knock, knock joke is funny because it completely disrupts the expected flow of the joke.

For instance:

  • “Knock, knock!”
  • “Come back later, I’m trying to take a nap!”

2. “Wait, let me get my script.”

A funny response to “Knock, knock!” could be “Wait, let me get my script.” This reply humorously acknowledges the scripted nature of the knock, knock joke and playfully suggests the person was unprepared for it. This response is ideal for those who appreciate meta-humor.

Consider this dialogue:

  • “Knock, knock!”
  • “Wait, let me get my script.”

3. “Did we order a joke?”

“Did we order a joke?” is another fun way to reply to “Knock, knock!” This response playfully implies that the joke is a surprise or an unexpected delivery, adding a twist to the conversation and amplifying the humor.

Here’s a potential dialogue:

  • “Knock, knock!”
  • “Did we order a joke?”

4. “Oh, you’re still here?”

When someone starts a “Knock, knock!” joke, a surprising and funny reply could be, “Oh, you’re still here?” This response is a playful way to feign surprise or annoyance, adding a different dimension to the interaction and making it even funnier.

Imagine this dialogue:

  • “Knock, knock!”
  • “Oh, you’re still here?”

5. “Sorry, we only accept text messages.”

Another humorous response to “Knock, knock!” could be “Sorry, we only accept text messages.” This modern, tech-oriented reply can bring a smile to anyone’s face due to its unexpected nature.

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Consider this dialogue:

  • “Knock, knock!”
  • “Sorry, we only accept text messages.”

6. “No one’s home!”

In response to “Knock, knock!” one could cheekily reply, “No one’s home!” This is a playful way of declining to engage in the expected structure of the joke, suggesting the joke-teller has reached a vacant property.

For instance:

  • “Knock, knock!”
  • “No one’s home!”

7. “Enter password first.”

A tech-savvy and humorous response to “Knock, knock!” could be “Enter password first.” This reply lends a modern twist to the age-old joke, introducing the concept of digital security to the exchange and adding an unexpected element of humor.

Consider this dialogue:

  • “Knock, knock!”
  • “Enter password first.”

8. “Is that you, Opportunity? Because Opportunity only knocks once.”

“Is that you, Opportunity? Because Opportunity only knocks once.” This witty response adds a philosophical touch to the knock, knock joke and humorously indicates the joke-teller has had their chance.

Here’s a potential dialogue:

  • “Knock, knock!”
  • “Is that you, Opportunity? Because Opportunity only knocks once.”

9. “Go away, I’ve already heard this one.”

When someone starts a “Knock, knock!” joke, a funny and dismissive reply could be, “Go away, I’ve already heard this one.” This response humorously assumes the knock, knock joke is going to be unoriginal, preemptively shutting it down.

Imagine this dialogue:

  • “Knock, knock!”
  • “Go away, I’ve already heard this one.”

10. “Oops, the doorbell’s broken.”

Another humorous response to “Knock, knock!” could be “Oops, the doorbell’s broken.” This playful retort introduces an unexpected obstacle to the joke-teller’s ‘visit,’ transforming the knock, knock joke into a funny scenario.

Consider this dialogue:

  • “Knock, knock!”
  • “Oops, the doorbell’s broken.”

11. “Are you a joke delivery service?”

A humorous and slightly sarcastic response to “Knock, knock!” is “Are you a joke delivery service?” This response implies that the person starting the knock, knock joke is akin to a courier delivering a package of humor.

For instance:

  • “Knock, knock!”
  • “Are you a joke delivery service?”

12. “Who’s there? Oh wait, I’m not supposed to ask that!”

The response “Who’s there? Oh wait, I’m not supposed to ask that!” acknowledges the structure of the traditional knock, knock joke and humorously interrupts it by pretending to forget the ‘rules’. This creates an unexpected comedic turn in the conversation.

Consider this dialogue:

  • “Knock, knock!”
  • “Who’s there? Oh wait, I’m not supposed to ask that!”

13. “Is it urgent? Can it wait till Monday?”

“Is it urgent? Can it wait till Monday?” is a fun, work-oriented reply to “Knock, knock!”. It playfully treats the joke as if it’s an office task, adding an amusing twist to the interaction.

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Here’s a potential dialogue:

  • “Knock, knock!”
  • “Is it urgent? Can it wait till Monday?”

14. “Finally! I’ve been waiting for the joke all day.”

When someone starts a “Knock, knock!” joke, a funny response could be, “Finally! I’ve been waiting for the joke all day.” This response humorously shows enthusiasm and anticipation for the joke, creating a fun and engaging conversation.

Imagine this dialogue:

  • “Knock, knock!”
  • “Finally! I’ve been waiting for the joke all day.”

15. “Access denied!”

A playful, tech-inspired response to “Knock, knock!” could be “Access denied!” This reply turns the classic format into a digital scenario, as if the knock, knock joke is trying to gain unauthorized access to a secure system.

Consider this dialogue:

  • “Knock, knock!”
  • “Access denied!”

16. “Door’s open, come on in!”

A friendly and inviting reply to “Knock, knock!” could be, “Door’s open, come on in!” This response humorously invites the joke-teller in, skipping the traditional sequence of the joke and taking the humor in a different direction.

For instance:

  • “Knock, knock!”
  • “Door’s open, come on in!”

17. “Please leave your joke at the tone…beep!”

“Please leave your joke at the tone…beep!” is an amusing response that mimics an answering machine message. It humorously suggests that the person is unavailable to engage with the joke directly, adding an unexpected twist.

Consider this dialogue:

  • “Knock, knock!”
  • “Please leave your joke at the tone…beep!”

18. “Sorry, we don’t take solicitors.”

In reply to “Knock, knock!”, one can humorously respond with “Sorry, we don’t take solicitors.” This response equates the joke-teller to a door-to-door salesperson, playfully refusing to engage in the joke.

Here’s a potential dialogue:

  • “Knock, knock!”
  • “Sorry, we don’t take solicitors.”

19. “Is that you again, Opportunity?”

When someone starts a “Knock, knock!” joke, a clever response could be, “Is that you again, Opportunity?” This reply humorously references the old saying that “Opportunity knocks but once” and acts surprised that it’s knocking again.

Imagine this dialogue:

  • “Knock, knock!”
  • “Is that you again, Opportunity?”

20. “Password incorrect. Try again.”

A tech-oriented humorous response to “Knock, knock!” could be “Password incorrect. Try again.” This reply turns the exchange into a digital login scenario, creating an amusing twist.

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Consider this dialogue:

  • “Knock, knock!”
  • “Password incorrect. Try again.”

21. “You’ll have to knock harder than that!”

A fun way to respond to “Knock, knock!” could be, “You’ll have to knock harder than that!” This reply humorously suggests that the joke-teller’s attempt isn’t ‘strong’ enough, thus playfully challenging them to step up their game.

For instance:

  • “Knock, knock!”
  • “You’ll have to knock harder than that!”

22. “Can’t hear you, I’m on a Zoom call.”

In the era of remote work and virtual meetings, “Can’t hear you, I’m on a Zoom call” is a timely and relatable response to “Knock, knock!” It humorously integrates the context of digital communication into the traditional joke format.

Consider this dialogue:

  • “Knock, knock!”
  • “Can’t hear you, I’m on a Zoom call.”

23. “Hang on, let me find the key.”

“Hang on, let me find the key” is a funny response that suggests a delay in the expected flow of the knock, knock joke. This reply brings a realistic touch to the joke, treating it as if it were an actual physical visit.

Here’s a potential dialogue:

  • “Knock, knock!”
  • “Hang on, let me find the key.”

24. “Sorry, wrong door. Try the one next door.”

In response to “Knock, knock!” you could humorously reply, “Sorry, wrong door. Try the one next door.” This response playfully redirects the joke-teller, implying that they’ve knocked on the ‘wrong’ door for their joke.

Imagine this dialogue:

  • “Knock, knock!”
  • “Sorry, wrong door. Try the one next door.”

25. “I’m in the backyard, come around!”

Lastly, a fun and unexpected response to “Knock, knock!” could be “I’m in the backyard, come around!” This reply humorously suggests that the traditional front door for the joke is not the correct entrance, adding a fresh twist to the knock, knock format.

Consider this dialogue:

  • “Knock, knock!”
  • “I’m in the backyard, come around!”

These funny responses to “Knock, knock!” challenge the traditional format of the joke, offering a creative way to play with humor and surprise.

They introduce unexpected twists, playful refusals, and modern contexts, breathing new life into the age-old knock, knock joke. Whether used in casual conversations or fun-filled gatherings, these responses are sure to elicit laughter and keep the spirit of humor alive.