20 Sample Letters of Spouse Consent

When you’re married and making important life decisions, it’s often necessary to get your spouse’s written consent.

Whether you’re applying for a loan, traveling abroad, or undergoing a medical procedure, having a letter of spousal consent can smooth the process and prevent misunderstandings.

Getting your spouse’s consent in writing doesn’t have to be complicated.

With a few key components and clear wording, you can draft a letter that meets your needs.

The sample letters below will give you a starting point for common situations requiring spousal approval.

Sample Letters of Spouse Consent

Sample Letters of Spouse Consent

Here are 20 sample letters of spousal consent to cover a variety of scenarios:

Letter of Consent for Loan Application

Dear Loan Officer,

I, Sarah Johnson, hereby provide my full consent for my spouse, Michael Johnson, to apply for and accept the terms of the home equity loan as discussed with First Bank. I understand that this loan will result in a lien against our primary residence at 123 Oak St, Anytown, TX.

I have reviewed and approved the loan terms, including the interest rate, repayment period, and borrowing amount. I agree to cooperate fully in the application process and provide any information required.

Please proceed with the loan application with my expressed written consent. Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.


Sarah Johnson

[email]: sarahjohnson72@email.com

[phone]: (555) 201-5579

Consent for International Travel with Minor Child

To Whom It May Concern,

I, Mark Davis, give my consent for my spouse, Emily Davis, to travel internationally with our minor child, Sophia Davis (DOB: 02/04/2015, U.S. Passport #12345678). They plan to travel to Paris, France from June 10-25, 2023.

I approve of this international trip and the travel plans Emily has made. I authorize her to make medical decisions for Sophia if any emergencies arise abroad.

Please contact me if you require any additional information. Otherwise, let this letter serve as my written consent for my spouse and child’s international travel.


Mark Davis

[Email]: markdavis@email.com

[Phone]: (555) 617-2214

Consent for Elective Surgery

Dear Dr. Patel,

I am writing to provide my informed consent for my husband, John Wilson, to undergo the LASIK eye surgery scheduled for August 15th at your Miami office. John has explained the elective nature of this procedure and gone over the pre-op instructions, expected recovery time, and potential risks of the surgery.

I feel I have a good understanding of the procedure and support John’s decision to move forward. I will assist in his aftercare and follow-up appointments as needed.

Thank you for your skilled care of my husband. Please accept this as my written spousal consent to proceed with John’s scheduled LASIK surgery.

Best regards,

Maria Wilson

[email]: mariawilson@email.com

[phone]: (555) 913-0064

Consent to Act as Agent in Real Estate Transaction

Dear Mr. Hanson,

This letter authorizes my wife, Jennifer Lee, to act as my agent and power of attorney to sell our vacation home at 5436 Laguna Dr, Santa Barbara, CA. I grant her full authority to list the property, negotiate pricing and terms, and sign all documents related to the sale on my behalf.

Jennifer has my total confidence in handling this real estate transaction. I will be traveling extensively for work in the coming months and may be unavailable to manage the details of the house sale myself.

Thank you for working with my wife to get our vacation home sold. She will keep me fully informed and seek my input on any major decisions, but I authorize her to use her judgment and move the sale along efficiently in my absence.


David Lee

[email]: davidlee@email.com

[phone]: (555) 820-1886

Consent for IVF Procedure

Dear Dr. Gomes,

My husband Fernando and I are eager to start IVF as we pursue our dream of becoming parents. I fully consent to begin the egg retrieval and embryo transfer process and support Fernando in agreeing to the procedures as well.

We appreciate you thoroughly explaining each step of the IVF journey. We understand the medications I will take, the minor surgical procedures involved, and the physically and emotionally challenging process ahead. We feel ready and hopeful.

Please accept this letter as my written informed consent to embark on IVF, in alignment with my husband’s consent. We’re grateful for your compassionate care and expertise.


Juliana Santos

[email]: jsantos@email.com

[phone]: (555) 482-0157

Consent for Spouse to Manage Investment Account

Dear Mr. Young,

I wish to grant my spouse, Joshua Hill, the authority to make decisions and conduct trades within our joint investment account #3356486 at Riverside Financial. Although this account is in both of our names, Joshua actively manages our investments while I take a more hands-off approach.

I trust Joshua’s investment skills and instincts fully. I hereby give my consent for him to buy, sell, and rebalance our portfolio holdings at his discretion to maximize our returns and reach our financial goals. Please allow him to conduct account transactions and sign documents without needing my involvement each time.

Of course, I expect Joshua to adhere to our agreed-upon investment strategy, risk tolerance, and ethical standards. He will update me regularly on our account performance and any major allocation changes.

Thank you for assisting my husband in managing our shared investments. My consent for him to direct our account remains in place until revoked in writing.


Miranda Hill

[email]: mirandahill@email.com

[phone]: (555) 912-2560

Consent for Spouse to Travel for Work During Pregnancy

Dear Natalie,

I’m touched by your concern for me and the baby as you anticipate traveling more for work during this pregnancy. I want to put your mind at ease and make it crystal clear that you have my full support in doing what’s required for your job, even if it takes you away from home.

I consent to you traveling, both across the country and internationally as needed, throughout my pregnancy. I know you’ll take good care of yourself and won’t put yourself in any unsafe situations. With my mom close by and our wonderful friends, I’ll have plenty of support while you’re on work trips.

The baby and I will miss you of course, but we both know providing for our family is a top priority. I’m in awe of your career accomplishments and ambition. Never doubt that I’m proud of you and behind you 100%, especially during this chapter of our marriage and family life.

All my love,


Consent to Disclose Medical Information to Spouse

Dear Dr. Nguyen,

I am undergoing cardiac testing and treatment for a suspected arrhythmia. I wish to give my consent to share my complete medical information, including test results, diagnosis, medications, and treatment plan with my wife, Caroline. Having her fully informed and involved is important to me.

Caroline is my next of kin and the person I trust most to make decisions on my behalf if I become unable to do so myself. Disclosing the details of my medical condition and care to her will help her support me and be prepared for any scenario.

I appreciate you respecting my privacy up until this point. Going forward, please communicate openly with both myself and Caroline about all aspects of my health and treatment. I’ve asked her to accompany me to appointments when she can.

Thank you,

Luis Ramirez

[email]: luisramirez@email.com

[phone]: (555) 721-1809

Consent for Spouse to Be Emergency Contact and Decision Maker

Dear Lincoln Elementary,

If any medical emergency arises with our children, Ava (grade 1) and Noah (grade 3) Patel, I authorize the school to contact my husband Nikhil first. In the event I cannot be reached, my spouse has my consent to make any urgent medical decisions on behalf of our children.

Nikhil’s contact information is: Nikhil Patel [email]: nikhil.patel@email.com [phone]: (555) 202-6621

He has my complete trust to assess the situation, communicate with doctors, and determine the best course of action for Ava and Noah’s safety. Please keep his contact information on file as the primary emergency contact for our children.


Simran Patel Ava & Noah’s mother

Consent to Donate Organs

To My Family,

The purpose of this letter is to make my organ donation wishes clear to all of you, especially my spouse Karen. In the event of my death, I wish to donate any of my organs and tissues that could benefit others.

Karen, my love, you have my full consent to carry out my wishes to be an organ donor if the time comes. I know it’s not something we want to think about, but I believe my death could give others a chance at life or improved health. That would bring me a sense of peace.

I’ve registered as an organ donor, but I want my intentions to be documented for you as well. I trust your strength and compassion to honor my request, even in a time of unimaginable grief.

Thank you for supporting my decision. May it bring some light to others in their darkest times.

With all my love,


Letter Providing Consent to Apply for Child’s Passport

To the US Passport Agency,

I, Victoria Chen, give my consent for my husband, Andrew Chen, to apply for a US passport on behalf of our daughter, Lily Chen (DOB: 03/14/2020). Andrew has my permission to complete the required forms, pay the fees, and provide supporting documentation like Lily’s birth certificate and our marriage certificate.

Although I am unable to attend the passport application appointment in person due to work travel, I fully support obtaining a passport for our child. Andrew will be present to sign the application as Lily’s father and legal guardian.

Please use this letter as proof of my parental consent for my spouse to apply for Lily’s passport in my absence. Contact me with any questions or concerns.


Victoria Chen

[email]: vchen@email.com

[phone]: (555) 829-0540

Consent for In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

Dear Dr. Patel,

This letter confirms that my husband, Raj Sharma, and I both consent to move forward with in vitro fertilization (IVF) in our efforts to grow our family. We understand the process, risks, and costs associated with this fertility treatment.

We deeply appreciate the time you’ve spent explaining the medications, procedures, and success rates based on our specific case. You’ve been sensitive to the physical and emotional investment we’re making in pursuit of biological children.

As difficult as this journey has been, Raj and I feel fully aligned and committed to the IVF process. We’re hopeful that with your medical expertise, we will experience the joy of pregnancy and parenthood.

Thank you for the compassionate care you’ve shown us so far. Please let this letter serve as our joint written consent to begin IVF, with a full understanding of the road ahead.


Priya Sharma

Consent for Spouse to Access Bank Safe Deposit Box

Dear Chase Bank Manager,

I share a safe deposit box (#1587) at your Greenfield branch with my wife, Claire Thompson. I am writing to provide clear consent for Claire to access our safe deposit box in my absence whenever she needs it, without my presence or signature required.

Our box contains important documents, family heirlooms, and sentimental items. I trust Claire completely to access the contents, add or remove items, and manage the box responsibly. Her name is on our box lease, and she should be afforded full rights to independent access it.

If I am medically incapacitated or pass away, I especially want to ensure that Claire has uninterrupted access to our safe deposit box and its contents. Please keep this consent letter on file so bank staff can honor my wishes.

Best regards,

Nathan Thompson

[email]: nathanthompson@email.com

[phone]: (555) 701-8820

Consent to Share Financial Information with Spouse

Dear Mrs. Greenfield,

I understand you’ve been working with my husband, Paul Jones, on filing our joint tax returns for 2022. I am writing to provide my express consent for you to share our complete financial details with Paul, and to work with him directly as needed to complete our tax filing.

Although in past years I’ve taken the lead on gathering documents and meeting with our tax preparer, this year my work responsibilities have been particularly demanding. I deeply appreciate Paul stepping up to handle this important task for our family.

Please communicate openly with Paul and give him access to any financial records and information required. He has my full confidence and permission to make decisions and sign forms related to our joint tax return.

Thank you for your assistance,

Amanda Jones

[email]: amandajones@email.com

[phone]: (555) 621-9924

Consent to Travel Abroad for Medical Treatment

My Dear Husband Peter,

I know my upcoming trip to Switzerland for specialized MS treatment is hard for both of us. Being apart for several weeks while I receive care will be a challenge, but I believe it’s the best option for my long-term health and quality of life. Thank you for being so supportive even though I know you’ll worry and miss me terribly.

This letter is to confirm that I have your full consent to travel abroad for this medical treatment. I promise to follow all the pre-and post-treatment guidelines, stay in close touch, and take excellent care of myself. I’ve arranged for my sister to travel with me so I’ll have a companion and advocate.

Knowing I have your approval means the world to me. I believe this treatment will help me maintain my mobility and independence for years to come, which is the greatest gift I can give to myself, to you, and to our family.

I love you so much. Thank you for being my rock. I’ll be home before we know it.

Your devoted wife,


Consent for Minor Child to Travel Internationally for Sports Competition

To Whom It May Concern:

Our son, Liam Nguyen (DOB: 05/15/2008), has been selected to represent the United States in an international youth soccer tournament in London from July 15-25th, 2023. As Liam’s parents, we give our full consent for him to travel abroad for this exciting opportunity.

We have reviewed the itinerary and travel plans carefully. Liam will be flying as part of a group with his teammates and will be under the supervision of his coaches, Damon Patel and Jordan Rodriguez, at all times. We trust them to keep the boys safe and focused on soccer.

We understand that as a minor traveling without a parent, proof of our consent is required. We are providing copies of Liam’s birth certificate, our passports as his parents, our signatures, and contact information.

Please contact either myself or my husband Henry should you require any additional information. We appreciate your diligence in ensuring Liam is approved to travel and has a safe, enjoyable tournament experience.


Kim Nguyen (mother)

Henry Nguyen (father)

[emails]: kimnguyen@email.com; hnguyen@email.com

[phones]: (555) 937-1122; (555) 937-1123

Consent to Be Surrogate Mother

Dearest Emma,

I know how long you and Nadir have been dreaming and struggling to grow your family. Being there through your years of heartache and frustration, I wish I could have done more to help. So when I offered to be your surrogate, I meant it with every fiber of my being.

I’m honored and overjoyed that you’ve decided to take me up on my offer. Having experienced two easy pregnancies of my own, I feel more than willing to carry a child for you and Nadir. Please know, that this decision comes with Jacob’s full knowledge and support too.

We’ve discussed the medical process, the legal issues, the emotional aspects, and even the financial impact. While I know this journey is never simple, I’m ready and excited to walk this road with you. My womb is your womb!

Emma, let this letter confirm that I am giving my enthusiastic consent to be your surrogate mother. I will nurture your embryo(s) as if this baby is my own, knowing all the while that this child is the miracle you’ve been waiting for.

All my love,


Consent for Spouse to Use Frozen Embryos

My Love,

Six years ago, when we created embryos during our IVF journey, I never imagined I wouldn’t be here to see our dreams of parenthood come true. But if you’re reading this, it means something has happened to me before we could complete our family together.

David, my dying wish is for you to use the frozen embryos we created to have a child, even without me by your side. I give you my complete blessing and consent to thaw our remaining embryos, transfer them, and become a father to our baby or babies.

I know this isn’t the path we envisioned. A part of you may feel that you’re betraying us if you have a child without me. But please believe me, this is what I want for you if I cannot be there. You have so much love to give, and I pictured you as a father long before I pictured myself as a mother.

Our embryos are a part of me and you. Bringing them to life would mean I live on through them, and you. Don’t feel you have to rush into a decision, but know I support you completely if having our child is what will bring you healing and joy.

Forever and always,


Consent for Spouse to Make Medical Decisions

Dear Family,

If you’re reading this letter, it likely means I am unable to make medical decisions for myself. Please know that my spouse, Robert Brown, has my full consent and trust to make any medical choices on my behalf.

Robert knows my wishes, and I am confident he will advocate for me based on our shared values. He has power of attorney privileges. I ask that you support and respect the decisions he makes regarding my care, even if emotions are running high.

Robert, my darling, I know this is an impossibly difficult position to be in. But I have total faith in your judgment and your commitment to honoring my desires. Thank you for being my voice when I cannot speak for myself.

I love you all,


Consent for Embryo Donation

Dear Dr. Nguyen,

After much discussion and soul-searching, we have decided to donate our remaining embryos to another infertile couple. We have completed our family and feel deeply called to give someone else a chance at the joy we’ve experienced through IVF.

We understand that by donating our 4 frozen embryos, we are relinquishing all parental rights to any children that may result from them. We give the recipient couple full permission to thaw, transfer, and hopefully carry our embryos to term.

We trust the process you have for vetting potential recipients. If possible, we’d love an open donation so a relationship between our families may grow over time. But we will leave that decision to the couple you match us with.

Thank you for giving us this incredible gift of choice. It brings us peace to know our embryos will be given a chance at life. Please let us know what paperwork we need to complete to finalize this donation.

With gratitude,

Olivia & Noah Russo

Wrapping Up

Requesting spousal consent in writing is a smart way to document decisions and present a united front.

See also  20 Sample Letters of Overtime Approval

A well-crafted letter can avoid misunderstandings and clarify each partner’s wishes regarding medical care, finances, parenting, and more.

Of course, every marriage is unique, and not all of these sample letters will apply to your situation.

Use them as a starting point, but customize the details to fit your circumstances.

The core elements are to clearly express consent, outline any specifics or limitations, and provide contact information.

Ideally, spousal consent letters will spark honest conversations between partners and provide peace of mind to you both.

It’s never easy to imagine worst-case scenarios, but putting plans and permissions in place is a powerful act of love.