20 Sample Letters of Permission to Enroll

Getting permission to enroll in a course or program can sometimes feel like a daunting task.

Whether you’re a student seeking approval from a parent or guardian, or an employee needing sign-off from your boss, crafting the right letter is key.

But don’t worry – we’ve got you covered.

In this article, we’ll walk through 20 sample letters that you can use as templates for your enrollment permission requests.

From short and sweet to more detailed explanations, there’s an example here for every situation.

Sample Letters of Permission to Enroll

Sample Letters of Permission to Enroll

Here are 20 sample letters of permission to enroll that you can adapt to your own needs:

Letter 1

Subject: Permission to Attend Dance Intensive

Dear Grandpa Joe,

I hope you’re having a wonderful summer in Florida! I’m writing with some exciting news to share.

I recently auditioned for and was accepted into the prestigious Alvin Ailey Summer Intensive in New York City! This is a dream come true for me – a chance to train with world-class dancers and choreographers and to immerse myself in the passion and discipline of dance.

The intensive runs for six weeks and costs $6,000 total, including tuition, housing, and meals. My parents have generously offered to cover $4,000, but I need to come up with the rest myself.

I know how much you’ve always believed in pursuing one’s passions. Would you be willing to contribute $1,000 toward my enrollment in this life-changing program? Your support would mean the world to me.

I promise to work harder than ever and make you proud. I’ll even save you a front-row seat at my first Broadway performance!

Thank you for being the most loving and supportive grandpa a dancer could ask for.

With all my love,


Letter 2

Subject: Permission to Enroll in Coding Bootcamp

Dear Uncle Mark,

I hope you’re well and enjoying your retirement! I’m writing to you with an opportunity I’m excited about.

As you know, I’ve been teaching myself to code in my spare time and have discovered a real passion for software development. I recently got accepted into a top coding boot camp, which would allow me to gain in-demand skills and break into the tech industry.

The catch is that the boot camp costs $15,000. I’ve been working overtime to save up, but I’m still falling short. I remember you telling me how much you value education and taking bold career leaps, so I wanted to ask: would you be open to investing in my future by contributing $5,000 toward my tuition?

I do not doubt that this boot camp will pay off immensely in terms of my earning potential and job satisfaction. I would be honored to have your vote of confidence as I embark on this new chapter.

Thank you for being a constant source of wisdom and encouragement. I’ll make you proud!

With appreciation,


Letter 3

Subject: Permission to Attend Writing Workshop

Dear Cousin Laura,

Greetings from the Big Apple! I hope married life is treating you well.

I’m writing because I have some news I’m excited to share. I was recently accepted into a prestigious writing workshop hosted by my favorite author, Jasmine Nguyen. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime chance to learn from a master storyteller and connect with a community of talented writers.

The workshop is a full-day event, including breakout sessions and a Q&A with the author. Admission is $250, which is a bit steep on my tight post-grad budget. I hate to ask, but I was wondering if you might be willing to chip in $50 to help me achieve this dream.

Your support would mean the world to me. And who knows – maybe one day you’ll be able to say you helped launch the career of a bestselling novelist!

Thank you for being such a wonderful cousin and friend. I promise to pay it forward when my books are topping the charts!

With gratitude,


Letter 4

Subject: Permission to Take Language Course

Dear Aunt Michelle,

I hope you’re enjoying the beautiful spring weather in Seattle! I’m writing because I have an exciting request to share with you.

As you know, I’ve been working hard to save money for college. I recently came across an opportunity to take an intensive Spanish language course this summer, which would help me fulfill my language requirements and free up space in my fall schedule for classes in my major.

The 8-week course costs $1,500, and I’ve managed to save $1,000 from my part-time job. I’m hoping to raise the remaining $500 through the support of family members who believe in the value of education. Would you be willing to contribute any amount toward my enrollment?

I would be immensely grateful for your support, and I promise to study hard and make you proud. Hopefully one day I’ll be able to converse with you fluently in Spanish!

Thank you for considering my request.

Un abrazo,


Letter 5

Subject: Permission to Study Abroad

Dear Grandma and Grandpa,

I hope this letter finds you both in good health and spirits. I’m writing to share some exciting news – I’ve been accepted into the study abroad program in Italy for next semester!

As an art history major, the opportunity to study in a country so rich in artistic heritage is a dream come true. I’ll get to learn from renowned professors, visit world-famous museums and landmarks, and immerse myself in a new culture.

The program costs $10,000, which includes tuition, housing, and excursions. I’ve managed to secure a $5,000 scholarship, and my parents have generously offered to contribute $3,000. I’m writing to ask if you would consider helping with the remaining $2,000.

I know it’s a significant request, but I promise to make the most of this incredible opportunity. I’ll be sure to send plenty of updates and photos of my adventures!

Thank you for always being so supportive of my educational journey. I’m grateful to have grandparents like you.

With love,


Letter 6

Subject: Permission to Enroll in Summer Music Program

Dear Uncle Joe,

I hope you’re doing well! I wanted to let you know about an exciting opportunity I have this summer – the chance to attend the Rockwell Music Camp.

This is a 4-week intensive program where I would get to study piano with top instructors, participate in ensembles and performances, and meet other passionate young musicians from around the country. As you know, music is such an important part of my life and I believe this experience would help me grow immensely as a pianist.

The only challenge is the cost of tuition, room, and board, which comes to $5,000. My parents have agreed to cover half if I can come up with the rest. I’ve been working odd jobs to save up, but I’m still short about $1,000.

I remember you mentioned a while back that you might be willing to sponsor me for a music opportunity someday. Is there any chance you’d be open to contributing toward my enrollment in this program? Even a partial amount would be hugely helpful as I work to make this dream a reality.

I would be so grateful for any support you’re able to provide. And of course, I’ll give you a special concert showcasing everything I learn at camp!

Thank you for considering,


Letter 7

Subject: Permission to Enroll in Photography Elective

Hi Ms. Parker,

I’m reaching out because I noticed that the Digital Photography elective is being offered next semester. As an aspiring photojournalist, I feel this class would be a great chance for me to develop technical camera skills to complement my writing.

The class meets twice a week during the 4th period. I am currently enrolled in Study Hall during that block. With your approval, I would like to swap Study Hall for Photography.

I have a strong academic record and don’t foresee any issues keeping up with my other classes. Photography is a serious pursuit for me, not just a blow-off class. I believe adding this creative elective will help make me a more well-rounded student and communicator.

Please let me know if you have any concerns about me switching to this class. I would be glad to discuss this further in person.

Thank you,

Anna Gutierrez

Letter 8

Subject: Permission to Enroll in Intro Spanish Course

Estimado Señor Morales,

I am a second-year university student and I am very interested in taking your Introductory Spanish course next semester. Although it is outside my major requirements, I believe learning Spanish would be tremendously beneficial, both personally and professionally.

I have always been fascinated by Latin American culture and would love to gain basic communication skills for traveling. Additionally, I recognize that Spanish language abilities are increasingly valuable in many career fields.

My main concern is that I have not taken a foreign language class since high school. I am a diligent student, but I realize I may need to put in extra effort to succeed in an immersive college-level course.

Would you be willing to permit me to enroll, perhaps conditionally? I am open to any advice or resources you suggest for getting a head start and hitting the ground running. I am prepared to put in the work needed to thrive in your class.

Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to your response.


Ethan Johnson

Letter 9

Subject: Permission to Enroll in Mindfulness Seminar

Dear Jen,

I found out the company is offering a 3-session seminar on Mindfulness for Stress Reduction and Peak Performance. The sessions will be led by an outside consultant and cover tools like meditation, visualization, and positive self-talk.

With how busy things have been lately as we gear up for product launch, I could use some strategies for managing stress and avoiding burnout. I think this seminar could help me show up each day feeling more focused and resilient.

The sessions are on Friday afternoons, so I would need to step away for a couple of hours during those weeks. But I will make sure all of my deliverables stay on track and will keep an eye on emails in case anything urgent comes up.

Would you be supportive of me blocking that time to attend the seminar? I think the benefits to my well-being and performance will be well worth it, but of course, I want to make sure you’re in the loop.

Let me know your thoughts when you have a chance.



Letter 10

Subject: Permission to Enroll in Executive Education Certificate Program

Dear Anita,

I’m writing to request permission and support to enroll in the Leading Digital Business Transformation certificate program at State University’s School of Management. This 6-month online program is designed for executives looking to drive strategic change initiatives in their organizations.

As the head of IT, I believe this program would equip me with invaluable knowledge and frameworks for spearheading our digital transformation efforts. The curriculum covers topics like agile leadership, data-driven decision-making, fostering an innovation culture, and leading change management. We would have direct access to top faculty and industry experts.

Beyond the tactical skills, I see this as an important investment in my leadership development and ability to think more strategically across the business. The program also includes a capstone project, where I would develop a comprehensive plan for a major transformation initiative. I would tailor this to our context and aim to create something we could implement to accelerate our digital efforts.

The program cost is $12,500, which includes all courses and materials. There is also a required 4-day on-campus intensive in May. I am hoping the company would be willing to fully sponsor my enrollment, given the direct applicability to my role and our strategic objectives. I would also like to discuss making this intensive the focus of my professional development time for the year.

Please let me know if you would like to discuss this opportunity further. I am happy to provide more details on the program, costs, or potential ROI for the business.

Thank you in advance for your consideration. I believe this program is the perfect chance to gain cutting-edge skills and frameworks that will help me drive the digital transformation so critical to our future success.

Best regards,

Vikram Singh

Letter 11

Subject: Permission to Enroll in Community Service Program

Dear Principal Watkins,

I am writing to request permission to enroll in the Lincoln County Animal Shelter’s student volunteer program this semester. This would involve me leaving campus during my lunch period two days a week to assist at the shelter, which is located just 5 minutes from school.

I have been passionate about animal welfare for many years and have been looking for hands-on ways to make a difference. When I heard about this new program partnering students with the shelter, it seemed like the perfect opportunity. My responsibilities would include helping with animal care, cleaning, and greeting potential adopters.

I have already spoken to my parents, who are fully supportive of me pursuing this volunteering experience. They are willing to sign any necessary permission forms and provide transportation on the days I would be going to the shelter.

I am aware that this arrangement would mean missing 30 minutes of the 5th period on Tuesdays and Thursdays. However, I have an A in that class and am confident I can make up any missed work. I believe the social-emotional learning and sense of purpose I would gain from this experience is well worth it. I’m also excited to be a role model for community service among my peers.

Would you be willing to give me permission to enroll in this program and leave campus at lunch on the designated days? I am happy to provide any additional information or documentation needed.

Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to your response.


Gabriela Ruiz

Letter 12

Subject: Permission to Enroll in Theatre Production Workshop

Dear Aunt Laurie,

I hope you’re enjoying the beautiful fall weather in Vermont! I’m writing because I have some exciting news to share – I’ve been accepted into the Advanced Theatre Production workshop at camp this winter!

This intensive 2-week program is by invitation only and brings together top theatre students to learn about every aspect of putting on a professional caliber show. We’ll rotate through workshops on acting, directing, lighting and set design, costuming, stage management, and more. It all culminates in a short production that we mount and perform for the community.

I am so thrilled to have this chance to learn from industry experts and collaborate with other passionate theatre kids. I feel this program will help me grow as an artist and give me a taste of what a career in the arts could look like.

The catch is that the program fee is $3,000. I hate to ask, but do you think Nana might be willing to gift me the tuition cost as a combination Christmas/birthday present this year? I know it’s so much, but it would mean the world to have this opportunity.

I was also thinking that as a thank you, I could put on a special performance for you all next time I’m in town. A “Night of Broadway Showtunes” perhaps? Let me know what you think!

I so appreciate you passing along this request on my behalf. I understand it’s a big ask, so no worries if it’s not feasible. I’m grateful to have such a supportive family either way.

Sending my love,


P.S. Yes, I did cut my hair short! Pics to follow soon 🙂

Letter 13

Subject: Permission to Enroll in Self-Defense Course

Hey Kayla,

You’ll never guess what I found – a self-defense class designed specifically for female college students! It’s a 4-week program that teaches situational awareness, de-escalation tactics, and basic defense moves.

Ever since that scary incident a few months ago, I’ve been feeling uneasy walking around campus alone, especially at night. I think this class could give me some tools to feel more confident and empowered.

The instructor seems awesome – she’s a 3rd-degree black belt and has years of experience teaching self-defense to women. She even offers a free half-hour consultation to make sure it’s a good fit before enrolling.

The program is two nights a week and costs $250 total. I know we’re both on tight budgets, but I was thinking maybe we could go in on it together as an early Christmas gift to ourselves. Safety and peace of mind seem like a worthwhile thing to invest in.

Let me know what you think! I’m going to that info session next Tuesday if you want to join and check it out.

Stay safe,


Letter 14

Subject: Permission to Enroll in SAT Prep Course

Hi Mom,

I know we’ve been talking about ways I can boost my SAT score for college applications. Well, I think I found a great option – a 6-week SAT prep intensive through Foothills Tutoring Center.

The course meets twice a week and includes full-length practice tests, targeted lessons on test content and strategy, and personalized feedback and coaching. Students average a 200-point score increase!

The program has great reviews and a track record of students going on to top schools. I feel it could give me the knowledge and confidence I need to succeed on test day.

The only thing is the price – it’s $900 for the 6 weeks, which I know is kind of steep. But I’m willing to put $300 toward it from my summer job savings. I’m hoping you and Dad might be willing to split the difference and cover the other $600. It seems like a worthwhile investment if it helps open up college opportunities for me.

Let me know your thoughts. I’m happy to set up a meeting with the tutoring center director if you have any other questions.

Thanks for considering it!


Letter 15

Subject: Permission to Enroll in Afterschool Robotics Club

Dear Mom and Dad,

This year the school is offering a new competitive robotics club and I want to join! We would work in teams to design, build, and program robots to complete different challenges. At the end of the year, we’ll enter our bots in a regional competition against other schools.

I know I’ve always loved LEGOs and building things, so I think this would be a super fun way to develop my engineering and coding skills. Plus, it looks great on college applications!

The club meets after school for two hours every week. I would need to stay late on those days, so I’m hoping one of you could pick me up at 5:30 on the meeting days. I’m also happy to take the late bus home if that’s easier.

There is a $100 fee for the year to cover competition costs and supplies. Let me know if you need me to contribute to my allowance.

Can I please sign up for the robotics club? I promise to keep my grades up and make sure I have a ride lined up for the meeting days. I can’t wait to start building and competing with my robo-creations!



Letter 16

Subject: Permission to Enroll in Outdoor Leadership Course

Hey Aunt Becca!

How’s everything going? I miss our hikes and campfire chats from this summer. You’re still my favorite adventure buddy!

I’m writing because an incredible opportunity came up and I immediately thought of you. The university is offering a special topics course next semester called Outdoor Leadership and Environmental Stewardship. It’s all about developing wilderness skills and learning how to lead safe and impactful outdoor experiences.

We cover things like backcountry navigation, risk management, group facilitation, Leave No Trace principles and environmental education. There are weekend trips to practice our expedition planning and outdoor leadership skills in various terrains and seasons. The culminating project is designing and leading our 3-day wilderness excursion!

I’m sure you can imagine how excited I am about a class like this! It combines my love of outdoor adventure with the leadership and teaching skills I’m passionate about developing. Several of the instructors are NOLS alumni and work as backcountry guides in the summer.

Here’s the thing – the course has a special fee of $500 to cover gear, transportation, and certifications. I have some money saved up from my campus job, but I’m about $200 short. I don’t want to miss out on this chance to gain these skills and experiences, so I was wondering if you might consider sponsoring part of my tuition as a birthday gift.

I know it’s a lot to ask, so no pressure at all. I’m also looking into scholarship options. But I thought of you right away since this is so up our alley. Plus, I would love to “pay it forward” by taking you out on an aunt-niece expedition that I plan myself!

Let me know what you think. And thank you for always encouraging me to chase my passion for the outdoors – it means the world.

Love you tons,


Letter 17

Subject: Permission to Enroll in Improv Comedy Workshop

Hey Adam,

I think I found the perfect professional development opportunity for us! There’s an 8-week Improv for Business workshop starting next month. It’s taught by instructors from the city’s top comedy school and is all about using improv principles to enhance creativity, collaboration, and communication at work.

Each class focuses on a different skill – things like active listening, thinking on your feet, building on others’ ideas, storytelling, and getting comfortable with failure. It sounds like such a fun way to build the kind of creativity and interpersonal skills we’re always talking about wanting to strengthen as a team.

The kicker is that the workshop meets Wednesday nights from 6:00-8:30 pm. I know that’s kind of late and we usually try to wrap up by 6 pm. But I’m willing to propose to the team that we shift our schedule that night, maybe coming in a bit later in the morning so people can still make evening commitments. And of course, I would protect that time in my calendar to make sure I’m fully present.

The other thing is the price. It’s $750 per person for the full 8 weeks, which I know is higher than our usual professional development budget. But I really think the team building and innovation benefits could be a worthwhile investment. Maybe we could even see if HR would help subsidize it if multiple people want to go.

What do you think – would you be open to me pitching this to the team to gauge interest? I also thought I could float it by Neela to see if she wants to champion it to leadership as a morale and culture booster.

Let me know your thoughts! I’m excited about getting us out of our comfort zone and bringing more play into our work.



Letter 18

Subject: Permission to Enroll in Creative Writing MFA Program

Dear Professor O’Donnell,

I hope this email finds you well. I’m reaching out with some exciting news and a request.

After much consideration, I’ve decided to apply to MFA programs in Creative Writing this fall. As you know, it’s been a lifelong dream of mine to publish a novel. After completing your Fiction Workshop last year and serving as editor of the literary magazine, I feel ready to take this next step in my journey as a writer.

I’m particularly drawn to the MFA program at State University, which has a track in Young Adult Fiction. The faculty includes several acclaimed YA authors whose work I admire. I believe having the dedicated time and mentorship to hone my craft would be invaluable.

As part of my application, I need to submit a writing sample and two letters of recommendation. I wondered if you would be willing to serve as one of my recommenders, speaking to my strengths as a creative writer and my preparedness for graduate study.

I would be happy to send you my latest writing samples and my resume. I’m also putting together a document with key points about my writing goals and what drew me to each program. Let me know if you would find any of that helpful in writing your recommendation.

I understand it’s a busy time of year, so if you’re unable to write a letter for me, no worries at all. I’m grateful for all the guidance and encouragement you’ve already given me.

Thank you for considering my request. Your mentorship has meant so much to me and played a huge role in making me feel ready to pursue this dream.

Warm regards,

Priya Gupta

Letter 19

Subject: Permission to Enroll in Culinary Arts Elective

Querida Mamá y Papá,

I’m so excited to share this news with you – I was accepted into the Advanced Culinary Arts elective for next year! You know how much I’ve enjoyed learning to cook and bake these past few years. I think this class will help me take my passion and skills to the next level.

In this course, we have the opportunity to learn more specialized techniques and get experience working in a commercial kitchen. We partner with local restaurants and bakeries to do hands-on learning and even apprentice with a chef! The teacher told me she thought I had a lot of potential and encouraged me to enroll.

I wanted to make sure you would be okay with me taking this class. I know Abuelita has been teaching me so much about our family recipes – I would love to keep learning from her too. But I also really want to challenge myself and explore cooking as a possible career path. I think this class could give me a strong foundation.

The other thing is, the class has a $200 fee for materials, equipment, and field trips. Is that something we could afford? I would be happy to chip in from my savings or take on extra chores to help pay for it. I know it’s an investment, but I think the skills and experiences I’ll gain will be so worth it.

Let me know what you think. Your support means everything to me and I’m so grateful for all the ways you encourage me to follow my passions. I would love to make a special dinner for our family to celebrate if I get to take this class!

Los quiero mucho,

Ana Sofía

Letter 20

Subject: Permission to Enroll in Advanced Placement Courses

Dear Mom and Dad,

I wanted to talk to you about my class schedule for next year, junior year. I’ve been looking into the Advanced Placement (AP) courses offered and I would like to enroll in AP Biology and AP English Literature.

I think these classes would be a great opportunity for me to challenge myself academically and potentially earn some college credits. As you know, science and English are two of my strongest subjects. My teachers think I’m ready for the rigor of AP coursework and have encouraged me to enroll.

I’ve thought a lot about whether I can handle the workload since I know these classes move faster and have more homework than regular classes. However, I’m ready to step up my study habits and time management to make sure I can keep up. I’m also willing to cut back on some extracurriculars if needed to prioritize my coursework.

Of course, I wanted to check with you first before signing up, since taking AP classes is a family decision. There are testing fees associated with the courses – I believe it’s $95 per exam. I know that’s an additional expense, so please let me know if it would be a hardship. There may be fee waivers available.

Could we sit down this weekend to discuss the possibilities and make a plan? I’m excited about the challenge, but I also want to make sure we’re on the same page about expectations and workload. I’ll be sure to loop in my guidance counselor as well for advice.

Thank you for always encouraging my academic growth and believing in my potential. It means so much to have your support as I strive for my goals.



Wrapping Up

Crafting a clear and compelling letter to request enrollment permission can make all the difference.

See also  15 Sample Letters of Authorization of Bank Transactions

Whether you’re asking a parent, professor, supervisor, or someone else, the key is to be specific, polite, and persuasive.

Use the sample letters provided as a starting point, but be sure to customize them based on your situation and relationship.

Explain why the class or program is important to you and how it fits into your larger goals.

Offer any relevant details about scheduling, costs, or logistics.

And always express gratitude for their consideration.

With a thoughtful approach, you’ll be well on your way to securing the sign-off you need to start learning and growing.

Best of luck as you seek to enroll in your chosen class or program!