15 Sample Letters of Authorization for Vehicle Registration

Dealing with vehicle registration can be a hassle, especially if you need someone else to handle the process for you.

That’s where a letter of authorization comes in handy.

This simple document gives another person the legal right to register your vehicle on your behalf, saving you time and energy.

But what exactly should a letter of authorization for vehicle registration include?

How do you make sure it’s legally binding? Don’t worry – we’ve got you covered.

In this article, we’ll provide 15 sample letters of authorization that you can use as templates for your situation.

Ready to make your life a little easier?

Let’s dive into these sample letters of authorization for vehicle registration.

Sample Letters of Authorization for Vehicle Registration


Sample Letters of Authorization for Vehicle Registration

Letter 1: Basic Authorization for a Family Member

I, [Your Full Name], hereby authorize my [relationship], [Name of Authorized Person], to register my vehicle, a [Year, Make, Model], with license plate number [Plate Number], at the [Name of DMV Office] on my behalf. This authorization is valid for 30 days from the date of signing.


[Your Signature]

[Your Printed Name]


Letter 2: Authorization with Power of Attorney

I, [Your Full Name], hereby appoint [Name of Authorized Person], as my attorney-in-fact to register my vehicle, a [Year, Make, Model], with Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) [VIN Number], at any DMV office in the state of [State Name]. This authorization includes the power to sign all necessary documents on my behalf. This power of attorney is valid until revoked in writing.

Signed on this [Day] day of [Month], [Year].

[Your Signature]

[Your Printed Name]

Letter 3: Authorization for a Company Vehicle

[Company Name] [Company Address]


To Whom It May Concern:

This letter authorizes our employee, [Name of Authorized Person], to register the following company vehicle on behalf of [Company Name]:

Make: [Vehicle Make]

Model: [Vehicle Model]

Year: [Vehicle Year]

VIN: [Vehicle Identification Number]

[Name of Authorized Person] is fully authorized to sign all necessary documents to complete the registration process.

If you have any questions, please contact me at [Your Phone Number] or [Your Email Address].


[Your Signature]

[Your Printed Name]

[Your Title]

Letter 4: Authorization for a Leased Vehicle


[Leasing Company Name] [Leasing Company Address]

Re: Authorization to Register Leased Vehicle

To Whom It May Concern,

I, [Your Full Name], hereby authorize [Name of Authorized Person] to register the vehicle I am leasing from your company. The vehicle details are as follows:

Make: [Vehicle Make]

Model: [Vehicle Model]

Year: [Vehicle Year]

VIN: [Vehicle Identification Number]

Lease Agreement Number: [Lease Number]

Please accept this letter as formal authorization for [Name of Authorized Person] to sign all documents necessary to register this vehicle on my behalf.


[Your Signature]

[Your Printed Name]

Letter 5: Authorization for an Out-of-State Vehicle


[DMV Office Address]

Re: Out-of-State Vehicle Registration Authorization

Dear Sir or Madam,

I, [Your Full Name], residing at [Your Address], own a vehicle currently registered in the state of [Previous State]. I am authorizing [Name of Authorized Person], residing at [Authorized Person’s Address], to register this vehicle in the state of [New State] on my behalf.

Vehicle Information:

Make: [Vehicle Make]

Model: [Vehicle Model]

Year: [Vehicle Year]

VIN: [Vehicle Identification Number]

Previous License Plate Number: [Previous Plate Number]

Please accept this letter as my authorization for [Name of Authorized Person] to complete all necessary steps for registering my vehicle in [New State], including signing documents on my behalf.

If you require any additional information, please contact me at [Your Phone Number] or [Your Email Address].


[Your Signature]

[Your Printed Name]

Letter 6: Authorization for a Military Member


[DMV Office Address]

Subject: Military Member Vehicle Registration Authorization

To Whom It May Concern,

I, [Your Rank and Full Name], am an active duty member of the [Branch of Military], currently stationed at [Military Base]. Due to my military obligations, I am unable to personally register my vehicle.

I hereby authorize [Name of Authorized Person], [Relationship to You], to register my vehicle on my behalf. The vehicle information is as follows:

Make: [Vehicle Make]

Model: [Vehicle Model]

Year: [Vehicle Year]

VIN: [Vehicle Identification Number]

Please allow [Name of Authorized Person] to complete the registration process, including signing any necessary documents. You may contact me at [Your Military Email Address] if you need further verification.

Thank you for your assistance,

[Your Signature]

[Your Rank and Full Name]

[Your Military Branch and Unit]

Letter 7: Authorization for a Diplomat

[Embassy Letterhead]


[DMV Office Address]

Subject: Diplomatic Vehicle Registration Authorization

Dear Sir or Madam,

I, [Your Full Name], am a diplomat with the [Country Name] Embassy. I am authorizing [Name of Authorized Person], a staff member at our embassy, to register my vehicle on my behalf.

Vehicle Details:

Make: [Vehicle Make]

Model: [Vehicle Model]

Year: [Vehicle Year]

VIN: [Vehicle Identification Number]

Diplomatic License Plate Number: [Diplomatic Plate Number]

Kindly assist [Name of Authorized Person] with the registration process and allow them to sign all necessary documents on my behalf.

If you have any questions or require further information, please contact me at [Your Diplomatic Email Address].


[Your Signature]

[Your Full Name]

[Your Diplomatic Title]

[Country Name] Embassy

Letter 8: Authorization for a Trust-Owned Vehicle


[DMV Office Address]

Re: Trust-Owned Vehicle Registration Authorization

To Whom It May Concern,

I, [Your Full Name], am a trustee of the [Name of Trust], which owns the following vehicle:

Make: [Vehicle Make]

Model: [Vehicle Model]

Year: [Vehicle Year]

VIN: [Vehicle Identification Number]

As a trustee, I authorize [Name of Authorized Person], also a trustee of the [Name of Trust], to register this vehicle on behalf of the trust.

Attached is a copy of the trust agreement confirming our roles as trustees. Please assist [Name of Authorized Person] with the registration process and accept their signature on all necessary documents.

If you have any questions, please contact me at [Your Phone Number] or [Your Email Address].


[Your Signature]

[Your Full Name]

Trustee, [Name of Trust]

Letter 9: Authorization for a Classic Car


[DMV Office Address]

Subject: Classic Car Registration Authorization

Dear Sir or Madam,

I, [Your Full Name], own a classic [Year, Make, Model] vehicle. Due to my current health condition, I am unable to personally register this vehicle.

I hereby authorize my [Relationship], [Name of Authorized Person], to register my classic car on my behalf. The vehicle information is as follows:

Make: [Vehicle Make]

Model: [Vehicle Model]

Year: [Vehicle Year]

VIN: [Vehicle Identification Number]

Please allow [Name of Authorized Person] to complete the classic vehicle registration process, including signing any necessary documents. You may contact me at [Your Phone Number] or [Your Email Address] if you require further information.

Thank you for your assistance,

[Your Signature]

[Your Full Name]

Letter 10: Authorization for a Donated Vehicle

[Charity Letterhead]


[DMV Office Address]

Re: Donated Vehicle Registration Authorization

To Whom It May Concern,

[Name of Charity] has received a donated vehicle from [Donor’s Full Name]. We are authorizing our employee, [Name of Authorized Person], to register this vehicle on behalf of our organization.

Vehicle Information:

Make: [Vehicle Make]

Model: [Vehicle Model]

Year: [Vehicle Year]

VIN: [Vehicle Identification Number]

Please assist [Name of Authorized Person] with the registration process and accept their signature on all necessary documents.

If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at [Your Phone Number] or [Your Email Address].


[Your Signature]

[Your Full Name]

[Your Title]

[Name of Charity]

Letter 11: Authorization for a Customized Vehicle


[DMV Office Address]

Subject: Customized Vehicle Registration Authorization

Dear Sir or Madam,

I, [Your Full Name], own a customized [Year, Make, Model] vehicle. Due to my work commitments, I am unable to personally register this vehicle.

I hereby authorize my [Relationship], [Name of Authorized Person], to register my customized vehicle on my behalf. The vehicle information is as follows:

Make: [Vehicle Make]

Model: [Vehicle Model]

Year: [Vehicle Year]

VIN: [Vehicle Identification Number]

Please note that this vehicle has undergone significant customization, which is detailed in the attached documentation. Kindly assist [Name of Authorized Person] with the registration process, accounting for these modifications, and allow them to sign any necessary documents.

If you have any questions or require further clarification, please contact me at [Your Phone Number] or [Your Email Address].

Thank you for your assistance,

[Your Signature]

[Your Full Name]

Letter 12: Authorization for a Gifted Vehicle


[DMV Office Address]

Re: Gifted Vehicle Registration Authorization

To Whom It May Concern,

I, [Your Full Name], have gifted my [Year, Make, Model] vehicle to my [Relationship], [Name of Gift Recipient]. I am authorizing [Name of Authorized Person] to register this vehicle on behalf of [Name of Gift Recipient].

Vehicle Details:

Make: [Vehicle Make]

Model: [Vehicle Model]

Year: [Vehicle Year]

VIN: [Vehicle Identification Number]

Attached is the signed vehicle title transferring ownership to [Name of Gift Recipient]. Please assist [Name of Authorized Person] with registering the vehicle under [Name of Gift Recipient]’s name and accept their signature on all necessary documents.

If you have any questions, please contact me at [Your Phone Number] or [Your Email Address].


[Your Signature]

[Your Full Name]

Letter 13: Authorization for a Fleet Vehicle

[Company Letterhead]


[DMV Office Address]

Subject: Fleet Vehicle Registration Authorization

Dear Sir or Madam,

[Company Name] is authorizing our employee, [Name of Authorized Person], to register the following fleet vehicle on behalf of our company:

Make: [Vehicle Make]

Model: [Vehicle Model]

Year: [Vehicle Year]

VIN: [Vehicle Identification Number]

Fleet Number: [Company Fleet Number]

[Name of Authorized Person] is fully authorized to sign all necessary documents to complete the registration process for this fleet vehicle.

If you have any questions or require further information, please contact our fleet manager, [Fleet Manager’s Name], at [Fleet Manager’s Phone Number] or [Fleet Manager’s Email Address].


[Your Signature]

[Your Full Name]

[Your Title]

[Company Name]

Letter 14: Authorization for an Inherited Vehicle


[DMV Office Address]

Re: Inherited Vehicle Registration Authorization

To Whom It May Concern,

I, [Your Full Name], have inherited a [Year, Make, Model] vehicle from my late [Relationship], [Name of Deceased]. Due to the complexities of the estate settlement process, I am authorizing [Name of Authorized Person], the executor of the estate, to register this vehicle on my behalf.

Vehicle Information:

Make: [Vehicle Make]

Model: [Vehicle Model]

Year: [Vehicle Year]

VIN: [Vehicle Identification Number]

Attached is a copy of the will and death certificate confirming my inheritance of the vehicle. Please assist [Name of Authorized Person] with transferring the vehicle’s registration to my name and accept their signature on all necessary documents.

If you have any questions, please contact me at [Your Phone Number] or [Your Email Address].


[Your Signature]

[Your Full Name]

Letter 15: Authorization for a Jointly-Owned Vehicle


[DMV Office Address]

Subject: Jointly-Owned Vehicle Registration Authorization

Dear Sir or Madam,

We, [Your Full Name] and [Co-Owner’s Full Name], are joint owners of a [Year, Make, Model] vehicle. Due to scheduling conflicts, we are unable to register the vehicle together in person.

We hereby authorize [Name of Authorized Person], our [Relationship], to register our jointly-owned vehicle on our behalf. The vehicle information is as follows:

Make: [Vehicle Make]

Model: [Vehicle Model]

Year: [Vehicle Year]

VIN: [Vehicle Identification Number]

Please allow [Name of Authorized Person] to complete the registration process, including signing any necessary documents on our behalf. You may contact us at [Your Phone Number], [Co-Owner’s Phone Number], [Your Email Address], or [Co-Owner’s Email Address] if you require further information.

Thank you for your assistance,

[Your Signature]

[Co-Owner’s Signature]

[Your Full Name]

[Co-Owner’s Full Name]

Wrapping Up Authorization Letters for Vehicle Registration

Authorizing someone else to handle your vehicle registration can be a real time-saver, whether you’re unable to do it yourself due to health issues, work commitments, military deployment, or simply because you’ve gifted or inherited a vehicle.

See also  15 Sample Letters of Authorization to Represent in Court

These 15 sample letters of authorization cover a wide range of situations, from basic family authorizations to more complex scenarios involving leased vehicles, classic cars, and jointly-owned vehicles.

Remember, a clear and properly formatted letter of authorization is essential to ensure a smooth registration process.

Be sure to include all relevant vehicle details, specify the scope of the authorization, and provide your contact information in case the DMV has any questions.

By using these templates as a starting point and customizing them to your specific needs, you can create a legally binding letter of authorization that will make your vehicle registration process a breeze.

Happy authorizing!