20 Sample Letters of Authorization for Salary Deduction

Salary deductions are a common part of many employees’ financial lives.

Whether it’s for health insurance, retirement contributions, or loan repayments, having a portion of your paycheck withheld can be a convenient way to manage expenses.

However, for an employer to make these deductions, they typically require written authorization from the employee.

As an employee, you may find yourself needing to write a letter of authorization for salary deduction at some point in your career.

But what exactly should this letter include, and how should it be formatted?

In this article, we’ll provide 15 sample letters that you can use as templates for your own needs.

Sample Letters of Authorization for Salary Deduction

Sample Letters of Authorization for Salary Deduction

Below are the sample letters:

Letter 1: Health Insurance Premium Deduction

Subject: Authorization for Health Insurance Premium Deduction

Dear [Employer],

I, [Your Name], hereby authorize [Company Name] to deduct $[Amount] from my monthly salary for my health insurance premium. This deduction should start on [Date] and continue until further notice from me in writing.

Please keep a copy of this letter for your records. If you have any questions, please contact me at [Your Email] or [Your Phone Number].


[Your Signature]

[Your Name]

Letter 2: 401(k) Contribution Deduction

Subject: Authorization for 401(k) Contribution Deduction

Dear [Employer],

I, [Your Name], request that you deduct [Percentage]% of my salary each pay period and deposit it into my 401(k) account. I understand that these deductions will be made on a pre-tax basis.

This authorization shall remain in effect until I modify or cancel it in writing. Please implement this deduction starting with the next payroll cycle.

Thank you for your assistance with this matter.

Best regards,

[Your Signature]

[Your Name]

Letter 3: Loan Repayment Deduction

Subject: Authorization for Loan Repayment Deduction

Dear [Employer],

I, [Your Name], authorize [Company Name] to deduct $[Amount] from my salary each pay period for the repayment of my loan from [Lender Name]. Please start this deduction on [Date] and continue it until the loan is fully repaid or until I provide further notice in writing.

Please send the deducted funds to [Lender Name] at [Lender Address]. If you need any additional information, please let me know.


[Your Signature]

[Your Name]

Letter 4: Charitable Contribution Deduction

Subject: Authorization for Charitable Contribution Deduction

Dear [Employer],

I, [Your Name], would like to contribute to [Charity Name] through payroll deductions. Please deduct $[Amount] from my salary each pay period and send it to the charity at [Charity Address].

I request that these deductions start on [Date] and continue until I revoke this authorization in writing. Please keep a record of my donations for tax purposes.

Thank you for facilitating my charitable giving.

Best regards,

[Your Signature]

[Your Name]

Letter 5: Gym Membership Deduction

Subject: Authorization for Gym Membership Deduction

Dear [Employer],

I, [Your Name], authorize [Company Name] to deduct $[Amount] from my salary each month for my membership at [Gym Name]. Please start this deduction on [Date] and continue it until I cancel my gym membership or provide written notice to stop the deductions.

If the gym membership fee changes, I authorize you to adjust the deduction amount accordingly upon written notice from the gym.

Thank you for your assistance.


[Your Signature]

[Your Name]

Letter 6: Union Dues Deduction

Subject: Authorization for Union Dues Deduction

Dear [Employer],

As a member of [Union Name], I, [Your Name], authorize [Company Name] to deduct my union dues from my salary each pay period. The current dues amount is $[Amount] per [Pay Period]. Please start this deduction on [Date] and continue it until I revoke this authorization in writing.

If the union dues amount changes in the future, I authorize you to adjust the deduction accordingly upon written notice from the union. Please remit the deducted dues to the union on my behalf.


[Your Signature]

[Your Name]

Letter 7: Parking Fee Deduction

Subject: Authorization for Parking Fee Deduction

Dear [Employer],

I, [Your Name], authorize [Company Name] to deduct $[Amount] from my salary each month for parking fees. This deduction should begin on [Date] and continue until I no longer require parking or provide written notice to stop the deductions.

Please pay the deducted amount to [Parking Provider] on my behalf. If the parking fee changes, I authorize you to adjust the deduction amount accordingly upon written notice from the parking provider.

Best regards,

[Your Signature]

[Your Name]

Letter 8: Professional Association Dues Deduction

Subject: Authorization for Professional Association Dues Deduction

Dear [Employer],

I, [Your Name], am a member of the [Professional Association Name]. I authorize [Company Name] to deduct my annual membership dues of $[Amount] from my salary. Please make this deduction on [Date] each year.

If the association dues change, I authorize you to adjust the deduction amount accordingly upon written notice from the association. Please send the deducted dues to the association on my behalf.

This authorization shall remain in effect until I provide written notice to cancel it.


[Your Signature]

[Your Name]

Letter 9: Life Insurance Premium Deduction

Subject: Authorization for Life Insurance Premium Deduction

Dear [Employer],

I, [Your Name], have enrolled in the company-sponsored life insurance plan. I authorize [Company Name] to deduct $[Amount] from my salary each month to cover my life insurance premium.

Please start this deduction on [Date] and continue it as long as I remain enrolled in the life insurance plan. If the premium amount changes, I authorize you to adjust the deduction accordingly.

Thank you for your assistance with this matter.

Best regards,

[Your Signature]

[Your Name]

Letter 10: Flexible Spending Account Deduction

Subject: Authorization for Flexible Spending Account Deduction

Dear [Employer],

I, [Your Name], have elected to participate in the company’s Flexible Spending Account (FSA) program. I authorize [Company Name] to deduct $[Amount] from my salary each pay period and deposit it into my FSA.

Please start these deductions on [Date] and continue them throughout the current FSA plan year. I understand that my FSA elections are irrevocable unless I experience a qualifying life event.


[Your Signature]

[Your Name]

Letter 11: Disability Insurance Premium Deduction

Subject: Authorization for Disability Insurance Premium Deduction

Dear [Employer],

I, [Your Name], have enrolled in the company’s disability insurance plan. Please deduct $[Amount] from my salary each month to cover my disability insurance premium.

This deduction should start on [Date] and continue as long as I remain enrolled in the disability insurance plan. If the premium amount changes, I authorize you to adjust the deduction accordingly.

Thank you for facilitating my enrollment in this important benefit.

Best regards,

[Your Signature]

[Your Name]

Letter 12: Health Savings Account Deduction

Subject: Authorization for Health Savings Account Deduction

Dear [Employer],

I, [Your Name], have opened a Health Savings Account (HSA) and request that you deduct $[Amount] from my salary each pay period and deposit it into my HSA. I understand that these deductions will be made on a pre-tax basis.

Please start these deductions on [Date] and continue them until I provide written notice to modify or stop them.


[Your Signature]

[Your Name]

Letter 13: Advance Repayment Deduction

Subject: Authorization for Advance Repayment Deduction

Dear [Employer],

I, [Your Name], have received an advance of $[Amount] from [Company Name]. I authorize you to deduct $[Deduction Amount] from my salary each pay period to repay this advance.

Please start these deductions on [Date] and continue them until the full advance amount has been repaid. Once the repayment is complete, please stop the deductions immediately.

Thank you for your assistance with this matter.

Best regards,

[Your Signature]

[Your Name]

Letter 14: Training Cost Deduction

Subject: Authorization for Training Cost Deduction

Dear [Employer],

I, [Your Name], have agreed to participate in [Training Name] provided by [Company Name]. As per our agreement, I authorize you to deduct $[Amount] from my salary each pay period to cover the cost of this training.

Please start these deductions on [Date] and continue them until the total training cost of $[Total Cost] has been paid. If I leave the company before the full amount has been deducted, I agree to pay the remaining balance immediately.


[Your Signature]

[Your Name]

Letter 15: Tuition Assistance Repayment Deduction

Subject: Authorization for Tuition Assistance Repayment Deduction

Dear [Employer],

I, [Your Name], have received tuition assistance in the amount of $[Amount] from [Company Name] for my studies at [Educational Institution]. As per the terms of the tuition assistance agreement, I authorize you to deduct $[Deduction Amount] from my salary each pay period to repay this assistance.

Please start these deductions on [Date] and continue them until the full tuition assistance amount has been repaid, or until my employment with the company ends, whichever comes first.

Thank you for investing in my education and professional development.

Best regards,

[Your Signature]

[Your Name]

Letter 16: Charitable Giving Campaign Deduction

Subject: Authorization for Charitable Giving Campaign Deduction

Dear [Employer],

I, [Your Name], wish to participate in the company’s annual charitable giving campaign. I authorize [Company Name] to deduct a total of $[Amount] from my salary, to be divided equally among the next [Number] pay periods.

Please start these deductions on [Date] and continue them until the full pledged amount has been deducted. I understand that these contributions are voluntary and that I may modify or cancel my pledge at any time by providing written notice.

Thank you for facilitating my participation in this important initiative.


[Your Signature]

[Your Name]

Letter 17: Uniform Deduction

Subject: Authorization for Uniform Deduction

Dear [Employer],

I, [Your Name], acknowledge receipt of company uniforms valued at $[Amount]. I authorize [Company Name] to deduct $[Deduction Amount] from my salary each pay period to cover the cost of these uniforms.

Please start these deductions on [Date] and continue them until the full cost of the uniforms has been paid. I understand that the uniforms remain the property of the company and must be returned upon termination of my employment.

Best regards,

[Your Signature]

[Your Name]

Letter 18: Meal Plan Deduction

Subject: Authorization for Meal Plan Deduction

Dear [Employer],

I, [Your Name], wish to enroll in the company’s meal plan program. I authorize [Company Name] to deduct $[Amount] from my salary each pay period to cover the cost of my participation in this program.

Please start these deductions on [Date] and continue them until I provide written notice to cancel my enrollment. I understand that the deducted amount may be adjusted if meal plan prices change.


[Your Signature]

[Your Name]

Letter 19: Professional License Fee Deduction

Subject: Authorization for Professional License Fee Deduction

Dear [Employer],

I, [Your Name], hold a professional license that is required for my position at [Company Name]. I authorize you to deduct $[Amount] from my salary each year to cover the cost of renewing this license.

Please make this deduction on [Date] each year and remit the funds to [Licensing Authority] on my behalf. If the license renewal fee changes, I authorize you to adjust the deduction amount accordingly upon written notice from the licensing authority.

Thank you for your assistance with maintaining my professional credentials.

Best regards,

[Your Signature]

[Your Name]

Letter 20: Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account Deduction

Subject: Authorization for Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account Deduction

Dear [Employer],

I, [Your Name], have elected to participate in the company’s Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account (DCFSA) program. I authorize [Company Name] to deduct $[Amount] from my salary each pay period and deposit it into my DCFSA.

Please start these deductions on [Date] and continue them throughout the current DCFSA plan year. I understand that my DCFSA elections are irrevocable unless I experience a qualifying life event.


[Your Signature]

[Your Name]

Wrapping Up Authorization for Salary Deduction Letters

Authorizing salary deductions is a straightforward process, but it’s important to put it in writing.

See also  15 Sample Letters of Approval of Additional Staff

A clear, concise letter helps ensure that your employer has the necessary documentation and that your deductions are processed accurately.

Remember, you can use these sample letters as a starting point, but be sure to customize them to fit your specific situation.

Include all relevant details, such as the amount or percentage to be deducted, the start date, and how long the authorization should remain in effect.

By taking the time to draft a professional letter of authorization, you can streamline your financial life and ensure that your salary deductions are handled smoothly.