15 Sample Letters of Appeal to Board of Nursing

Are you a nurse facing disciplinary action from your state Board of Nursing?

Receiving notice of an investigation or hearing can be a stressful and overwhelming experience.

But don’t panic – you have the right to appeal the Board’s decision and present your side of the story.

A well-crafted letter of appeal is your opportunity to explain the situation, take responsibility for any missteps, and demonstrate your commitment to upholding the highest standards of nursing practice.

In this article, we’ll provide 15 sample letters of appeal to a Board of Nursing to guide you as you draft your persuasive appeal.

Whether you’re facing misconduct allegations, failure to meet continuing education requirements or any other issue, these examples will help you structure a professional and impactful letter to the Board.

Let’s get started.

Sample Letters of Appeal to Board of Nursing

Sample Letters of Appeal to the Board of Nursing

Before we dive into the specific letters, here are a few key tips to keep in mind as you write your appeal:

Letter 1: Appeal for Alleged Medication Error

Dear Members of the Board of Nursing,

I am writing to appeal the disciplinary action taken against my nursing license (License #123456) regarding the alleged medication error that occurred on June 15, 2023, while I was working at Sunny Valley Hospital.

I take full responsibility for the error in dosage calculation that led to the patient receiving an incorrect dose of insulin. I deeply regret this mistake and understand the potential harm it could have caused. However, I want to assure the Board that this was an isolated incident in my five years of nursing practice, and I have taken immediate steps to prevent such errors from happening again.

Since the incident, I have completed a comprehensive medication safety course and have been working closely with my supervisor to implement additional safeguards in our medication administration process. I am committed to upholding the highest standards of patient care and will continue to learn and grow from this experience.

I respectfully request that the Board reconsider the disciplinary action and allow me to continue practicing nursing under probation. I am willing to comply with any additional training or monitoring the Board deems necessary.

Thank you for considering my appeal. I am grateful for the opportunity to continue serving my patients and contributing to the nursing profession.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Letter 2: Appeal for Failure to Meet Continuing Education Requirements

Dear Board of Nursing,

I am writing to appeal the disciplinary action against my nursing license (License #789012) for failure to meet the continuing education requirements for the 2022-2023 renewal period.

I acknowledge that I did not complete the required 30 hours of continuing education by the deadline. This lapse was due to a combination of personal and professional challenges I faced during that time, including a family emergency and an unusually high workload at my hospital.

However, I have since completed all the necessary continuing education courses and have attached the certificates of completion to this letter. I understand the importance of staying current with the latest nursing practices and commit to prioritizing my continuing education in the future.

I kindly ask the Board to consider my appeal and reinstate my nursing license. I am eager to continue providing quality patient care and contributing to my healthcare team.

Thank you for your consideration.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Letter 3: Appeal for Allegation of Unprofessional Conduct

Dear Esteemed Members of the Board of Nursing,

I am writing to appeal the complaint filed against me (License #345678) alleging unprofessional conduct during an interaction with a patient’s family member on August 10, 2023, at Riverdale Medical Center.

I sincerely apologize for the misunderstanding that led to this complaint. While I maintain that I acted with the patient’s best interests in mind, I recognize that my communication with the family member could have been more empathetic and patient.

In light of this incident, I have enrolled in a communication skills workshop to improve my ability to navigate difficult conversations and build stronger relationships with patients and their families. I am committed to applying these skills in my daily practice and ensuring that every interaction reflects the compassion and professionalism expected of a registered nurse.

I respectfully request that the Board dismiss the complaint and allow me to continue practicing nursing without disciplinary action. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn from this experience and grow as a healthcare provider.

Thank you for your consideration.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Letter 4: Appeal for Positive Drug Screen

Dear Board of Nursing,

I am writing to appeal the disciplinary action taken against my nursing license (License #901234) following a positive drug screen on September 5, 2023.

I take full responsibility for the presence of a controlled substance in my system at the time of the drug test. I had been prescribed the medication by my physician for a legitimate medical condition but failed to disclose this to my employer and the Board.

I deeply regret my lack of transparency and understand the serious nature of this violation. Since the incident, I have voluntarily entered a substance abuse treatment program and have been actively working with a counselor to address any underlying issues.

I am committed to maintaining my sobriety and ensuring that my challenges do not interfere with my nursing practice. I am willing to comply with any ongoing monitoring or reporting requirements the Board deems necessary.

I humbly request that the Board allow me to continue practicing nursing under a probationary period while I continue my recovery journey. Nursing is my passion, and I am dedicated to providing safe, competent care to my patients.

Thank you for considering my appeal.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Letter 5: Appeal for Patient Privacy Violation

Dear Members of the Board of Nursing,

I am writing to appeal the disciplinary action taken against my nursing license (License #567890) for an alleged violation of patient privacy that occurred on November 20, 2023, at Oakwood Nursing Home.

I acknowledge that I inadvertently discussed a patient’s medical condition with a colleague in a public area of the nursing home. I deeply regret this lapse in judgment and understand the importance of maintaining patient confidentiality at all times.

Since the incident, I have completed a comprehensive training course on patient privacy regulations and have been working closely with my supervisor to ensure that all patient information is handled with the utmost discretion.

I want to assure the Board that this was an isolated incident in my seven years of nursing practice, and I am committed to upholding the highest ethical standards moving forward.

I respectfully request that the Board reconsider the disciplinary action and allow me to continue practicing nursing under a probationary period. I am willing to comply with any additional training or monitoring the Board deems necessary.

Thank you for your consideration.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Letter 6: Appeal for Practicing Without a Valid License

Dear Board of Nursing,

I am writing to appeal the disciplinary action taken against me for practicing nursing without a valid license from August 1, 2023, to August 15, 2023, at Greenfield Hospital.

I take full responsibility for this serious oversight. Due to a personal emergency, I failed to renew my nursing license before the expiration date. I understand that practicing nursing without a valid license is a grave violation of the Nurse Practice Act and puts my patients at risk.

Immediately upon realizing my error, I ceased all nursing duties and took steps to reinstate my license. I have since completed the renewal process and have attached a copy of my current license to this letter.

I want to assure the Board that this was an isolated incident in my ten years of nursing practice, and I am committed to ensuring that my license remains current and in good standing at all times.

I humbly request that the Board consider my appeal and allow me to continue practicing nursing under a probationary period. I am willing to comply with any additional requirements the Board deems necessary to demonstrate my commitment to upholding the standards of the profession.

Thank you for your consideration.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Letter 7: Appeal for Failure to Report a Felony Conviction

Dear Members of the Board of Nursing,

I am writing to appeal the disciplinary action taken against my nursing license (License #234567) for failure to report a felony conviction within the required timeframe.

I acknowledge that I did not promptly notify the Board of my conviction for a DUI offense that occurred on June 1, 2023. I deeply regret this lapse in judgment and understand the importance of maintaining transparency with the Board regarding any criminal convictions.

Since the incident, I have taken steps to address the underlying issues that led to my conviction. I have completed a substance abuse treatment program and have been actively participating in ongoing counseling and support groups.

I want to assure the Board that this conviction is not reflective of my character or my dedication to the nursing profession. I am committed to upholding the highest ethical standards and providing safe, compassionate care to my patients.

I respectfully request that the Board consider my appeal and allow me to continue practicing nursing under a probationary period. I am willing to comply with any additional reporting or monitoring requirements the Board deems necessary.

Thank you for your consideration.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Letter 8: Appeal for Violation of Nurse-Patient Boundaries

Dear Board of Nursing,

I am writing to appeal the complaint filed against me (License #890123) alleging a violation of nurse-patient boundaries during my employment at Riverside Clinic from January 2023 to March 2023.

I acknowledge that I engaged in an inappropriate personal relationship with a patient under my care during this time. I deeply regret my actions and understand the serious nature of this violation. I take full responsibility for blurring the lines between my professional and personal life, and I am committed to ensuring that such a breach of trust never happens again.

Since the incident, I have voluntarily enrolled in a professional boundaries course and have been working closely with a counselor to address any underlying issues that may have contributed to my lapse in judgment. I am dedicated to re-establishing proper boundaries with my patients and colleagues.

I want to assure the Board that this was an isolated incident in my twelve years of nursing practice, and I am committed to upholding the highest ethical standards moving forward.

I respectfully request that the Board allow me to continue practicing nursing under a probationary period while I continue to work on maintaining appropriate professional boundaries. I am willing to comply with any additional training or monitoring the Board deems necessary.

Thank you for considering my appeal.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Letter 9: Appeal for Failure to Document Patient Care

Dear Members of the Board of Nursing,

I am writing to appeal the disciplinary action taken against my nursing license (License #456789) for failure to document patient care during my employment at Hillcrest Hospital from April 2023 to June 2023.

I acknowledge that my documentation during this period was incomplete and did not meet the standards set forth by the hospital and the Board. I understand the critical importance of accurate and timely documentation in ensuring continuity of care and patient safety.

Since this issue was brought to my attention, I have taken immediate steps to improve my documentation skills. I have completed a comprehensive training course on nursing documentation best practices and have been working closely with my supervisor to ensure that all patient care is thoroughly and accurately documented.

I want to assure the Board that I am committed to maintaining the highest standards of nursing practice, including diligent and complete documentation. I am eager to apply the skills I have learned and to continue growing as a nursing professional.

I kindly ask the Board to consider my appeal and allow me to continue practicing nursing under a probationary period. I am willing to comply with any additional training or monitoring the Board deems necessary to demonstrate my commitment to proper documentation.

Thank you for your consideration.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Letter 10: Appeal for Failure to Obtain Informed Consent

Dear Board of Nursing,

I am writing to appeal the complaint filed against me (License #012345) alleging failure to obtain informed consent before performing a procedure on a patient at Oakdale Surgery Center on July 15, 2023.

I acknowledge that I did not follow the proper protocol for obtaining and documenting the patient’s informed consent before proceeding with the procedure. I deeply regret this oversight and understand the importance of ensuring that patients are fully informed of the risks, benefits, and alternatives before undergoing any medical intervention.

Since the incident, I have completed a comprehensive training course on informed consent best practices and have been working closely with my supervisor to ensure that all necessary consents are obtained and documented before any procedure.

I want to assure the Board that this was an isolated incident in my eight years of nursing practice, and I am committed to upholding the highest standards of patient autonomy and informed decision-making.

I respectfully request that the Board consider my appeal and allow me to continue practicing nursing under a probationary period. I am willing to comply with any additional training or monitoring the Board deems necessary to demonstrate my commitment to proper informed consent procedures.

Thank you for your consideration.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Letter 11: Appeal for Failure to Report Suspected Abuse

Dear Members of the Board of Nursing,

I am writing to appeal the disciplinary action taken against my nursing license (License #678901) for failure to report suspected abuse of a patient at Sunnybrook Nursing Home on September 1, 2023.

I acknowledge that I did not immediately report my suspicions of abuse to the appropriate authorities, as required by law and the standards of nursing practice. I deeply regret this lapse in judgment and understand the critical role that nurses play in protecting vulnerable patients from harm.

Since the incident, I have completed a comprehensive training course on recognizing and reporting abuse and have been working closely with my supervisor to ensure that any suspected abuse is promptly reported and investigated.

I want to assure the Board that I am committed to upholding my duty to advocate for my patients and to take action when I suspect that their safety or well-being is at risk. I am dedicated to creating a safe and nurturing environment for all those under my care.

I respectfully request that the Board consider my appeal and allow me to continue practicing nursing under a probationary period. I am willing to comply with any additional training or monitoring the Board deems necessary to demonstrate my commitment to protecting my patients from abuse.

Thank you for your consideration.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Letter 12: Appeal for Violation of Scope of Practice

Dear Board of Nursing,

I am writing to appeal the complaint filed against me (License #234567) alleging that I exceeded my scope of practice while employed at Riverview Medical Center from November 2023 to January 2024.

I acknowledge that I performed a procedure that was outside my scope of practice as a registered nurse. I deeply regret this error in judgment and understand the importance of working within the boundaries of my education, training, and licensure.

Since the incident, I have completed a comprehensive review of the Nurse Practice Act and the scope of practice guidelines for registered nurses. I have also been working closely with my supervisor to ensure that I am only performing tasks and procedures that are within my legal and ethical scope of practice.

I want to assure the Board that this was an isolated incident in my six years of nursing practice, and I am committed to upholding the highest standards of nursing care while respecting the limits of my role.

I respectfully request that the Board consider my appeal and allow me to continue practicing nursing under a probationary period. I am willing to comply with any additional training or monitoring the Board deems necessary to demonstrate my commitment to practicing within my scope.

Thank you for your consideration.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Letter 13: Appeal for Failure to Maintain Patient Confidentiality on Social Media

Dear Members of the Board of Nursing,

I am writing to appeal the disciplinary action taken against my nursing license (License #901234) for an alleged breach of patient confidentiality on social media that occurred on February 15, 2024.

I acknowledge that I posted a comment on my personal social media account that contained identifiable patient information. I deeply regret this lapse in judgment and understand the critical importance of maintaining patient privacy and confidentiality in all settings, including online.

Since the incident, I have completed a comprehensive training course on social media best practices for healthcare professionals and have thoroughly reviewed the Board’s guidelines on maintaining patient confidentiality. I have also taken steps to ensure that my social media presence is separate from my professional life and that no patient information is ever shared.

I want to assure the Board that this was an isolated incident in my nine years of nursing practice, and I am committed to upholding the highest standards of patient privacy and confidentiality in all my interactions.

I respectfully request that the Board reconsider the disciplinary action and allow me to continue practicing nursing under a probationary period. I am willing to comply with any additional training or monitoring the Board deems necessary to demonstrate my commitment to protecting patient confidentiality.

Thank you for your consideration.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Letter 14: Appeal for Failure to Follow Infection Control Protocols

Dear Board of Nursing,

I am writing to appeal the complaint filed against me (License #567890) alleging that I failed to follow proper infection control protocols while working at Greenwood Hospital on March 1, 2024.

I acknowledge that I did not consistently wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) while caring for a patient with a known infectious disease. I deeply regret this lapse in judgment and understand the critical role that infection control measures play in protecting both patients and healthcare workers from the spread of disease.

Since the incident, I have completed a comprehensive training course on infection control best practices and have been working closely with my supervisor to ensure that I am always following the most up-to-date protocols for PPE use and other infection control measures.

I want to assure the Board that I am committed to upholding the highest standards of patient safety and infection prevention. I understand the trust that is placed in me as a nursing professional, and I am dedicated to maintaining a safe and healthy environment for all those under my care.

I respectfully request that the Board consider my appeal and allow me to continue practicing nursing under a probationary period. I am willing to comply with any additional training or monitoring the Board deems necessary to demonstrate my commitment to proper infection control practices.

Thank you for your consideration.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Letter 15: Appeal for Failure to Intervene in a Medical Emergency

Dear Members of the Board of Nursing,

I am writing to appeal the disciplinary action taken against my nursing license (License #345678) for failure to intervene in a medical emergency that occurred at Riverside Mall on April 15, 2024.

I acknowledge that I did not immediately respond when a member of the public approached me for help with an individual who was experiencing a medical emergency. I deeply regret my hesitation and understand the ethical duty that I have as a nursing professional to provide aid to those in need, even when off duty.

Since the incident, I have completed a comprehensive review of my professional obligations and the Good Samaritan laws in my state. I have also enrolled in a CPR and first aid recertification course to ensure that my emergency response skills are up to date.

I want to assure the Board that I am committed to upholding the core values of the nursing profession, including compassion, advocacy, and a willingness to help those in need. I understand the trust that is placed in me as a licensed nurse, and I am dedicated to being a responsible and proactive member of my community.

I respectfully request that the Board reconsider the disciplinary action and allow me to continue practicing nursing. I am willing to comply with any additional training or monitoring the Board deems necessary to demonstrate my commitment to providing prompt and appropriate care in emergencies.

Thank you for your consideration.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Wrap-up: Sample Letters of Appeal

Facing disciplinary action from your state Board of Nursing can be a stressful and overwhelming experience.

See also  15 Sample Letters of Appeal for Extension

However, by crafting a well-written and persuasive letter of appeal, you can present your side of the story and demonstrate your commitment to upholding the highest standards of nursing practice.

Remember to take responsibility for any missteps, express remorse, and outline the steps you have taken to address the issue and prevent future occurrences.

Be honest, professional, and respectful in your tone, and make sure to follow the Board’s guidelines for submitting an appeal.

By using these 15 sample letters as a guide, you can create a compelling appeal that showcases your dedication to the nursing profession and your willingness to learn and grow from the experience.

Good luck with your appeal, and remember that one mistake does not define your entire career as a nurse.