15 Sample Letters of Appeal for Failing Grades

Are you feeling overwhelmed after receiving a failing grade?

It’s a situation that no student wants to find themselves in, but it happens more often than you might think.

The good news is that you have options, and one of them is writing a letter of appeal.

A well-crafted letter of appeal can make a significant difference in your academic journey.

It’s an opportunity to explain your situation, take responsibility for your actions, and demonstrate your commitment to improving your performance.

Keep reading to discover 15 sample letters that can help you navigate this challenging situation.

Sample Letters of Appeal for Failing Grades

Sample Letters of Appeal for Failing Grades

Here are 15 sample letters of appeal for failing grades that you can use as a starting point when crafting your own:

Letter 1: Appeal for a Retake Due to Personal Circumstances

Subject: Appeal for a Retake – [Course Name]

Dear [Professor’s Name],

I am writing to request a retake for the [Course Name] final exam. I understand that my performance was unsatisfactory, and I take full responsibility for my low grade.

However, I wanted to explain the personal circumstances that contributed to my poor performance. In the weeks leading up to the exam, my grandmother passed away unexpectedly. As a result, I had to travel out of state to attend the funeral and help my family during this difficult time. The emotional stress and time away from my studies significantly impacted my ability to prepare for the exam.

I am committed to improving my grade and would greatly appreciate the opportunity to retake the exam. I have been reviewing the course material and feel confident that I can demonstrate a better understanding of the subject matter.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your response and the opportunity to discuss this matter further.


[Your Name]

Letter 2: Appeal for a Grade Review Due to Grading Error

Subject: Request for Grade Review – [Course Name]

Dear [Professor’s Name],

I am writing to request a review of my final grade for [Course Name]. After carefully reviewing my exam and comparing my answers with the course material, I believe there may have been an error in the grading process.

Specifically, I noticed that on Question 3, my answer matches the information provided in the textbook and lecture notes. However, I did not receive full credit for this question. Additionally, on Question 7, I believe my essay met all the required criteria outlined in the rubric, but I received a lower score than expected.

I would greatly appreciate if you could review my exam and reconsider my grade. I have attached a copy of my exam with the questions in question highlighted for your reference.

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. I look forward to hearing back from you.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Letter 3: Appeal for Extra Credit Opportunity

Subject: Request for Extra Credit Opportunity – [Course Name]

Dear [Professor’s Name],

I am writing to inquire about the possibility of completing an extra credit assignment to improve my grade in [Course Name]. I understand that my current grade is below passing, and I am committed to doing whatever it takes to raise my score.

Throughout the semester, I have faced several challenges that have impacted my academic performance. I recently started a part-time job to help support my family financially, which has left me with less time to dedicate to my studies. Additionally, I struggled with some of the course concepts early on and fell behind in my assignments.

However, I am determined to succeed in this course and am willing to put in the extra effort needed. If there is an opportunity for extra credit, such as an additional project or essay, I would be grateful for the chance to demonstrate my understanding of the course material and improve my grade.

I appreciate your consideration and look forward to your response.


[Your Name]

Letter 4: Appeal for an Incomplete Grade

Subject: Request for an Incomplete Grade – [Course Name]

Dear [Professor’s Name],

I am writing to request an Incomplete grade for [Course Name]. As you may be aware, I have been dealing with a serious medical issue that has required multiple hospitalizations and extensive treatment over the past few weeks.

Due to my health situation, I have been unable to attend classes regularly and complete the required assignments. I understand that my current grade is not passing, but I am determined to complete the course successfully.

I would greatly appreciate it if you could grant me an Incomplete grade, which would allow me additional time to finish the remaining coursework once my health improves. I am committed to working closely with you to create a plan for completing the outstanding assignments and exams.

Thank you for your understanding and support during this challenging time. I look forward to your response and the opportunity to complete the course requirements.


[Your Name]

Letter 5: Appeal for a Grade Change Due to Extenuating Circumstances

Subject: Appeal for Grade Change – [Course Name]

Dear [Professor’s Name],

I am writing to appeal for a change in my final grade for [Course Name] due to extenuating circumstances. Throughout the semester, I faced a series of personal and family challenges that significantly impacted my ability to focus on my studies.

In the first month of the semester, my parents went through a difficult divorce, which caused a great deal of emotional distress and required me to take on additional responsibilities at home. Shortly after, my younger sibling was diagnosed with a serious illness, and I had to take time away from classes to be with my family during their treatment.

Despite these challenges, I tried my best to keep up with the course material and assignments. However, I recognize that my performance was not up to my usual standards, and I take full responsibility for my low grade.

I am requesting a grade change based on these extenuating circumstances. I have attached documentation to support my claims, including medical records and a letter from my family therapist. If given the opportunity, I am confident that I can demonstrate a better understanding of the course content and improve my grade.

Thank you for considering my appeal. I appreciate your time and attention to this matter.


[Your Name]

Letter 6: Appeal for a Make-up Exam

Subject: Request for a Make-up Exam – [Course Name]

Dear [Professor’s Name],

I am writing to request a make-up exam for [Course Name]. Unfortunately, I was unable to attend the scheduled exam due to a family emergency.

On the morning of the exam, I received a call from my mother informing me that my father had been in a serious car accident. I had to leave campus immediately to be with my family at the hospital. The attached documentation from the hospital confirms the date and time of my father’s admission.

I apologize for not being able to inform you of my absence before the exam. The situation was unexpected, and I had to act quickly to support my family during this crisis.

I understand the importance of the exam and am fully prepared to take a make-up test at your earliest convenience. I assure you that I have been keeping up with the course material and am confident in my ability to perform well on the exam.

Thank you for your understanding and consideration of my request. I look forward to your response and the opportunity to complete the exam.


[Your Name]

Letter 7: Appeal for a Grade Change Based on Improved Performance

Subject: Appeal for Grade Change – [Course Name]

Dear [Professor’s Name],

I am writing to appeal for a change in my final grade for [Course Name] based on my improved performance throughout the semester. I understand that my current grade is lower than what is required to pass the course, but I believe my progress and effort should be taken into consideration.

In the first half of the semester, I struggled to grasp some of the key concepts and performed poorly on the midterm exam. However, I took proactive steps to improve my understanding and performance in the course. I attended office hours regularly, participated in study groups, and completed all the assigned readings and practice problems.

As a result of my efforts, my grades on the subsequent assignments and quizzes showed a marked improvement. I received high marks on the final project and felt confident in my understanding of the course material.

I am requesting that you consider my overall progress and the upward trajectory of my grades when determining my final grade for the course. I believe my dedication and improvement demonstrate my mastery of the subject matter and warrant a passing grade.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to discussing this matter further with you.


[Your Name]

Letter 8: Appeal for a Grade Review Based on Inconsistent Grading

Subject: Request for Grade Review – [Course Name]

Dear [Professor’s Name],

I am writing to request a review of my grades for [Course Name]. After comparing my work with that of my classmates, I have noticed inconsistencies in the grading process that I believe have unfairly impacted my overall grade.

On several assignments, I have received lower grades than my peers despite our work being similar in quality and content. For example, on the research paper assignment, I followed the provided rubric carefully and incorporated all the required elements. However, I received a B- while a classmate with a comparable paper received an A.

I have attached copies of my graded assignments along with examples of my classmates’ work for your reference. I would greatly appreciate if you could review these materials and reconsider my grades in light of the apparent inconsistencies.

I am committed to my academic success and believe that fair and consistent grading is essential to this process. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your response.


[Your Name]

Letter 9: Appeal for a Grade Change Due to Technical Difficulties

Subject: Appeal for Grade Change – [Course Name]

Dear [Professor’s Name],

I am writing to appeal for a change in my grade for the online midterm exam in [Course Name]. During the exam, I experienced significant technical difficulties that prevented me from completing the test to the best of my abilities.

Approximately halfway through the exam, my internet connection became unstable, and I was repeatedly disconnected from the testing platform. As a result, I lost valuable time and had to rush through the remaining questions to submit the exam before the deadline.

I have attached screenshots of the error messages I encountered during the exam as evidence of the technical issues I faced. I also reached out to the IT department immediately after the exam to report the problem and have included their response confirming the connectivity issues.

I understand the importance of the midterm exam and believe that my grade does not accurately reflect my understanding of the course material. I am requesting a grade change or the opportunity to retake the exam under more stable technical conditions.

Thank you for your understanding and consideration of my appeal. I look forward to your response and the opportunity to demonstrate my true abilities in this course.


[Your Name]

Letter 10: Appeal for a Grade Review Due to Unclear Assignment Instructions

Subject: Request for Grade Review – [Course Name]

Dear [Professor’s Name],

I am writing to request a review of my grade for the [Assignment Name] in [Course Name]. Upon receiving my grade, I was surprised to see that I had lost points for not including certain elements that were not clearly outlined in the assignment instructions.

The instructions provided for the assignment were brief and did not specify all the required components. I followed the guidelines to the best of my understanding and believe that my work meets the stated criteria.

I have attached a copy of the assignment instructions along with my submitted work for your reference. I would greatly appreciate if you could review the instructions and my work to determine if the grade I received is appropriate given the clarity of the requirements.

If there were additional expectations for the assignment that were not communicated in the instructions, I would be grateful for the opportunity to revise my work to meet those criteria.

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. I look forward to your response and the opportunity to discuss this further.


[Your Name]

Letter 11: Appeal for a Grade Change Based on Personal Growth and Effort

Subject: Appeal for Grade Change – [Course Name]

Dear [Professor’s Name],

I am writing to appeal for a change in my final grade for [Course Name] based on the personal growth and effort I have demonstrated throughout the semester. While I understand that my numerical grade may not meet the traditional passing criteria, I believe my progress and dedication to the course should be taken into account.

At the beginning of the semester, I faced significant challenges in grasping the course material and performing well on assignments. However, I recognized my struggles early on and took proactive steps to improve my understanding and performance.

I attended every class session, participated actively in discussions, and sought out additional resources to supplement my learning. I also regularly attended office hours and sought feedback from you and my classmates to identify areas for improvement.

Through my consistent effort and dedication, I have seen a marked improvement in my comprehension of the subject matter and my ability to apply the course concepts. While my earlier assignments may have received lower grades, my more recent work demonstrates my growth and mastery of the material.

I am requesting that you consider my overall progress, effort, and improvement when determining my final grade for the course. I believe that my commitment to learning and personal growth aligns with the true spirit of education and warrants a passing grade.

Thank you for your consideration and for the support you have provided throughout the semester. I look forward to discussing this matter further with you.


[Your Name]

Letter 12: Appeal for a Grade Review Based on Feedback Discrepancies

Subject: Request for Grade Review – [Course Name]

Dear [Professor’s Name],

I am writing to request a review of my grade for the [Assignment Name] in [Course Name]. After carefully reviewing the feedback provided on my work, I have noticed discrepancies between the comments and the grade I received.

The feedback on my assignment was largely positive, with comments indicating that I had thoroughly addressed the main points, provided strong evidence to support my arguments, and demonstrated a clear understanding of the course concepts. However, the grade I received does not seem to reflect this positive feedback.

I have attached a copy of my graded assignment with the feedback for your reference. I would greatly appreciate if you could review the comments and the grade to ensure that they are aligned and accurately reflect the quality of my work.

If there are specific areas where I can improve or if I have misunderstood the grading criteria, I would be grateful for further clarification and guidance.

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. I value your feedback and look forward to the opportunity to learn and grow from this experience.


[Your Name]

Letter 13: Appeal for a Grade Change Based on Comparable Performance

Subject: Appeal for Grade Change – [Course Name]

Dear [Professor’s Name],

I am writing to appeal for a change in my final grade for [Course Name]. After discussing my performance with classmates and comparing our work, I believe that my grade may not accurately reflect my understanding and mastery of the course material.

Throughout the semester, I have consistently performed at a level comparable to my peers who have received higher grades. We have collaborated on group projects, shared study materials, and discussed our understanding of the course concepts.

In reviewing our submitted work and exam scores, I have noticed that my performance is similar to, if not better than, some of my classmates who have received higher grades. I have attached a comparison of our work and grades for your reference.

I understand that grading is a complex process and that there may be factors I am unaware of. However, I respectfully request that you review my performance with my peers and consider adjusting my grade to more accurately reflect my understanding and efforts in the course.

Thank you for your consideration and for the time you have invested in teaching this course. I look forward to your response and the opportunity to discuss this matter further.


[Your Name]

Letter 14: Appeal for a Grade Review Based on Incomplete Feedback

Subject: Request for Grade Review – [Course Name]

Dear [Professor’s Name],

I am writing to request a review of my grade for the [Assignment Name] in [Course Name]. Upon receiving my graded assignment, I noticed that the feedback provided was incomplete and did not fully address all the components of my work.

The assignment required several distinct sections, each with specific criteria outlined in the rubric. However, the feedback I received only addressed one or two of these sections, leaving me unsure of how I performed on the remaining components.

Without comprehensive feedback, I am unable to understand the strengths and weaknesses of my work and how I can improve in the future. I have attached a copy of my graded assignment and the rubric for your reference.

I would greatly appreciate if you could provide more detailed feedback on all aspects of my assignment and clarify how my grade was determined. If there are areas where I did not meet the requirements or expectations, I would be grateful for specific guidance on how I can improve.

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. I value your feedback and look forward to using it to enhance my learning and growth in this course.


[Your Name]

Letter 15: Appeal for a Grade Change Based on Misinterpretation of Assignment

Subject: Appeal for Grade Change – [Course Name]

Dear [Professor’s Name],

I am writing to appeal for a change in my grade for the [Assignment Name] in [Course Name]. After reviewing the feedback on my work, I believe there may have been a misinterpretation of the assignment requirements, which has impacted my grade.

The assignment prompt asked for an analysis of the main themes in the novel and how they relate to the characters’ development. In my paper, I focused on exploring these themes and their impact on the protagonist’s journey throughout the story.

However, the feedback suggests that I did not adequately address the historical context of the novel, which was not explicitly mentioned in the assignment prompt. I interpreted the prompt as primarily focusing on the literary analysis of the themes and characters, rather than the historical background.

I have attached a copy of the assignment prompt and my graded paper for your reference. I would greatly appreciate if you could review the prompt and my work to determine if my interpretation aligns with the intended focus of the assignment.

If I have misunderstood the requirements, I would be grateful for the opportunity to revise my work to better address the historical context while still maintaining my analysis of the themes and characters.

Thank you for your consideration and for the feedback you have provided. I am committed to improving my work and meeting the expectations of the course.


[Your Name]

Wrap-up: Appealing a Failing Grade

Writing a letter of appeal for a failing grade can be a daunting task, but it’s an important step in advocating for your academic success.

See also  15 Sample Letters of Appeal for Salary Increase

By clearly explaining your situation, taking responsibility for your performance, and demonstrating your commitment to improvement, you can make a strong case for reconsideration.

Remember to be professional, honest, and concise in your appeal letter.

Provide relevant documentation to support your claims and be open to feedback and guidance from your professor.

With a well-crafted letter and a proactive approach, you can work towards a positive outcome and continue making progress in your academic journey.