20 Sample Letters of Appeal after Dismissal from Work

Getting fired from your job can be one of the most stressful and disorienting experiences in your professional life.

You may feel a range of emotions – shock, anger, sadness, fear about the future.

But as overwhelming as it seems right now, you have options.

One of those is to write a letter of appeal, asking your employer to reconsider their decision.

A well-written, professional appeal letter could open the door to getting your job back or at least leaving on better terms.

So take a deep breath, gather your thoughts, and let’s look at some sample appeal letters to help you craft your persuasive request for a second chance.

Sample Letters of Appeal after Dismissal from Work

Sample Letters of Appeal after Dismissal from Work

Before diving into the sample letters, a quick note: be sure to personalize your letter for your specific situation.

Explain your circumstances honestly and take responsibility where appropriate.

The goal is to come across as sincere, contrite (if you made mistakes), and committed to succeeding in your role if given another opportunity.

With that in mind, let’s look at some examples you can use as a starting point.

Letter 1: Appeal for a Second Chance

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am writing to request reconsideration of the decision to terminate my employment as [job title]. I take full responsibility for the issues that led to this action, and I am committed to correcting my performance if given another chance.

[Explain the situation that led to your dismissal. Take responsibility and show an understanding of why your actions were problematic. Propose solutions and express your commitment to improve.]

I truly enjoy working for [company] and greatly value the relationships I have built with my colleagues and clients. I am eager to prove that I can learn from my mistakes and become an exemplary employee. Please consider this appeal and allow me the opportunity to discuss a path forward.

Thank you for your consideration,

[Your Name]

Letter 2: Appeal Citing Extenuating Circumstances

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am writing in response to the termination of my employment as [job title]. While I understand the reasons given for my dismissal, I would like to provide additional context for my recent performance issues and request reconsideration of this decision.

[Explain external factors that negatively impacted your performance, such as a family emergency, medical issues, etc. Emphasize that these circumstances were outside the norm. Describe steps you have taken/will take to resolve the underlying issues.]

I am fully committed to my role at [company] and am confident that, with these challenges behind me, I will return to being a high-performing, reliable employee. I would deeply appreciate an opportunity to further discuss this matter and explore a pathway to continuing my employment.


[Your Name]

Letter 3: Appeal Highlighting Positive Contributions

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I was deeply saddened to learn of the decision to end my employment as [job title] due to [reason for dismissal]. I am reaching out to request reconsideration of this choice in light of my overall contributions to the company.

In my [length of employment] with [company], I have [list key accomplishments and positive feedback]. I have consistently demonstrated my value and dedication to my work. While I acknowledge the issues that led to my dismissal, I firmly believe they are not representative of my typical performance.

[Company] has been an important part of my life, and I am eager to continue contributing to our team’s success. Please allow me the chance to further discuss this matter and explore options for my continued employment.


[Your Name]

Letter 4: Appeal Disputing Inaccurate Information

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am writing to appeal my termination from the position of [job title]. After reviewing the reasons provided for my dismissal, I believe there has been a misunderstanding or miscommunication of pertinent facts.

[Explain the inaccurate information and provide evidence to support your case. Remain professional and focus on facts rather than emotional arguments.]

I am dedicated to my work at [company] and believe I have been a strong performer, as reflected by [cite positive performance reviews or accomplishments]. I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to discuss this matter further and clarify any confusion.

Thank you for your consideration,

[Your Name]

Letter 5: Appeal Proposing Performance Improvement Plan

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am writing to request reconsideration of my dismissal from the role of [job title]. I sincerely regret that my recent performance has not met expectations, and I take full responsibility for my shortcomings.

However, I am deeply committed to improving and believe that with clear guidance and support, I can quickly elevate the quality of my work. I would like to propose a performance improvement plan, which would include [suggest measurable goals and strategies for enhancing your performance].

I am grateful for the opportunities I have had at [company] and am eager to prove my dedication to our team’s success. Please consider allowing me to further discuss this plan and continue my growth within the company.


[Your Name]

Letter 6: Appeal Requesting Transfer to a Different Role

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am reaching out regarding the recent decision to terminate my employment as [job title]. While I understand the reasons behind this choice, I firmly believe that my skills would be better utilized in a different capacity within the company.

During my time at [company], I have demonstrated proficiencies in [list relevant skills] and have received positive feedback on my [cite specific projects or interactions]. I would be eager to apply my talents to the [name of department or role] team.

Please consider this appeal not only to maintain my employment but to allow me to make a more meaningful impact at [company]. I would greatly appreciate the chance to explore internal transfer opportunities before concluding my tenure.

Thank you for your consideration,

[Your Name]

Letter 7: Appeal Highlighting Longevity and Loyalty

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am writing to appeal the decision to end my employment as [job title] after [length of employment] years with [company]. I have been a loyal and dedicated employee throughout my tenure, and I believe that my track record warrants reconsideration of this dismissal.

During my time here, I have [list long-term accomplishments and contributions to the company]. I have always strived to embody our organization’s values and to support my colleagues in achieving our shared goals.

While I acknowledge the recent issues that led to this decision, I hope that my years of service and commitment will be weighed heavily. I am eager to rectify my mistakes and to continue growing with the company I have called home for so long.


[Your Name]

Letter 8: Appeal Acknowledging Mistakes and Requesting Leniency

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am reaching out to request reconsideration of my termination from the position of [job title]. I fully acknowledge and take responsibility for the mistakes that led to this action, and I am committed to learning from these errors in judgment.

[Briefly explain the situation and express remorse for your actions. Focus on your understanding of the impact and your dedication to preventing future occurrences.]

I deeply regret letting down my team and failing to uphold the standards of [company]. However, I care greatly about my work here and the relationships I have built. I humbly request a second chance to prove my ability to grow and improve.

Thank you for your consideration,

[Your Name]

Letter 9: Appeal Highlighting Unique Skills and Contributions

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am writing to appeal my dismissal from the role of [job title]. While I understand the reasons behind this decision, I believe that my unique skill set and contributions warrant reconsideration.

During my employment at [company], I have brought a distinctive perspective through my [list specific skills, experiences, or achievements]. My colleagues have recognized me as [cite positive feedback or recognition from others].

I am confident that my abilities will continue to drive value for our team, and I am eager to apply lessons learned from recent challenges. Please allow me the opportunity to further discuss how I can leverage my strengths for the betterment of [company].


[Your Name]

Letter 10: Appeal Citing Inconsistent Disciplinary Action

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am reaching out to appeal my termination from the position of [job title]. After reflecting on the events leading to this decision, I believe that the disciplinary action taken against me was inconsistent with company policy and past practices.

[Explain the inconsistency, citing specific examples or policies. Be factual and avoid disparaging others.]

I have been a committed employee during my time at [company] and have always strived to adhere to our guidelines. I would appreciate the chance to discuss this matter further and to understand the rationale behind the different standards applied in my case.

Thank you for your attention to this appeal,

[Your Name]

Letter 11: Appeal Offering Restitution or Solutions

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am writing to request reconsideration of the decision to dismiss me from my role as [job title]. I take full responsibility for my actions that led to this outcome, and I am committed to making amends.

[Briefly explain the situation and express remorse. Then, propose a specific plan for restitution or problem-solving.]

I value my employment at [company] and the trust placed in me. I am willing to take the following steps to rectify the damage caused by my mistakes: [list proposed actions]. I am open to discussing additional measures to restore confidence in my performance.

Please consider this sincere offer and my desire to continue positively contributing to the team.


[Your Name]

Letter 12: Appeal Highlighting Cultural Fit and Teamwork

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am reaching out to appeal my termination from the position of [job title]. While I acknowledge the challenges that led to this decision, I believe that my cultural fit and collaborative spirit are invaluable assets to [company].

During my tenure, I have consistently exemplified our core values of [list relevant values]. My colleagues have commended my [cite examples of teamwork, positive attitude, or contributions to company culture].

I am deeply invested in the success of our organization and the strength of our team dynamic. I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to continue collaborating with my peers and driving positive results together.


[Your Name]

Letter 13: Appeal Addressing Communication Breakdowns

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am writing to request reconsideration of my dismissal from the role of [job title]. Upon reflection, I believe that communication breakdowns played a significant part in the challenges leading to this decision.

[Explain instances of miscommunication or lack of clarity. Take ownership for your part and propose strategies for improvement.]

I am committed to enhancing my communication skills and ensuring clear, proactive exchanges with my manager and colleagues. I would welcome the chance to discuss a plan for more frequent check-ins, written summaries of verbal discussions, or other strategies to foster better understanding.

I am grateful for the growth opportunities I have had at [company] and am dedicated to overcoming obstacles to become a more effective communicator and team member.

Thank you for your consideration,

[Your Name]

Letter 14: Appeal Highlighting Professional Development Efforts

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am reaching out to appeal the decision to terminate my employment as [job title]. I am deeply committed to my professional growth within [company] and would like to highlight my ongoing development efforts.

Over the past [period], I have proactively sought to enhance my skills through [list specific training, certifications, workshops, etc.]. I have applied these learnings to my work, resulting in [cite relevant improvements or achievements].

I believe that my dedication to continuous improvement is an asset to our team. I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to leverage my expanded knowledge for the betterment of [company] and to continue my upward trajectory within the organization.


[Your Name]

Letter 15: Appeal Citing Length of Positive Performance before Incident

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am writing to request reconsideration of my dismissal from the position of [job title]. While I take full responsibility for my recent missteps, I hope that my long history of positive contributions will be taken into account.

During my [length of time] with [company], I have consistently demonstrated strong performance, as evidenced by [list specific accomplishments, metrics, or positive feedback]. This track record reflects my capability and dedication to my work.

I deeply regret that my actions have led to this point, but I am committed to learning from these mistakes. I believe that my overall value to the company warrants a second chance. Please allow me to discuss a plan for correcting my errors and resuming my positive contributions.

Thank you for your consideration,

[Your Name]

Letter 16: Appeal Offering Voluntary Demotion or Salary Reduction

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am reaching out to appeal my termination from the role of [job title]. I fully understand the gravity of my mistakes and the impact they have had on the company. However, I believe that alternative disciplinary measures could allow me to rectify my errors and continue contributing to the team.

I would like to propose a voluntary demotion to [lower position] or a temporary salary reduction of [percentage]. This would reflect my acknowledgment of wrongdoing while allowing me to prove my dedication to the company and my ability to learn from this experience.

I am deeply committed to [company] and would be grateful for the opportunity to rebuild trust and continue adding value in whatever capacity you deem appropriate.


[Your Name]

Letter 17: Appeal Citing External Factors Leading to Dismissal

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am writing to request reconsideration of the decision to end my employment as [job title]. While I acknowledge that my performance has not met expectations, I would like to provide context for the external factors that have impacted my work.

[Explain personal, health, or other outside challenges that have affected your job performance. Be honest but concise, and emphasize your commitment to separating professional and personal issues.]

I am actively taking steps to address these external concerns, including [list specific actions]. I am confident that, with these challenges managed, I will be able to fully dedicate myself to my responsibilities and exceed expectations.

I am grateful for the opportunity to have been a part of the [company] team and would deeply appreciate the chance to prove my ability to overcome obstacles and deliver strong results.

Thank you for your understanding,

[Your Name]

Letter 18: Appeal Proposing Probationary Period

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am reaching out to appeal my dismissal from the position of [job title]. I take full ownership for the shortcomings that led to this action, but I firmly believe that I am capable of correcting my performance and behavior.

I would like to propose a probationary period of [length of time], during which I would commit to meeting specific, measurable goals and adhering to all company policies. This would allow me to demonstrate my dedication to improvement while allowing the company to monitor my progress closely.

I am deeply invested in my work at [company] and would be grateful for the chance to prove myself. I am open to discussing the terms of a probationary agreement in more detail.


[Your Name]

Letter 19: Appeal Highlighting Positive Relationships with Clients/Customers

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am writing to request reconsideration of the decision to terminate my employment as [job title]. While I acknowledge the internal issues that led to this action, I believe that my strong relationships with our clients/customers are a valuable asset worth preserving.

During my tenure at [company], I have built trusting, productive partnerships with [list specific clients or customer accounts]. These relationships have led to [cite positive outcomes, such as increased business, high satisfaction rates, or successful collaborations].

I am committed to addressing my internal shortcomings while continuing to nurture these important external connections. I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to create an improvement plan that allows me to maintain and leverage my client/customer relationships for the benefit of [company].

Thank you for considering this request,

[Your Name]

Letter 20: Appeal after Dismissal Due to Downsizing

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I was deeply disappointed to be included in the recent round of downsizing at [company]. However, I believe that my skill set is too valuable to lose and that my release was a mistake. Therefore, I would like to formally appeal my dismissal and request to be reinstated in [department].

During my [length of employment] tenure, I have been a tireless contributor, as evidenced by [list accomplishments]. I am capable of wearing many hats and am willing to take on additional responsibilities to help [company] weather this challenging time.

I have greatly enjoyed my time working for [company] and wish to continue contributing to our success in any way I can. Please reconsider my dismissal – I am confident that I can provide immense value as we navigate these transitions together.


[Your Name]

Wrapping Up Your Appeal Letter

Writing an appeal letter after being fired is never easy, but it may be your best chance at getting your job back or receiving a positive reference.

See also  15 Sample Letters to Boss Asking for Approval of Purchase

Remember to be honest, take responsibility where necessary, and focus on your commitment to being a good employee if given a second chance.

Highlight your accomplishments and value to the company.

With a carefully crafted, professional appeal letter, you just might open the door to a positive resolution.

But even if the answer is still no, you can hold your head high knowing you made a strong case for yourself.

Dust yourself off and carry the lessons learned into your next chapter.

Better days are ahead.