15 Sample Grievance Appeal Letters

Have you ever felt wronged by your employer and wanted to take action?

Maybe you were passed up for a promotion you deserved or faced unfair disciplinary action.

In these situations, filing a formal grievance appeal can be important in protecting your rights and seeking resolution.

But crafting an effective appeal letter can feel overwhelming, especially if you’ve never done it.

That’s where sample letters come in handy.

Seeing how others have successfully navigated similar situations can give you the confidence and guidance you need to make your case.

In this article, we’ll share 15 real-life examples of compelling, well-written grievance appeal letters addressing various common workplace issues.

Use them as inspiration and templates as you stand up for yourself and what’s right.

Sample Letters of Grievance Appeal

Sample Grievance Appeal Letters

Grievance Appeal Letter for Unfair Disciplinary Action

Subject: Formal Grievance Appeal – Unfair Disciplinary Action

Dear [Grievance Committee],

I am writing to formally appeal the written warning I received on [date] from my supervisor, [name]. I strongly believe this disciplinary action was unwarranted and unjust…

The incident in question occurred when I [brief description of the situation]. My supervisor claims I violated company policy by [alleged violation]. However, I acted by [specific policy or precedent]…

[Additional paragraphs detailing the situation, your actions, and why the discipline was unfair. Cite specific policies, precedents, or evidence that support your case.]

In light of the facts I have presented, I request that this written warning be rescinded and removed from my personnel file. I have been a dedicated employee for [length of time], with a strong track record of [accomplishments/positive feedback]. This disciplinary action is not an accurate reflection of my performance or character.

Thank you for your time and consideration of my appeal. I look forward to discussing this matter further and resolving it promptly.


[Your Name]

Grievance Appeal Letter for Denied Promotion

Subject: Formal Grievance Appeal – Promotion Denial

Dear [Decision Maker],

I am writing to appeal the decision to deny me the promotion to [position] in the [department]. After [number of years] years of dedicated service and consistently outstanding performance reviews, I believe I am highly qualified and deserving of this opportunity…

The job posting for [position] listed [key qualifications] as essential criteria. As my attached resume demonstrates, my skills and experience exceed these requirements, including:

– [Qualification #1]

– [Qualification #2]

– [Qualification #3]

Additionally, over the past year, I have [specific accomplishments or initiatives demonstrating readiness for the new role]…

I am deeply committed to the success and growth of [company name]. Being passed over for this promotion I’ve worked hard to earn is disheartening. I request reconsideration of the decision, or at a minimum, a meeting to discuss the specific reasons I was not selected and what I can do to improve my candidacy for future opportunities.


[Your Name]

Grievance Appeal Letter for Unfair Work Schedule

Subject: Grievance Appeal – Unfair Scheduling Practices

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am submitting this grievance regarding the ongoing unfair scheduling practices I’ve experienced in the [department name] department. Over the last [period], I have been:

– Repeatedly scheduled for [overly long/short shifts]

– Denied requests for [time off/schedule adjustments] without valid reasons

– Given inadequate rest periods between shifts

– Assigned disproportionately to [undesirable/high-stress shifts or assignments]

These practices violate [company policy/labor laws/union contract terms]. They are also detrimental to my health, work-life balance, and job performance…

I have made every effort to resolve this issue informally by [communication efforts]. However, the pattern of inequitable treatment persists…

I am requesting an immediate review and adjustment of the scheduling procedures in our department to ensure fairness and compliance with all relevant policies and regulations. I would also appreciate a written explanation of the rationale behind the scheduling decisions that have adversely affected me.

I believe I am a hardworking and valuable team member. I hope we can find a mutually agreeable resolution to this matter. Thank you for your attention.


[Your Name]

Grievance Appeal Letter for Harassment

Subject: Formal Grievance – Harassment by Coworker

Dear [HR Manager],

I am lodging a formal grievance regarding the ongoing harassment I have endured from my coworker, [name]. Over the past [period], I have been subjected to repeated instances of [specific harassing behaviors], including:

– [Example #1]

– [Example #2]

– [Example #3]

I have asked [coworker] to stop this behavior on multiple occasions, but the harassment has only escalated. On [date], I reported the issue to my supervisor, [name], but no apparent action was taken…

This hostile work environment has caused me significant emotional distress and anxiety. I no longer feel safe or comfortable in my workplace…

I trust that [company name] takes allegations of harassment very seriously. I am requesting an immediate investigation into my complaint and appropriate disciplinary action against [coworker]. I would also like to discuss accommodations to ensure I can continue working without fear of further harassment, such as [suggested accommodations].

I am prepared to cooperate fully with the investigation and provide additional details and evidence as needed. Thank you for your prompt attention to this serious matter.


[Your Name]

Grievance Appeal Letter for Pay Discrepancy

Subject: Pay Grievance Appeal

Dear [Payroll Manager],

I am writing to file a formal grievance regarding a discrepancy in my pay. For the past [number of pay periods], I have not received the correct compensation for [specific work performed/overtime hours]…

Per my [employment contract/company policy], I am entitled to [pay rate/overtime rate] for [type of work/hours over X per week]. However, my last [number of paychecks] has not reflected this…

I first noticed the issue on [date] and immediately brought it to the attention of [supervisor name]. I was assured the problem would be corrected, but the errors have persisted…

I have attached copies of my paystubs, timesheets, and relevant communication about this matter. I would appreciate a thorough review of my compensation and a timely resolution of the [total amount owed].

As a valued employee, I trust that [company name] is committed to fair and accurate payment for all hours worked. Please keep me informed of the progress of my grievance and the expected timeline for receiving my back pay.

Thank you,

[Your Name]

Grievance Appeal Letter for Unsafe Conditions

Subject: Urgent Safety Grievance

Dear [Safety Manager],

I am filing this grievance to report serious safety hazards in the [work area/equipment]. These unsafe conditions include:

– [Hazard #1]

– [Hazard #2]

– [Hazard #3]

I first noticed these issues on [date] and immediately reported them to my supervisor, [name]. I was told that [inadequate response]…

As a [job title], I work directly with [hazardous equipment/conditions] daily. I am deeply concerned that the lack of action on these known safety issues puts myself and my coworkers at risk of [potential injuries/illnesses]…

[Company name] has a responsibility to provide a safe work environment. I am asking for an immediate safety inspection of [work area/equipment] and prompt corrective action to address the hazards outlined above. I also request a written report of the findings and actions taken.

I want to emphasize that this is an urgent situation that cannot wait. I hope you will give this grievance your full and immediate attention before a preventable workplace accident or injury occurs.


[Your Name]

Grievance Appeal Letter for Retaliation

Subject: Formal Grievance – Retaliation for Whistleblowing

Dear [Senior Manager],

I am writing to formally complain of retaliatory actions taken against me by my supervisor, [name], after I reported their misconduct to [relevant authority] on [date].

The wrongdoing I witnessed and reported involved [summary of misconduct]. I made this report in good faith out of concern for the well-being of the company and my coworkers…

Since filing my complaint, I have experienced a sudden and significant change in how I am treated at work, including:

– [Retaliatory Action 1]

– [Retaliatory Action 2]

– [Retaliatory Action 3]

I believe these adverse actions are a direct result of my whistleblowing and constitute unlawful retaliation. The temporal proximity and abrupt nature of the change in treatment support this conclusion…

[Company name]’s whistleblower policy and the law prohibit retaliation against employees who disclose wrongdoing. I am requesting an immediate investigation into my retaliation complaint and strong corrective action, including:

1. Disciplinary action against [supervisor] for their retaliatory conduct

2. Restoration of [specific job benefits/duties/status lost due to retaliation]

3. Reassignment so I no longer report to [supervisor]

I have been a loyal and dedicated employee of [company] for [time]. I spoke up because I care about this organization and it was the right thing to do. I look forward to a prompt resolution of this serious matter. Thank you.


[Your Name]

Grievance Appeal Letter for Wrongful Termination

Subject: Wrongful Termination Grievance

Dear [Director of HR],

I am writing to grieve my termination from the position of [job title] on [date of firing]. I strongly believe my dismissal was wrongful and violated [specific law/policy/contract provision].

The reason given for my termination was [stated reason]. However, this justification is false and pretextual. The real reason I was fired is [actual reason, e.g. discrimination, retaliation, etc.], as evidenced by:

– [Supporting fact 1]

– [Supporting fact 2]

– [Supporting fact 3]

[Provide additional details of the circumstances surrounding your termination, including any relevant events or exchanges leading up to it. Explain how the given reason is false and not the real grounds for the adverse action.]

I have been an employee of [company] for [length of employment] with a record of [positive performance metrics/accomplishments]. My termination came as a complete shock and has caused me significant professional and financial harm…

Given the facts of this case, I am requesting an immediate reversal of the termination decision and reinstatement to my former position with full back pay and benefits. I also ask that any negative references to the termination be removed from my personnel file.

Failing a satisfactory resolution through the internal grievance process, I am prepared to pursue all available legal remedies. I hope it does not come to that. I believe a prompt reinstatement is in everyone’s best interests.

Thank you for your attention to this serious matter. I look forward to your timely response.


[Your Name]

Grievance Appeal Letter for Denied Accommodations

Subject: Grievance – Failure to Accommodate Disability

Dear [HR Representative],

I am submitting this grievance to address the ongoing failure to provide reasonable accommodations for my [disability]. This lack of accommodation is severely impacting my ability to perform my job duties and constitutes a violation of the [relevant disability law].

I first requested [specific accommodations] on [date]. At that time, I provided documentation of my disability from [medical provider]. I explained how these accommodations would enable me to [specific job functions]…

Despite following up with [supervisor/HR] on [dates], my request has still not been addressed. The only response I received was [inadequate response], which falls far short of a meaningful interactive process…

[Provide additional background on your disability, limitations, and need for accommodation. Describe any further impact the failure to accommodate has had on your work performance or health.]

Under [applicable law], [company] has an affirmative duty to provide reasonable accommodations to qualified employees with disabilities. The accommodations I am seeking are reasonable and would not pose an undue hardship…

I am asking for an immediate meeting with HR and my supervisor to fully address my accommodation needs. I also request a written explanation for the delay in processing my initial request and a concrete timeline for implementation moving forward.

I am confident we can work collaboratively to find an effective solution. However, if my needs continue to go unmet, I will be forced to explore formal legal options. I prefer to avoid that route and work this out internally.

Thank you in advance for your prompt attention to this important matter.


[Your Name]

Grievance Appeal Letter for Unequal Pay

Subject: Grievance – Pay Discrimination

Dear [Appropriate Manager],

I am lodging a formal grievance regarding what I believe to be discriminatory pay practices. Based on information that has come to light, it appears I am being paid significantly less than my colleagues for performing substantially equal work under similar working conditions.

My current salary is [$X], which I have held for [time in position]. However, I have learned that [coworker(s)] in the same role earn [higher salary] despite having comparable skills, experience, and tenure with the company…

[Provide additional details about how you became aware of the wage disparity and any relevant facts about the comparators, such as experience level, time in position, etc. Describe your qualifications and performance record.]

I initially raised this concern with [supervisor/HR] on [date], but did not receive a satisfactory explanation for the disparity. [Describe unsatisfactory response]…

Pay discrimination based on [protected characteristic, e.g., gender, race] is prohibited by [applicable law(s)]. I believe I have made a prima facie case of unequal pay warranting a thorough review.

I am requesting an audit of compensation practices in [department] and an adjustment of my salary to match that of my peers, retroactively to when this disparity began. I also ask for a written report of the audit findings and the formula used to calculate any wage adjustments.

I take pride in my work and have demonstrated my value to this company. I hope to resolve this issue amicably. However, if an equitable salary correction is not forthcoming, I will be forced to file a formal charge of discrimination with [enforcement agency]. I trust you will give this serious matter the attention it deserves. I look forward to your prompt response.


[Your Name]

Grievance Appeal Letter for Arbitrary Change in Job Duties

Subject: Grievance Appeal – Involuntary Job Reassignment

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am writing to formally grieve my involuntary reassignment from [current/former job title] to [new job title], which was effective [date of change]. This sudden and arbitrary change in my job duties is unjustified and detrimental to my professional growth and development.

On [date notified], I was informed by [supervisor] that I would be reassigned to [new department/role] starting [effective date]. No clear explanation was provided for this decision beyond [vague/unsatisfactory reason]. When I requested more information, I was told [dismissive/inadequate response]…

The new role of [job title] represents a significant diminution in my job responsibilities and opportunities for advancement. It does not align with my skills, experience, or career goals, which are focused on [professional goals]…

[Explain the specific detrimental impacts of the reassignment on your career trajectory, compensation potential, working conditions, etc. Describe how the change violates any implied or express promises made regarding your original position or growth path.]

I have excelled in my current role of [job title] for [length of time], as evidenced by [key accomplishments/metrics]. I have received consistently positive feedback, including [example(s) of praise/recognition]. This track record does not warrant or justify an involuntary demotion…

I am requesting an immediate return to my prior role and duties. Alternatively, I ask for a meaningful dialogue about how this decision serves a legitimate business interest and what comparable growth opportunities will be made available to me. Absent a satisfactory resolution, I reserve my right to pursue all available remedies.

I look forward to discussing this matter further and identifying a mutually agreeable path forward. Thank you for your consideration.


[Your Name]

Grievance Appeal Letter for Unfair Performance Evaluation

Subject: Grievance – Inaccurate Performance Review

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am submitting this formal grievance to dispute the accuracy and fairness of my recent performance review, which I received on [date]. The overall rating of “[rating]” and several of the specific feedback points do not accurately reflect my actual job performance and contributions.

During the evaluation period of [date range], I achieved the following measurable successes in my role as [job title]:

– [Achievement 1]

– [Achievement 2]

– [Achievement 3]

These accomplishments exceed the stated goals and expectations for my position. They demonstrate a high level of competence, initiative, and value added to the team and organization…

However, my performance review fails to properly recognize these successes. Instead, it focuses disproportionately on minor, isolated issues such as [example] and [example]. The review also includes inaccurate claims about my [performance area], citing [erroneous example] which is simply untrue…

[Provide additional detail refuting specific inaccuracies and oversights in the review. Quote the problematic evaluation language and contrast it with specific facts about your actual performance. If applicable, note any inconsistencies with prior feedback or the established performance standards for your role.]

Further, the timing and delivery of this review violated [company]’s performance evaluation policies and best practices. [Describe procedural concerns, e.g., lack of advance notice, no opportunity for self-assessment, etc.]

Given these substantive and procedural defects, I am requesting that the current evaluation be removed from my personnel file and replaced with an accurate assessment of my performance that reflects my actual strengths, accomplishments, and areas for development. I am also asking that we meet as soon as possible to discuss revising my performance goals and development plan based on that feedback.

I take great pride in my work and am committed to continuous growth. I hope we can resolve this issue collaboratively to ensure the integrity of [company]’s performance management system. However, if my concerns continue to go unaddressed, I will be forced to escalate this matter further.

Thank you in advance for your prompt attention to this important issue. I look forward to your reply and to scheduling a meeting at your earliest convenience.


[Your Name]

Wrapping Up: Keys to Effective Grievance Appeals

Grievance appeals can be stressful and high-stakes.

See also  15 Sample Letters of Appeal for Salary Increase

But by learning from the examples above and following a few key principles, you can significantly increase your chances of a positive outcome:

  1. Be specific and factual. Clearly outline the who, what, when, and where of your grievance. Stick to objective facts and evidence, not emotions or hearsay.
  2. Know your rights. Familiarize yourself with company policies, labor laws, and any union contracts that apply to your situation. Show how the actions against you violate these standards.
  3. Propose solutions. Don’t just complain; suggest reasonable resolutions that address your concerns and needs.
  4. Be professional. No matter how angry or wronged you feel, keep your language and tone calm, measured, and respectful. You want to be seen as the reasonable party.
  5. Document everything. Save all relevant emails, messages, files, or other records related to your grievance. Create a detailed timeline of events.
  6. Escalate as needed. If your initial appeal is denied or ignored, be prepared to go up the chain of command or file an external complaint with the appropriate oversight agencies.

Remember, a well-written grievance appeal is often the first step to setting things right and ensuring you’re treated fairly in the workplace.

Don’t be afraid to stand up and advocate for yourself.

You have rights, and you deserve to be heard.