15 Sample Annual Leave Approval Letters

Every employee needs time off from work occasionally, whether it’s for a relaxing vacation, to recover from an illness, or to attend to personal matters.

As a manager, responding to annual leave requests is a routine part of your job.

But drafting leave approval letters that strike the right tone and include all the necessary details can be trickier than it seems.

A well-written leave approval letter not only officially documents the employee’s time off, but also shows that you value their need for work-life balance.

It’s an opportunity to build goodwill and strengthen your relationship with your team members.

So how can you craft annual leave approval letters that get the job done while making your employees feel supported?

Read on to find out.

Sample Annual Leave Approval Letters

Sample Annual Leave Approval Letters

Before we dive into the sample letters, here’s a quick reminder: be sure to tailor each letter to the specific employee and situation.

Now, let’s take a look at 15 examples you can use as a starting point.

Letter 1: Approving a Standard Vacation Request

Subject: Approval of Annual Leave Request

Dear [Employee Name],

I’m writing to let you know that your request for annual leave from [start date] to [end date] has been approved. We hope you enjoy your well-deserved time off!

Please make sure to wrap up any pending tasks and set your out-of-office auto-reply before your last day. If any urgent matters arise while you’re away, we’ll do our best to handle them or contact you if necessary.

Wishing you a wonderful vacation,

[Your Name]

Letter 2: Approving Leave for a Family Emergency

Subject: Leave Approval for Family Emergency

Dear [Employee Name],

I’m so sorry to hear about your family emergency. Please don’t worry about work right now – your request for leave from [start date] to [end date] is approved, and we’re here to support you.

Take all the time you need to be with your family. We’ll ensure your responsibilities are covered in your absence. If there’s anything else we can do to help, please don’t hesitate to let me know.

You’re in our thoughts during this difficult time.


[Your Name]

Letter 3: Approving Leave with Conditions

Subject: Conditional Approval of Annual Leave Request

Dear [Employee Name],

Thank you for your annual leave request from [start date] to [end date]. While I’m happy to approve your time off, I do have one request.

As you know, the [project name] deadline is on [date]. Since you play a key role in this project, could you please ensure that your portion is complete before your leave begins? Once I receive confirmation that you’ve wrapped up your project tasks, I’ll fully approve your leave.

Thanks for your understanding and cooperation. Looking forward to seeing the completed project before your well-earned break!

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Letter 4: Approving Leave at a Busy Time

Subject: Annual Leave Approval

Dear [Employee Name],

I appreciate you giving advance notice of your leave request from [start date] to [end date]. As you noted, this is a particularly busy time for our department. However, you haven’t taken leave in a while and I know how important this trip is to you, so I’m pleased to approve your request.

Let’s work together to ensure we’re fully prepared for your absence. Could you provide a detailed status update on your projects and identify a colleague who can cover any urgent issues that may come up? That will help minimize disruptions while you’re out.

Thanks for being proactive in planning for your leave. Enjoy your trip!

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

Letter 5: Approving Leave and Requesting Check-ins

Subject: Approval of Annual Leave Request (with Check-ins)

Dear [Employee Name],

Your annual leave request from [start date] to [end date] is approved. I hope you have a fantastic and restful vacation!

As we discussed, there are a few critical deliverables scheduled during your leave. While I aim to avoid disrupting your time off, would you be open to brief check-in calls if any major issues arise? We anticipate being able to handle most things internally, but I’d appreciate the option to touch base if necessary.

Please let me know if you’re comfortable with this arrangement. If not, no worries at all – we’ll make it work. My priority is for you to have a proper break.

Enjoy your holiday!

[Your Name]

Letter 6: Approving a Stress Leave Request

Subject: Stress Leave Approval

Dear [Employee Name],

First, I want to thank you for your openness and courage in sharing your struggles with work-related stress. I’m sorry you’ve been going through such a challenging time. Your well-being is of utmost importance to us.

I’ve approved your request for stress leave, effective immediately. Please take at least [number of weeks], and we can reassess at that point. Our HR department will follow up with additional information about available support resources.

Your job is secure, so please don’t feel any pressure to return before you’re fully ready. We’re here for you and want to ensure you have the time and space needed to recover.

Sending my best wishes for your rest and healing,

[Your Name]

Letter 7: Approving a Parental Leave Request

Subject: Congratulations and Parental Leave Approval!

Dear [Employee Name],

Congratulations on your exciting news! I’m thrilled to approve your request for parental leave starting on your expected due date, [date].

As per our company policy, you’re eligible for [number of weeks] of fully paid parental leave. If you need additional unpaid leave beyond that, just let me know. We’re happy to accommodate your family’s needs during this special time.

In the coming weeks, let’s collaborate on a transition plan to ensure your duties are covered while you’re out. But don’t worry about work for now – focus on preparing for your new arrival!

All the best to you and your growing family,

[Your Name]

Letter 8: Approving a Sabbatical Request

Subject: Sabbatical Leave Approval

Dear [Employee Name],

Congratulations on reaching this significant milestone in your career with our organization! Per our discussion, I’m delighted to approve your request for a 3-month sabbatical starting on [date].

In recognition of your dedication and outstanding contributions over the past [number of years], we’re excited to support this opportunity for you to pursue personal and professional growth. Your sabbatical plan to [brief description of the plan] sounds incredibly enriching.

Let’s schedule a meeting to discuss how we’ll redistribute your responsibilities during your absence. We want you to make the most of this experience without worrying about things back at the office.

Wishing you a productive and rejuvenating sabbatical,

[Your Name]

Letter 9: Approving a Bereavement Leave Request

Subject: Condolences and Bereavement Leave Approval

Dear [Employee Name],

I was deeply saddened to learn of the passing of your [relation]. Please accept my heartfelt condolences on behalf of the entire team. Losing a loved one is incredibly painful, and I want you to know that you have our full support during this difficult time.

Your request for bereavement leave is approved, effective immediately. Take as much time as you need to grieve, be with family, and handle any necessary arrangements. As per our policy, [number of paid days] are available, but if you require more time, it will be granted.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if there’s anything we can do to support you. We’re here for you.

With deepest sympathy,

[Your Name]

Letter 10: Approving Leave for Jury Duty

Subject: Jury Duty Leave Approval

Dear [Employee Name],

Thank you for notifying me about your upcoming jury duty service starting on [date]. Fulfilling this civic duty is important, and we’re happy to support you.

I’ve approved your leave request for the duration of your jury service. Please keep me informed if there are any changes to your anticipated return date.

As a reminder, our company policy is to provide regular pay for up to [number of days] of jury duty. Should your service extend beyond that, we can discuss options, like using your accrued paid time off.

We appreciate your commitment to this public service. If you have any questions or concerns, my door is always open.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Letter 11: Approving a Leave Request with Praise

Subject: Annual Leave Approval and Appreciation

Dear [Employee Name],

I’m pleased to approve your annual leave request from [start date] to [end date]. You’ve been working incredibly hard lately and have made significant contributions to our team’s success. This well-deserved break is a small token of our appreciation for your dedication.

I especially want to commend you for your outstanding work on [specific project/achievement]. Your innovative ideas and tireless efforts have not gone unnoticed. We’re lucky to have you on our team!

While you’re away, please unplug and recharge fully. We’ll hold down the fort and make sure you can return to a smooth operation.

Enjoy your time off – you’ve earned it!

[Your Name]

Letter 12: Approving a Leave Request for Training

Subject: Professional Development Leave Approval

Dear [Employee Name],

I’m excited to approve your request for leave from [start date] to [end date] to attend the [name of training/conference]. We believe strongly in supporting our employees’ professional growth, and this opportunity aligns perfectly with your development goals.

The knowledge and skills you’ll gain from this training will undoubtedly benefit both you and our organization. When you return, let’s schedule a meeting for you to share your key takeaways with the team.

Please send me the final registration details, and I’ll ensure that the cost of the program is covered by our professional development budget.

Enjoy the training, and make the most of this learning experience!


[Your Name]

Letter 13: Approving a Medical Leave Request

Subject: Medical Leave Approval

Dear [Employee Name],

I’ve received your request for medical leave, along with the supporting documentation from your healthcare provider. I want to assure you that we’ll provide full support during your recovery period.

Your leave is approved, effective [start date], as per your doctor’s recommendation. Our HR team will be in touch to discuss the details of your leave, including any paperwork required, expected return date, and benefits information.

Please prioritize your health and well-being during this time. Don’t worry about your work responsibilities – we’ll ensure everything is covered. Your job will be here waiting for you when you’re ready to return.

If there’s anything I can do to support you further, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Wishing you a full and speedy recovery.

Take care,

[Your Name]

Letter 14: Approving a Personal Leave of Absence

Subject: Personal Leave of Absence Approval

Dear [Employee Name],

I received your request for a personal leave of absence from [start date] to [end date]. I appreciate you feeling comfortable enough to share your situation with me. Please know that you have our full support.

I’ve approved your leave request. We value your contributions to our team and want to ensure you have the time and space needed to address your matters. Your job will be secure during your absence.

Let’s have a conversation to discuss the redistribution of your duties while you’re away and any other concerns you may have. We’ll do our best to accommodate your needs and make this process as smooth as possible for you.

Please take care of yourself during this time. We’re here if you need anything.


[Your Name]

Letter 15: Approving an Educational Leave Request

Subject: Educational Leave Approval

Dear [Employee Name],

Congratulations on your decision to pursue further education! I’m delighted to approve your request for educational leave from [start date] to [end date] to complete your [degree/certification].

We firmly believe in supporting our employees’ growth and development. Investing in your education not only benefits you personally but also strengthens our organization. Your new knowledge and skills will be invaluable to our team.

As discussed, we’re happy to offer [details of any financial support or flexible work arrangements]. Please keep me updated on your progress, and let me know if there’s any additional support you need.

Best of luck with your studies. We’re proud of you for taking this step in your educational journey!

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

Wrapping Up Sample Annual Leave Approval Letters

Crafting thoughtful and clear annual leave approval letters is a critical skill for any manager.

See also  15 Sample Letters of Approval for Unpaid Leave

By using these sample letters as a starting point and tailoring them to your specific situations, you can create communications that meet your business needs while supporting your employees’ work-life balance.

Remember, approving leave isn’t just an administrative task – it’s an opportunity to show your team members that you value their well-being and respect their lives outside of work.

When done well, your leave approval letters can foster loyalty, boost morale, and contribute to a positive company culture.