15 React Interview Questions & Answers

Feeling nervous about your upcoming React interview? You’re about to face questions that test both your technical knowledge and problem-solving abilities. Many candidates struggle with React interviews because they focus too much on memorizing concepts rather than understanding them deeply.

The good news? With proper preparation, you can walk into that interview room with confidence and showcase your React expertise effectively. This guide breaks down the most common React interview questions and provides you with winning strategies to impress your potential employers.

The difference between landing your dream job and missing out often comes down to how well you prepare. Let’s get you ready to shine in your next React interview.

react interview questions

React Interview Questions & Answers

Here’s your ultimate guide to acing those tricky React interview questions that separate the great candidates from the good ones.

1. What is React and why would you use it?

Interviewers ask this question to gauge your fundamental understanding of React and assess if you grasp its core benefits. They want to see if you can articulate why React might be chosen over other frontend technologies for specific projects.

React is a JavaScript library developed by Facebook for building user interfaces, particularly single-page applications. It allows developers to create reusable UI components that efficiently update when data changes through its virtual DOM implementation.

Moreover, React’s component-based architecture promotes code reusability, maintainability, and makes debugging easier. The virtual DOM significantly improves performance by minimizing direct manipulation of the actual DOM, which is a resource-intensive operation.

Sample Answer: React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces that was created by Facebook. I’d use React because it solves many common problems in web development through its component-based architecture, which makes code more maintainable and reusable. Its virtual DOM implementation efficiently updates only what needs to change rather than re-rendering entire pages, resulting in better performance. I’ve found React particularly valuable for creating dynamic, data-driven interfaces that need to be responsive and interactive without sacrificing performance.

2. How does React’s Virtual DOM work?

This question tests your understanding of one of React’s core performance optimization techniques. Employers want to confirm you understand what happens under the hood when state changes occur in a React application.

The Virtual DOM works as a lightweight copy of the actual DOM, existing entirely in memory. When state changes in a React component, React first updates its Virtual DOM rather than the browser’s DOM directly.

Following this update, React performs a “diffing” process, comparing the updated Virtual DOM with a pre-update version to identify exactly what changed. Then, through a process called “reconciliation,” React updates only the changed elements in the real DOM, rather than re-rendering everything, which leads to significant performance gains.

Sample Answer: The Virtual DOM is essentially a lightweight JavaScript representation of the actual DOM. When state changes in my application, React creates a new Virtual DOM tree and compares it with the previous one through a process called “diffing.” Once React identifies exactly what’s changed, it updates only those specific parts in the real DOM—a process called “reconciliation.” I appreciate this approach because updating the real DOM is expensive performance-wise, and the Virtual DOM minimizes those operations. In my experience, this has made even complex interfaces with frequent updates run smoothly, especially when optimizing components with shouldComponentUpdate or React.memo.

3. What are the differences between functional and class components in React?

Interviewers pose this question to evaluate your knowledge of React’s component architecture and to check if you stay current with React’s evolution, especially with the introduction of Hooks.

Functional components are JavaScript functions that accept props as arguments and return React elements. They were initially stateless but can now manage state and side effects using Hooks, introduced in React 16.8.

Class components, on the other hand, extend from React.Component and require a render method that returns React elements. They can hold and manage local state and have access to lifecycle methods like componentDidMount and componentWillUnmount. With the introduction of Hooks, functional components can now perform nearly all the same tasks as class components, making the latter less necessary in modern React development.

Sample Answer: Functional components are JavaScript functions that receive props and return JSX. Initially, they couldn’t manage state or lifecycle events, but with Hooks introduced in React 16.8, they now can. Class components extend React.Component, contain a render method, and traditionally handled state and lifecycle methods. I prefer functional components with Hooks for most cases because they make code more concise, easier to test, and help avoid the confusion of ‘this’ binding that often occurs in classes. Functional components also better support code splitting and can result in smaller bundle sizes. However, I still use class components when working with older codebases or when dealing with error boundaries, which aren’t yet available in functional form.

4. Explain the concept of props in React

Interviewers ask this question to verify your understanding of how data flows through a React application. They want to see if you grasp the immutability principle of props and how they facilitate component communication.

Props (short for properties) are inputs that components receive from their parent. They function as a mechanism for passing data down the component tree, enabling parent components to communicate with their children.

Props are read-only and should never be modified within a component, adhering to React’s principle of unidirectional data flow. This immutability helps maintain predictable behavior in your application and makes components more reusable since they behave consistently based on the props they receive.

Sample Answer: Props are how React components receive data from their parent components. They work like function parameters, allowing me to pass values, functions, or objects down the component tree. I always treat props as read-only, never modifying them directly within a component, which helps maintain React’s unidirectional data flow. When I need to pass data from a child back to a parent, I send a function through props that the child can call. This pattern has helped me create highly reusable components that can adapt to different scenarios based on the props they receive. For example, I recently built a Button component that changes its appearance and behavior based on props like ‘variant’, ‘size’, and ‘onClick’, making it usable throughout the entire application.

5. What is state in React and how is it different from props?

This question helps interviewers assess your understanding of React’s data management fundamentals. They want to confirm you know when to use state versus props and how they differ.

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State represents the internal, mutable data of a component that determines its behavior and rendering. Unlike props, state is fully controlled by the component itself and can change over time, usually in response to user events or network responses.

While props flow down from parent to child components, state is localized to a specific component unless deliberately shared. When state changes, React re-renders the component and potentially its children, updating the UI to reflect the new data.

Sample Answer: State is a JavaScript object that contains data specific to a component and determines how it renders and behaves. Unlike props, which are passed from parent components, state is managed internally within the component. I use state for data that changes over time—like user input values, toggle states, or loading indicators. When state updates through setState() or a state updater function with Hooks, React efficiently re-renders the component. I’ve learned to keep state as minimal as possible and lift it up to common ancestors when multiple components need access to the same data. This approach has helped me build more predictable applications and avoid synchronization issues between components. State management becomes particularly important in larger applications, where I’ve used Context API or Redux for more complex state requirements.

6. How do you handle events in React?

Interviewers ask this question to evaluate your familiarity with React’s synthetic event system and to check if you understand how to properly manage event handlers in components.

React handles events using synthetic event wrappers that work identically across different browsers, eliminating inconsistencies in native browser events. Event names use camelCase syntax (like onClick instead of onclick) and you pass functions as event handlers rather than strings.

For class components, you need to bind methods to ensure ‘this’ refers to the component instance, or use arrow functions to automatically bind the context. In functional components with Hooks, you can define event handlers directly within the component or use useCallback for performance optimization.

Sample Answer: In React, I handle events through synthetic events that normalize behavior across browsers. I use camelCase naming (like onClick instead of onclick) and pass functions as handlers rather than strings. For functional components, I typically define event handlers within the component function, passing them directly to elements like <button onClick={handleClick}>Click me</button>. If I need to pass parameters, I use arrow functions or Function.bind to avoid unnecessary re-renders. I’m careful with event pooling in older React versions, using e.persist() when needed. For optimizing performance in components that re-render frequently, I wrap event handlers in useCallback to maintain referential equality between renders. This approach has helped me create responsive interfaces that handle user interactions efficiently while avoiding common pitfalls like memory leaks from improper event cleanup.

7. What are React Hooks and why were they introduced?

This question helps interviewers gauge your knowledge of modern React development practices. They want to see if you understand how Hooks solved problems in the React ecosystem and if you can use them effectively.

React Hooks, introduced in version 16.8, are functions that let you “hook into” React state and lifecycle features from functional components. Before Hooks, these capabilities were only available in class components.

Hooks were introduced to solve several problems: they eliminate the confusion around ‘this’ keyword in classes, make it easier to reuse stateful logic between components without complex patterns like render props or higher-order components, and allow related code to stay together instead of being split across lifecycle methods. Popular built-in Hooks include useState for state management, useEffect for side effects, useContext for context consumption, and useReducer for more complex state logic.

Sample Answer: React Hooks are special functions that allow me to use state and other React features in functional components. Before Hooks, I needed class components for state and lifecycle methods. useState lets me add local state to functional components, useEffect handles side effects like data fetching or subscriptions, and custom Hooks let me extract and reuse logic across components. Hooks were introduced to solve real problems: they eliminate the confusion around ‘this’, simplify code reuse without wrapper hell from HOCs or render props, and allow me to organize code by related functionality rather than lifecycle methods. I’ve found Hooks particularly valuable for breaking down complex components into smaller, focused pieces of functionality. For example, I recently refactored a complicated form management class into several custom Hooks that each handled a specific aspect of the form, making the code much more maintainable and testable.

8. Describe the component lifecycle in React

Interviewers ask this lifecycle question to assess your understanding of when and how React components update, and how you can intervene at various stages of this process to control behavior.

The component lifecycle refers to the series of phases a component goes through from creation to removal from the DOM. In class components, this is managed through lifecycle methods like componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, and componentWillUnmount.

For functional components using Hooks, the useEffect Hook replaces most lifecycle methods. The dependency array in useEffect controls when effects run: an empty array ([]) mimics componentDidMount, including dependencies triggers updates like componentDidUpdate, and the cleanup function works like componentWillUnmount. Understanding this lifecycle helps you manage side effects, optimize performance, and handle component cleanup properly.

Sample Answer: In class components, the lifecycle has three main phases: mounting, updating, and unmounting. During mounting, componentDidMount runs after the first render and is perfect for initial data fetching. The updating phase triggers componentDidUpdate when props or state change, allowing me to respond to these changes. Finally, componentWillUnmount cleans up before removal, preventing memory leaks. With functional components and Hooks, useEffect consolidates these lifecycle concepts. I use different dependency array configurations to control when effects run—an empty array for mounting only, specific dependencies for updates, and a return function for cleanup. This knowledge lets me control exactly when side effects should occur. For example, in a recent project with real-time data, I used these lifecycle hooks to properly subscribe to updates when a component mounted and unsubscribe when it unmounted, preventing memory leaks that were previously causing performance issues.

9. How do you handle forms in React?

Interviewers ask this forms question to evaluate your understanding of state management in interactive components and to see if you can implement controlled components effectively.

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Forms in React can be handled through controlled or uncontrolled components. In controlled components, form elements like inputs, selects, and textareas are controlled by React state. Each input change updates the state, and the state serves as the “single source of truth.”

This approach gives you precise control over form data and validation, but requires setting up state and change handlers for each input. Uncontrolled components, by contrast, store their own state internally using DOM references, which can be accessed through React refs. While simpler to set up, they offer less control. Most React applications favor controlled components for better data flow management and form validation capabilities.

Sample Answer: I handle forms in React primarily through controlled components where I store each input’s value in state and update it on every change. This gives me complete control over the data at all times. For a login form, I might use: const [email, setEmail] = useState(''); and then <input value={email} onChange={e => setEmail(e.target.value)} />. This pattern lets me easily access current values, implement validation as users type, and prevent form submission if conditions aren’t met. For complex forms, I’ve used libraries like Formik or React Hook Form to reduce boilerplate, manage touch states, and handle validation more efficiently. I still create custom validation logic based on business rules. For file inputs or other special cases where controlled components don’t make sense, I’ll occasionally use uncontrolled components with refs, but I generally prefer the predictability of the controlled approach.

10. What is the Context API in React?

This question allows interviewers to assess your understanding of React’s built-in state management solutions beyond local component state. They want to verify you can identify appropriate use cases for Context.

The Context API provides a way to share values like themes, user data, or locale preferences across components without explicitly passing props through every level of the component tree (prop drilling). It consists of two main parts: Context.Provider, which wraps the parent component and supplies the value, and Context.Consumer (or useContext Hook), which allows child components to consume that value.

Context is ideal for global data that many components need, such as authentication status, themes, or language settings. However, it’s not optimized for high-frequency updates and shouldn’t replace more robust state management solutions like Redux for complex applications with frequent state changes.

Sample Answer: The Context API solves the problem of prop drilling by creating a way to share values across components without passing props manually at every level. I create a context with const MyContext = React.createContext(), then wrap parent components with <MyContext.Provider value={someValue}> to make that value available to all children. In functional components, I access context with the useContext Hook: const value = useContext(MyContext). I typically use Context for application-wide concerns like themes, authenticated user data, or language preferences—things that many components need but don’t change frequently. For a recent project, I created a theme context that allowed users to toggle between light and dark modes, affecting components throughout the application without passing theme props everywhere. While Context is powerful, I’m careful not to overuse it for local state that only affects a small part of the app, as this can make components less reusable and testing more difficult.

11. Explain React’s error boundaries

Interviewers ask about error boundaries to assess your knowledge of React’s error handling mechanisms and to see if you prioritize creating robust, user-friendly applications.

Error boundaries are React components that catch JavaScript errors in their child component tree, log those errors, and display a fallback UI instead of crashing the entire application. They function like JavaScript catch blocks but for components.

Error boundaries can only be created using class components that implement either the static getDerivedStateFromError or componentDidCatch lifecycle methods (or both). Error boundaries only catch errors in components below them in the tree, not in the boundary itself. They’re particularly useful for preventing an error in a non-critical UI element from breaking the entire application.

Sample Answer: Error boundaries are special components that catch JavaScript errors in their child component tree, prevent the app from crashing, and display fallback UI instead. I implement them as class components with either getDerivedStateFromError to render fallback UI or componentDidCatch to log error information. I strategically place error boundaries at different levels—wrapping critical business logic separately from auxiliary features. This way, if a non-essential widget crashes, the core functionality remains intact. For example, in a dashboard application I worked on, I wrapped each dashboard widget in an error boundary so that if one chart failed to render due to malformed data, other widgets continued functioning. I combined this with monitoring tools to track errors in production. The key limitation to be aware of is that error boundaries don’t catch errors in event handlers, asynchronous code, or the error boundary itself, so I complement them with try/catch blocks where needed.

12. How do you optimize performance in a React application?

This performance question helps interviewers evaluate your practical experience with React and your ability to identify and resolve performance bottlenecks.

Performance optimization in React involves several strategies. Component rendering can be optimized using React.memo for functional components or PureComponent/shouldComponentUpdate for class components to prevent unnecessary re-renders when props haven’t changed meaningfully.

Code splitting with React.lazy and Suspense allows you to load components only when needed, reducing initial load time. Using the useCallback and useMemo Hooks helps prevent unnecessary recreation of functions and calculated values. Additionally, optimizing state structure, implementing virtualization for long lists (with libraries like react-window), and proper key usage in lists all contribute to better performance.

Sample Answer: I approach React performance optimization systematically. First, I identify rendering issues using React DevTools Profiler to find components that re-render too often. I apply React.memo to functional components or extend PureComponent for classes to prevent unnecessary re-renders. For expensive calculations, I use useMemo to cache results, and useCallback to maintain function reference stability across renders. For large applications, I implement code-splitting with React.lazy and Suspense, breaking the bundle into smaller chunks loaded on demand. When dealing with long lists, I use virtualization through react-window to render only visible items. I’ve also found that optimizing state structure to minimize updates and being careful with Context providers to prevent broad re-renders significantly improves performance. In my last project, combining these techniques reduced initial load time by 40% and eliminated noticeable lag when interacting with data-heavy interfaces.

13. What are keys in React lists and why are they important?

Interviewers ask this keys question to check your understanding of React’s reconciliation process and to ensure you know how to render lists efficiently.

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Keys are special string attributes that help React identify which items in a list have changed, been added, or removed. When you render a list of elements, React uses these keys to determine which elements to update in the DOM instead of re-rendering the entire list.

Keys must be unique among siblings (but not globally unique) and should be stable, predictable, and persistent across renders. Using array indices as keys is generally discouraged unless the list is static and will never reorder, as it can lead to performance issues and bugs with component state when items are reordered, removed, or inserted.

Sample Answer: Keys are special attributes I add when creating lists of elements in React. They help React identify which items have changed, been added, or removed, making the reconciliation process more efficient. Each key must be unique among siblings but doesn’t need to be globally unique. I always use stable identifiers from my data as keys—typically database IDs or other persistent unique values. This stability is crucial because if keys change between renders, React might incorrectly reuse or rebuild components. I’ve learned to avoid using array indices as keys except for completely static lists that will never reorder. In a previous project, we faced strange bugs with form inputs in a dynamic list until we realized we were using indices as keys, causing React to maintain state with the wrong components when items were reordered. Switching to stable IDs fixed the issues and improved performance by reducing unnecessary DOM operations.

14. How do you handle API calls in React?

This API question helps interviewers assess your understanding of asynchronous operations in React and your ability to integrate external data sources into React applications.

API calls in React are typically handled using the Fetch API or Axios inside useEffect Hooks (for functional components) or lifecycle methods like componentDidMount (for class components). This allows you to fetch data after the component mounts and update the component state when the data arrives.

It’s important to handle loading states, success cases, and errors appropriately to create a good user experience. Additionally, you should implement proper cleanup for any pending requests when components unmount to prevent memory leaks and “state updates on unmounted component” warnings.

Sample Answer: I handle API calls in React by combining the Fetch API or Axios with React’s lifecycle methods or Hooks. In functional components, I use the useEffect Hook to make requests after the component mounts. I always set up loading states before the request begins, handle successful responses by updating state with the fetched data, and catch errors to display appropriate messages to users. A critical detail I always implement is request cancellation—using AbortController with fetch or Axios’s cancel tokens—to prevent memory leaks and state updates on unmounted components. For more complex data requirements, I’ve used custom Hooks to extract API logic, making it reusable across components. For example, I created a useDataFetching Hook that handles loading states, error handling, and retries in a consistent way throughout an application. This approach kept components focused on rendering rather than data fetching logic, improving maintainability and testing.

15. What are React portals and when would you use them?

This portals question allows interviewers to evaluate your knowledge of advanced React features and your ability to solve DOM hierarchy challenges.

React portals provide a way to render children into a DOM node that exists outside the DOM hierarchy of the parent component. The syntax is: ReactDOM.createPortal(child, container), where child is any renderable React element and container is a DOM element.

Portals are particularly useful for components like modals, tooltips, and popovers, which need to visually “break out” of their containers that might have overflow or z-index constraints. Despite rendering outside the parent DOM structure, portals maintain the React context and event bubbling as if they were still in their original position in the React tree.

Sample Answer: React portals let me render children into a DOM node outside their parent component’s hierarchy using ReactDOM.createPortal(child, container). I use portals primarily for UI elements that need to visually “escape” their containers—modals, tooltips, popovers, and notifications. What makes portals powerful is that while the DOM structure changes, the React component hierarchy stays intact, meaning context and event bubbling work as if the portal content were still in its original position. In a recent application with a complex layout using nested containers with overflow: hidden and various z-index levels, I used portals to render modals directly to the document body. This solved visibility issues while maintaining proper event handling and accessibility. Portals helped me create interfaces that both looked correct and functioned properly without compromising the component architecture or requiring complex CSS workarounds.

Wrapping Up

Preparing for React interviews takes dedication and practice. Focus on understanding the core concepts deeply rather than just memorizing answers. Being able to explain your reasoning and demonstrate practical experience will set you apart from other candidates.

Take time to build small projects that reinforce these concepts, and review your code critically. Great React developers continuously learn and adapt as the ecosystem evolves. With the knowledge and sample answers provided in this guide, you’re well-equipped to face your interview with confidence and showcase your React expertise effectively.