25 Polite Ways to Say ‘Don’t Bother’

In life, there are times when we don’t want to impose upon others or cause them unnecessary hassle. Perhaps someone is offering to do something that isn’t needed or that you’ve already got covered.

In these situations, it’s important to express that they don’t need to go to the trouble without sounding ungrateful or dismissive. A curt ‘Don’t Bother’ may not convey your appreciation of their offer, even as you decline it.

polite ways to say dont bother

25 Ways to Say ‘Don’t Bother’ Politely

So, let’s look at some polite alternatives that balance kindness and clarity.

1. “It’s not necessary…”

This phrase communicates the lack of necessity for the person’s proposed action. It doesn’t belittle their offer; instead, it just plainly suggests that it’s not needed at the moment. It’s a polite way to say ‘Don’t bother’ without sounding harsh.


“Hey, I can bring some drinks to your party.”

“It’s not necessary, John. We’ve got plenty of beverages. Just bring yourself and be ready to have fun!”

2. “There’s no need…”

This response is similar to the previous one but may come across as even softer. It suggests that there’s no obligation or need for the person to go out of their way for the situation at hand.


“I can stay back and help you clean up after the meeting.”

“There’s no need, Lisa. The janitorial staff will take care of it. You should head home and rest.”

3. “Don’t trouble yourself…”

This is a gentle phrase that shows consideration for the person’s effort or time. It implies that you don’t want to put them out and appreciates their willingness to help.


“I can drive you to the airport tomorrow morning.”

“Don’t trouble yourself, Sarah. I’ve already arranged for a cab. Enjoy your sleep-in.”

4. “Don’t worry about it…”

A relaxed and friendly phrase, it is suitable in both formal and informal contexts. It reassures the person that the issue or task in question is already taken care of or isn’t worth worrying about.


“Should I sort out the receipts from our business trip?”

“Don’t worry about it, Mark. I’ve already sent them to the accounting department.”

5. “It’s not important…”

This phrase is a diplomatic way of suggesting that the person’s proposed action is not critical or necessary for the current situation.


“I was thinking of reviewing the project one more time before submission.”

“It’s not important, Amy. We’ve gone over it several times, and it’s in excellent shape. Let’s submit it now.”

6. “I’ve got it handled…”

This statement directly communicates that you have the situation under control and the other person doesn’t need to step in. It’s polite and gives the person reassurance that everything is in order.

See also  25 Things to Say Instead of "Rest in Peace"


“Do you want me to confirm the appointment with the clients?”

“I’ve got it handled, Paul. I’ll send them a confirmation email now.”

7. “Please, don’t put yourself out…”

This phrase conveys both gratitude for the offer and a polite decline. It shows that you value the person’s time or effort and don’t want them to go to any trouble.


“I can look after your plants while you’re on vacation.”

“Please, don’t put yourself out, Tina. The neighbor has already agreed to do it.”

Stay tuned as we continue our journey through polite expressions.

8. “You needn’t worry about it…”

This phrase is a classic, polite way of reassuring someone that their concern or effort is not required. It’s a simple but effective way to tell someone ‘don’t bother’ without being dismissive.


“Should I arrange for extra seating for the event?”

“You needn’t worry about it, Jim. The venue has assured us they’ll take care of all the arrangements.”

9. “Don’t sweat it…”

This informal phrase is best used among friends or in less formal settings. It communicates the same message – ‘don’t bother’ – but in a more friendly, relaxed manner.


“I can help you move the furniture for the renovation.”

“Don’t sweat it, Mike. We’ve hired professional movers. Just relax and enjoy your day.”

10. “It’s under control…”

By using this phrase, you’re assuring the person that the situation or task is already being managed, and there’s no need for them to step in. It helps to communicate that you’ve got everything under wraps.


“Should I reach out to the team for the status of the project?”

“It’s under control, Lily. I had a word with them this morning. They’re on track with the project.”

11. “Save yourself the trouble…”

This polite phrase suggests that you appreciate the person’s offer but don’t want them to go to any unnecessary trouble. It shows that you value their effort and time.


“I can drive across town to pick up the documents.”

“Save yourself the trouble, Fred. They’ve agreed to email them to us.”

12. “I can manage it…”

This phrase is a nice way to tell someone you’re capable of handling the task at hand. It assures them that their assistance, while appreciated, isn’t necessary.


“Should I help you set up the new software on your computer?”

“I can manage it, Sue. I attended a training session last week. But thanks for offering!”

13. “You can relax…”

This phrase is a friendly way to tell someone not to worry or stress about a situation or task. It reassures them that things are under control and they can take it easy.

See also  25 Things to Say Instead of "Ghosting"


“Do you need me to proofread the report before it’s submitted?”

“You can relax, Alex. I’ve just finished doing that. Let’s call it a day.”

14. “It’s all taken care of…”

When you say this, you’re assuring the person that all aspects of the situation have been addressed. This phrase tells the other party they can rest easy.


“Do you need me to handle the follow-up with the contractor?”

“It’s all taken care of, Tim. I had a chat with them earlier today. They’re on it.”

15. “You don’t have to go to the trouble…”

This phrase is especially useful when you want to acknowledge the effort someone is willing to put in, while politely declining their offer. It ensures the person feels their offer is appreciated, but not required.


“I can look for more quotes to get a better deal on the supplies.”

“You don’t have to go to the trouble, Rosa. We’re quite happy with the current supplier.”

16. “I wouldn’t want to impose…”

This phrase conveys that you don’t want to burden the other person with additional tasks or responsibilities. It shows that you value their time and effort.


“I can stay late and finish up the inventory.”

“I wouldn’t want to impose, Gary. We can finish it together first thing tomorrow.”

17. “Don’t lose sleep over it…”

A more informal phrase, it’s suitable for situations where someone might be worrying unnecessarily about a particular issue or task. It’s a friendly way of saying ‘don’t bother.’


“I could work on the proposal over the weekend.”

“Don’t lose sleep over it, Becky. We have ample time next week to refine it.”

18. “No need to put yourself out…”

This phrase conveys that you don’t want the other person to go out of their way or experience inconvenience on your behalf. It’s a considerate way to say ‘don’t bother.’


“I can skip my break to help you finish this project.”

“No need to put yourself out, David. We’re on schedule. Enjoy your break.”

19. “You’ve done enough already…”

Here you’re acknowledging the person’s previous efforts and suggesting they don’t need to do more. It’s a polite and appreciative way of saying ‘don’t bother.’


“I can stay back and assist with the preparations for tomorrow.”

“You’ve done enough already, Karen. Why don’t you head home and rest? We’ve got this.”

20. “I’ve got this covered…”

This phrase shows confidence and control over the situation. By using it, you’re reassuring the other person that you can handle the task at hand.

See also  25 Things to Say Instead of "Because I Said So"


“Should I help you arrange the data for the presentation?”

“I’ve got this covered, Sam. You can focus on your part of the project.”

Only five more phrases to go in our quest to learn different polite ways to say ‘don’t bother.’ Let’s keep exploring!

21. “I appreciate the offer, but…”

This phrase is respectful and gentle. It allows you to decline an offer without dismissing the person’s goodwill. It’s an effective and courteous way of saying ‘don’t bother’.


“I can go through all the emails and update you on the responses.”

“I appreciate the offer, Nancy, but I’ve already set aside some time later to do that.”

22. “There’s no need to go out of your way…”

This phrase communicates your concern for the other person’s time and effort, ensuring they understand you don’t want to inconvenience them. It’s a considerate way of saying ‘don’t bother.’


“I can come over and walk your dog while you’re away on the trip.”

“There’s no need to go out of your way, Barry. The pet sitter will handle everything.”

23. “That won’t be necessary…”

This is a clear and direct phrase that tells the person their help or intervention isn’t needed. It’s straight to the point while remaining polite.


“Should I reach out to the suppliers and discuss the issue?”

“That won’t be necessary, Mia. I’ve already scheduled a meeting with them for tomorrow.”

24. “You’ve helped enough already…”

By using this phrase, you’re showing appreciation for the help the person has already provided, and gently suggesting they don’t need to do more. It’s a considerate way of saying ‘don’t bother.’


“I can help you prepare the handouts for the conference.”

“You’ve helped enough already, Tom. Now it’s time you focused on your presentation.”

25. “Don’t put yourself out for me…”

This phrase shows your concern for the person’s wellbeing and your appreciation of their offer. It’s a warm and considerate way to say ‘don’t bother.’


“I can babysit the kids tonight if you want to go out.”

“Don’t put yourself out for me, Tina. We’ve decided to have a quiet night in.”

And there you have it! 25 polite ways to say ‘don’t bother’. Remember, it’s not just about what you say, but how you say it. Always aim to communicate your message with kindness and respect. Happy conversing!