15 Sample Letters of Request for Consideration

Requesting consideration, whether for a job application, academic appeal, special request, or business proposal, requires a thoughtful and strategic approach.

Crafting a letter that effectively conveys your request for consideration can make a significant difference in the outcome. Such letters must balance professionalism with a personal touch, showcasing your genuine interest, qualifications, or circumstances while respecting the recipient’s time and position.

sample letters of request for consideration

Sample Letters of Request for Consideration

This article offers 15 sample letters for various scenarios where you might need to ask for consideration. Each example is designed to provide you with inspiration and guidance on how to articulate your request compellingly and courteously.

Sample Letter 1: Request for Consideration in a Job Application

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to express my sincere interest in the [Position Name] at [Company Name]. After submitting my application, I realized that while my resume outlines my professional background, it may not fully convey the passion and dedication I bring to my work. I have consistently demonstrated [specific skills or achievements] in my previous roles and am eager to bring my expertise to your team.

I understand the competitive nature of the job market and the high standards your company upholds. Therefore, I kindly request your consideration of my application, taking into account my deep commitment to [industry or professional area] and my eagerness to contribute to [Company Name]’s success.

Thank you for taking the time to reconsider my application. I am very much looking forward to the opportunity to discuss how I can contribute to your team.

Warmest regards,

[Your Name]

Sample Letter 2: Academic Appeal for Consideration

Dear [Dean or Professor’s Name],

I am writing to respectfully request reconsideration of my grade in [Course Name]. After reviewing the feedback and reflecting on my coursework, I believe that certain circumstances may have impacted my performance, particularly [mention specific circumstances].

Understanding the importance of maintaining high academic standards, I am not seeking leniency but rather a fair consideration of these factors. I am committed to my academic growth and am willing to undertake any additional assignments or exams to demonstrate my knowledge and skills.

I appreciate your understanding and willingness to review my request. Thank you for considering my appeal, and I am hopeful for a positive resolution.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Sample Letter 3: Request for Consideration for a Business Proposal

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am reaching out to request your consideration of our recent business proposal submitted on [Date]. Our team has developed a comprehensive plan designed to address [mention the main objective or problem solved by the proposal], which we believe aligns perfectly with [Company Name]’s goals and values.

We understand that you receive numerous proposals and must make difficult decisions. However, we kindly ask that you give our proposal special consideration, keeping in mind our proven track record in [specific area] and our commitment to delivering results that exceed expectations.

Thank you for your time and consideration. We are looking forward to the possibility of partnering with [Company Name] and are available for any further discussions or clarifications you might need.


[Your Name]

Sample Letter 4: Special Request for Consideration Due to Financial Hardship

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to request your consideration regarding my current financial situation. Due to unforeseen circumstances, including [briefly describe circumstances, such as medical emergencies or job loss], I find myself in a challenging financial position. Specifically, I am seeking [mention the specific request, such as a payment plan, extension, or waiver].

While I understand the policies and procedures typically in place, I hope you can consider my request given these exceptional circumstances. I am committed to resolving this matter and am open to discussing any possible solutions you might suggest.

Your understanding and assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for considering my request during this difficult time.

Kind regards,

[Your Name]

Sample Letter 5: Request for Consideration for a Grant or Scholarship

Dear [Committee Members or Donor’s Name],

I am writing to express my earnest request for consideration for the [Name of Grant or Scholarship]. While my academic and extracurricular achievements are detailed in my application, I wish to emphasize my deep commitment to [mention area of study, community service, or future goals] and the impact this grant/scholarship would have on my ability to pursue these passions.

Given the competitive nature of this award, I understand the challenge in selecting recipients. However, I kindly ask for your consideration of my dedication, potential, and the unique perspectives I bring to [mention field or community].

I am truly grateful for the opportunity to apply for this support and for your consideration of my application. Receiving this grant/scholarship would significantly further my goal of [mention specific goal or aspiration].

Thank you for your time and thoughtful consideration.

Warmest regards,

[Your Name]

Sample Letter 6: Request for Consideration in Housing Application

Dear [Landlord or Property Manager’s Name],

I am writing to request consideration of my application for the [address or unit number] property. After viewing the property and learning more about the community, I am convinced that it would be the perfect home for me due to [mention reasons such as proximity to work, community features, etc.].

While my application may not immediately stand out due to [mention any potential concerns, such as a short rental history or a pet], I assure you of my responsibility, financial stability, and commitment to maintaining the property in excellent condition.

I kindly ask for your consideration of my situation and am happy to provide additional references or documentation if required. Thank you for considering my application. I am very much looking forward to the opportunity to become a part of the community.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Sample Letter 7: Request for Consideration for a Deadline Extension

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to request your consideration for an extension on the [mention deadline, such as project delivery, paper submission, etc.]. Despite my best efforts and planning, unforeseen circumstances [briefly describe circumstances] have impacted my ability to meet the original deadline.

I am fully committed to delivering high-quality work and am therefore requesting an extension until [propose new deadline]. This additional time would ensure that I can complete the work to the best of my ability without compromising on quality.

Thank you for considering my request for an extension. I appreciate your understanding and am willing to discuss any concerns or conditions you may have regarding this adjustment.


[Your Name]

Sample Letter 8: Request for Consideration in Loan Application

Dear [Loan Officer’s Name],

I am writing to request special consideration for my loan application submitted to [Bank or Financial Institution Name]. After reviewing my financial situation and future plans, I am confident that I can meet the obligations of the loan. However, I understand that my [mention any issues such as credit score, income level, etc.] may not fully meet your standard criteria.

I kindly ask for your consideration of my application, taking into account my [mention any mitigating factors, such as future income potential, savings, other assets, etc.]. I am committed to fulfilling all requirements of the loan and am open to discussing any additional measures or documentation that might support my application.

Thank you for considering my situation. I look forward to the possibility of working together to secure this loan, which would significantly impact my ability to [mention purpose of the loan].


[Your Name]

Sample Letter 9: Request for Consideration for Program Admission

Dear [Admissions Officer’s Name],

I am writing to respectfully request consideration for admission to [Program Name] at [Institution Name]. While my academic record may not fully reflect my capabilities, I have pursued additional experiences outside of the classroom that have prepared me for this program, including [mention specific experiences, projects, or skills].

I understand the competitive nature of the admissions process and the importance of academic performance. However, I kindly ask that you also consider my dedication, resilience, and the unique perspective I would bring to the program.

Thank you for considering my application. I am eager to contribute to and learn from the [Program Name], and I believe that my background and experiences will allow me to make a meaningful impact.

Warmest regards,

[Your Name]

Sample Letter 10: Request for Consideration for a Promotion

Dear [Supervisor’s Name],

I am writing to express my interest in the [Position Name] that has recently become available within our department. Having contributed to our team for over [Duration] as a [Your Current Position], I have developed a thorough understanding of our operations, goals, and challenges. I believe that I am ready to take on the responsibilities of the [Position Name] and contribute at a higher level.

While my resume outlines my professional achievements, I would like to highlight my dedication to our team’s success and my proactive approach to overcoming obstacles. I kindly request your consideration for this promotion, and I am eager to discuss how my skills and experiences align with the needs of the [Position Name].

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to the opportunity to further discuss my candidacy and how I can contribute to our team’s continued success.


[Your Name]

Sample Letter 11: Request for Consideration for Special Assistance

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am reaching out to request your consideration for special assistance regarding [mention the situation, such as access to services, support for a project, etc.]. Due to [mention any relevant circumstances, challenges, or limitations], I find myself in need of additional support to successfully [mention the goal or need].

I understand that there may be policies and procedures typically followed in such situations. However, I kindly ask for your flexibility and assistance in finding a solution that accommodates my needs while still adhering to [mention any relevant standards, guidelines, etc.].

Your understanding and support would make a significant difference, and I am grateful for any consideration you can provide. Thank you for taking the time to review my request. I am available to discuss this further and provide any additional information required.


[Your Name]

Sample Letter 12: Request for Consideration in Scheduling

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to request your consideration in scheduling [mention the event, meeting, or obligation]. Due to [mention specific reasons, such as overlapping commitments, personal circumstances, etc.], I am unable to meet the currently scheduled time and kindly request an alternative date or time.

I fully understand the importance of this [event/meeting/obligation] and am committed to fulfilling my responsibilities. I believe that finding a mutually agreeable time will enable me to participate fully and effectively.

Thank you for considering my request for a scheduling adjustment. I appreciate your flexibility and am willing to work around your availability to find a suitable time.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Sample Letter 13: Request for Consideration for Project Funding

Dear [Recipient’s Name or Funding Committee],

I am writing to request your consideration of our project proposal titled “[Project Title]” for funding. Our team has developed a comprehensive plan that addresses [mention the main objectives or problems solved by the project], which we believe aligns with the goals and interests of [mention the funding body, organization, or individual].

We understand the competitive nature of securing project funding and the critical evaluation process involved. However, we kindly ask for your consideration of our proposal, keeping in mind our proven track record in [mention relevant achievements, expertise, or impact].

Thank you for your time and consideration. We are looking forward to the opportunity to further discuss our project and its potential impact. We are available for any questions or further discussions as needed.


[Your Name]

Sample Letter 14: Request for Consideration for Waiver of Fees

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to request consideration for a waiver of [mention specific fees or charges]. Due to [mention specific reasons, such as financial hardship, exceptional circumstances, etc.], I am finding it challenging to meet this financial obligation at this time.

I understand the policies regarding [fees/charges] and the importance of adhering to these guidelines. However, I kindly ask for your understanding and consideration of my current situation. I am committed to resolving this matter and am open to discussing alternative solutions that may be available.

Thank you for considering my request for a waiver. Your understanding and assistance in this matter are greatly appreciated. I am hopeful for a favorable response and am available to provide any additional information or documentation required.

Kind regards,

[Your Name]

Sample Letter 15: Request for Consideration for Late Submission

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to request your consideration for the late submission of [mention the document, assignment, application, etc.]. Unfortunately, due to [mention specific reasons, such as unforeseen circumstances, technical issues, etc.], I was unable to submit the [document/assignment/application] by the original deadline.

I understand the importance of adhering to deadlines and the potential inconvenience caused by late submissions. However, I kindly ask for your understanding and consideration of my situation. I am committed to [mention any corrective actions, such as ensuring timely submissions in the future, making up for the delay, etc.].

Thank you for considering my request for a late submission. I appreciate your understanding and am available to discuss any concerns or conditions you may have regarding this matter.


[Your Name]


Requesting consideration in various professional and academic contexts requires a delicate balance of humility, honesty, and respect for the recipient’s authority and guidelines.

See also  15 Sample Letters of Demand NSW

These sample letters offer a framework for articulating your request in a manner that highlights your understanding of the situation, your commitment to resolving it, and your respect for the recipient’s position.

Tailoring these templates to your specific needs and circumstances will help ensure your requests are received positively and considered fairly.