10 Crazy Questions to Ask Friends

Have you ever wanted to take your friendships to a deeper level but didn’t quite know how?

Asking the right questions can open up whole new realms of connection and understanding between you and your friends.

But coming up with creative, thought-provoking questions on the spot isn’t always easy.

That’s where this handy guide comes in!

We’ve put together a list of 10 crazy yet insightful questions that are sure to spark fascinating conversations and bring you closer to the important people in your life.

In this article, you’ll learn:

  • Why asking unique questions matters for building strong friendships
  • 10 specific crazy questions you can ask to get friends thinking and talking
  • Tips for bringing up these questions naturally in conversation
  • How to interpret and build on the answers your friends give

So if you’re ready to energize your friendships with some fresh, juicy topics that go beyond tired small talk, keep reading!

The questions and strategies in this article will give you the tools to get your friends to open up and share on a whole new level.

Let’s dive in.

Crazy Questions to Ask Friends

Crazy Questions to Ask Friends

1. If you could live in any fictional world, what would it be and why?

This question invites your friend to reveal something about their creative imagination and the types of stories or experiences that excite them. When posing it, you might say something like: “I was thinking about how much I love getting lost in a good book or movie, and it made me wonder – if you could live inside any fictional world, which one would you choose to transport yourself into?”

Your friend’s answer will likely shed light on their interests, dreams, and values. If they choose a sci-fi universe, it could mean they long for adventure, innovation, and pushing boundaries. A cozy small-town setting might signify a desire for a close community and a slower pace of life. A gritty dystopia could reveal a fascination with exploring challenging philosophical and ethical questions.

Build on whatever answer they give by asking follow-up questions like what characters they would most want to befriend in that world and what sort of role they envision for themselves in the story. There are so many rich layers to explore with this fun imaginative prompt – it’s a door-opener to a playful and illuminating discussion.

2. Would you rather be able to speak every language in the world or be able to speak to animals?

With this question, you’re giving your friend two tantalizing superpowers to choose between, both of which offer exciting possibilities. Frame it in a casual, light-hearted way, like: “I have a goofy ‘would-you-rather’ question for you – if you had to pick, which of these crazy abilities would you want: speaking every human language or being able to talk to animals?”

If your friend picks universal human language skills, it likely means they place a high value on connecting with people, learning about different cultures, and expanding their minds through communication. They may be drawn to the idea of traveling the world or pursuing a people-oriented career.

On the other hand, an animal-conversation-leaning friend may have a deep love and curiosity for the natural world and a longing to understand critters on a whole new level. They might feel a special kinship with their pets or have a strong nurturing drive in general.

Whichever option your friend chooses, draw them out with vivid scenarios – ask what animal they would be most excited to chat with, or what country they would visit first to dazzle the locals with their language skills. Pondering these wild hypotheticals is a chance to get a window into your friend’s true passions and priorities.

3. What’s the strangest dream you’ve ever had?

Our dreams can feel like a bizarre funhouse mirror, reflecting our fears, fantasies, and mental preoccupations in weird and warped ways. Asking a friend about their most memorable strange dream is an invitation to peer into the quirky corners of their subconscious mind.

You might bring it up by saying something like: “I had the wildest dream the other night and it got me thinking about how our brains come up with this crazy stuff. What’s the strangest dream you can remember having? I’m so curious to know what your subconscious cooks up when you’re asleep!”

As your friend shares the trippy tales spun by their slumbering mind, you’ll get a peek at the themes, emotions, and symbols that populate their inner world. A dream about showing up to school naked might point to anxiety about being judged or feeling unprepared. Dreams of flying often represent a longing for freedom or a moment of joyful release. Being chased in a dream can signify avoidance of a looming problem.

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Of course, dreams rarely translate to cut-and-dry representations of our thoughts – the fun is in teasing out our subjective associations and interpretations. Ask your friend how the dream made them feel, and what real-life situations or concerns it might be pointing to. Exploring the surreal stories we tell ourselves in sleep is a fascinating and often surprisingly profound way to gain insight into each other’s minds.

4. If you could have any one question answered, what would it be?

This philosophical whopper of a question pushes your friend to zoom way out and ponder what big cosmic mystery they most yearn to solve. When asking it, preface it with something like: “I have an intense question for you – it might take some thinking, but I’m curious to hear your take. If you could get a guaranteed clear answer to any one question, what would you most want to know?”

The possibilities here are endless and endlessly fascinating. Your friend might choose something lofty and existential, like “What is the meaning of life?” or “Is there a higher power?” Such an answer would point to a deep desire for spiritual understanding and a longing to find their place in the grand scheme of things.

They might zero in on a burning historical mystery, like “Who killed JFK?” or “What happened to Amelia Earhart?” Choosing a question like this could mean your friend is drawn to solving puzzles, hungry for clear-cut facts, and skeptical of the “official story” fed to the masses.

Or perhaps they would opt to learn the outcome of their own life, with questions like “Will I ever find true love?” or “Did I make the right career choice?” This type of answer likely stems from a place of self-doubt and a fixation on making the “right” decisions. Talking it through is a chance for you to offer reassurance and perspective.

Whatever category your friend’s wondered-about question falls into, it’s sure to launch a fascinating discussion about the very biggest picture-level issues that haunt the human mind. Buckle up for some potentially heavy – but immensely rewarding – philosophical exploration.

5. What’s the most impulsive thing you’ve ever done?

In asking this question, you’re inviting your friend to recall a time when they threw caution to the wind and did something wildly spontaneous. It’s a chance for you to marvel at their bravery, laugh at their audacity, and discover what sparks their out-of-the-blue bursts of action.

You might tee it up by sharing an impulsive moment of your own to break the ice and then turn it over to them with a casual invitation like: “Your turn – tell me about a time when you just went for it without stopping to think. I want to hear about your most impulsive moment!”

If your friend’s story has them booking a last-minute trip to Rio or splurging on a luxury item, it likely means they have an adventurous streak and know how to seize the day when struck with a sudden burst of inspiration or desire. On the flip side, they might recall an impulsive confrontation or an ill-advised romantic entanglement – in which case, their tale is an opportunity to bond over lessons learned the hard way and laugh at their past self’s foibles.

The beauty of a question like this is that it celebrates those unscripted moments when we surprise even ourselves – for better or worse. It’s a chance to recall the adrenaline rush of taking a flying leap into the unknown and to savor the wild unpredictability of the human spirit. Lead your friend to replay the scene in vivid detail – what prompted their out-of-nowhere action? How did it feel at the moment? What consequences – glorious or disastrous – did it yield? Swapping stories of your most delightfully unhinged moments is guaranteed to bring on big laughs and “can you believe it” gasps galore.

6. What’s a belief you once held but no longer do?

This one cuts deep, prompting your friend to share a major mental shift they’ve undergone and examine what caused their perspective to evolve. Frame it gently, with empathy and understanding, so they feel safe venturing into vulnerable territory. You might say something like: “I’ve been thinking about how much my worldview has changed over the years – we’re all works in progress, right? If you’re up for it, I’d love to hear about a belief you used to hold but see differently now. No judgment, I’m just really curious to understand your journey.”

Your friend might share about shedding a cherished political stance, religious tenet, or personal conviction. Maybe they outgrew a formerly rigid stance on relationships as they matured emotionally, or abandoned a once-fiery opinion after learning new facts. Their answer will point to experiences and information that changed them – perhaps a persuasive book, an impactful conversation, or a perspective-altering life event.

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As you dig into the “why” behind your friend’s evolution, you’ll gain valuable insight into what shapes their take on the world. You may discover a formative chapter of their history you never knew about, or a line of reasoning that gets you pondering your own beliefs. Witnessing your friend’s growth and change is a powerful way to feel closer to them – you’re glimpsing the malleable inner workings of their mind and personality over time. It’s also a chance to share your own stories of mental transformation, highlighting how you’ve grown together and learned from each other through the seasons of your friendship.

7. If you could have one superpower for a day, what would it be and how would you use it?

This playful question is an opportunity for your friend to imagine having immense supernatural abilities for a short stint. It’s a fun way to gain insight into their values, fantasies, and creative problem-solving skills all at once. When you pose it, ham it up with an excited, imaginative tone: “Okay, here’s a wild scenario for you – if you could have any superpower for one day only, what would you choose and what would you do with it? Sky’s the limit, so dream big!”

A classic do-gooder answer like flying around saving people from burning buildings would suggest your friend is an altruist at heart with a strong protective instinct. A more hedonistic response like “I’d make myself invisible and sneak into the Super Bowl” points to a mischievous streak and a love of a good time. An answer that involves bending others to their will – like mind control or the ability to summon anyone to appear before them – could be a red flag that your friend has an unhealthy yearning for power and control.

Whatever superpower your friend selects, press them for vivid details on how they would use it. What wrongs would they right with super strength? What natural wonders would they ogle with x-ray vision? Which world leaders would they spy on by zipping around at super speed? Describing their hypothetical hero-for-a-day agenda will give you a peek at their true secret wishes and moral priorities. It’s a sneakily revealing game that also sparks tons of laughs as you marvel at the sheer breadth of their super-powered schemes!

8. Who is someone from your past that you wish you had treated differently?

This heavy hitter of a question is not to be whipped out lightly – reserve it for those late-night heart-to-hearts when you and your friend are both in a reflective, vulnerable place. It’s an invitation for your friend to probe their conscience and come clean about a past interaction they regret.

Broach it carefully, perhaps even prefacing it with an admission of your own so they don’t feel cornered. You might say something like: “I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how to be a better friend and family member. I have some relationships in my past that got messy because of my immaturity – like how I snapped at my mom during my teenage angst phase. Do you have anyone from your past who you wish you had treated differently?”

Your friend’s answer will be revealing on multiple levels. It will clue you into a chapter of their history you may not know about – an early friendship, family dynamic, or romantic entanglement that left a mark on them. It will also give you insight into their capacity for self-reflection and their standards for how people should treat each other. Most of all, it’s a window into their growth and how far they’ve come in learning hard lessons.

If your friend opens up about a relationship they fumbled, let them talk through the situation without judgment. Ask what they would do differently if they could go back, and affirm their introspective instinct. Remind them that it’s human to make mistakes, and that the very fact that they’re ruminating on this old interaction shows how much they’ve matured. Help them brainstorm ways to remedy the situation if that feels right, like reaching out to apologize or make amends after all these years. Most importantly, make it clear that you don’t think any less of them for their past blunders – you’re proud to witness their evolution.

9. What life experience has strengthened you the most?

This profound query invites your friend to reflect on the hard knocks that have tested their mettle and contributed the most to their personal growth. It’s a way of honoring the challenges they’ve overcome while also celebrating the grit and wisdom they’ve gained in the process.

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When bringing it up, let your friend know that you see them as a pillar of strength, and you’re curious to learn about the experiences that forged that inner fortitude. You might say something like: “You know, I really admire how resilient you are – you’ve been through a lot in life but you always seem to bounce back stronger. What’s an experience that really tested you, but looking back, you can see that it made you into the incredibly strong person you are today?”

Your friend might talk about a formative struggle from their early years, like dealing with bullies or navigating their parents’ divorce. Or perhaps they’ll recall an adult hardship like a soul-crushing breakup, a period of unemployment, or a brush with grave illness. As they share, listen intently and marvel at their determination to weather the storm.

Ask what tools and traits they had to summon from within to make it through their trial. Maybe they discovered a talent for reframing negative thoughts, or an ability to break mammoth problems down into manageable baby steps. Perhaps they learned the power of vulnerability in asking for help, or unlocked new reserves of patience and self-forgiveness.

Highlight the strengths and skills you see in them now, and connect the dots to show how their crucible experience brought those qualities to the surface. Express your pride in them for overcoming the odds. Remind them that the very things that once tried to break them have become the source of their most stunning strength. Thank them for trusting you with their story, and let them know you’ll always be in their corner cheering them on, whatever life throws at them next.

10. What’s one fear you’re proud of overcoming, and what’s a fear you still want to conquer?

With this two-pronged question, you’re giving your friend an opportunity to celebrate a fear they’ve vanquished while also opening up about an area where they still feel vulnerable. It’s a way of applauding their courage and growth thus far while holding space for them to share a scary next step they yearn to take.

Bring it up gently, with encouragement and the promise of zero pressure. You might say something like: “I know this is delicate territory, so please don’t feel obligated to answer if you’d rather not go there. But I’d love to hear about a fear that you’re really proud of overcoming, and if you’re up for it, a fear you still want to conquer someday. I’m always so in awe of your bravery!”

Your friend might share about slaying a phobia, like finally getting on an airplane after years of avoiding travel, or mustering the nerve to speak in front of a crowd. Or perhaps they’ll recall working up the guts to have a scary confrontation, like standing up to a bullying boss or setting firm boundaries with an overstepping relative. As you listen, point out the milestones on their journey from anxiety to triumph. Applaud their willingness to wade into the discomfort zone for the sake of their growth.

From there, tread lightly as you inquire about a fear they’re still grappling with. It could be something concrete, like a deep-sea creature they’re terrified to encounter while snorkeling, or something more nebulous, like the dread of letting people down or the terror of truly being seen. Whatever it is, let them know that their fear is valid and understandable – it doesn’t make them cowardly or weak.

Brainstorm baby steps they could take to approach their fear gradually. Remind them that courage isn’t about being fearless – it’s about being scared but taking action anyway. Promise you’ll be right beside them offering unconditional support and cheerleading every trembling step of the way. Most importantly, make it clear that you love and accept them wholly – jittery warts and all – whether they choose to charge toward this particular fear or not.


Asking your friends thought-provoking, offbeat questions is a powerful way to take your relationship to a whole new level of depth and understanding.

The 10 crazy conversation-starters we’ve explored here are sure to bring out sides of your friends you’ve never seen before and spark discussions that will leave you both awed and enriched.

So the next time you find yourself slipping into autopilot small-talk mode, whip out one of these juicy prompts and watch the magic happen.

Remember – the best friendships are those in which we feel safe bringing our full wild, weird, wonderful selves to the table.

Here’s to taking the plunge into uncharted conversational waters – enjoy the ride!